Table of Contents

Here is a list of articles in this blog.

Some articles are from my old Tumblr blog, revised and reposted here. The greater part of the material is new.

ALWAYS LOST, ALWAYS HOPEFUL (playthrough, complete)
chapter     1:  Strange Fightfellows
chapter     2:  Climbing Up to Dizzy Heights
chapter     3:  Overkill?
chapter     4:  Short but Pleasant
chapter     5:  Strange People in Strange Places
chapter     6:  Revered, But Not by Everyone
chapter     7:  Pleasing Myself and Others
chapter     8:  Unexpected Results
chapter     9:  Mustn't Get Too Cocky
chapter   10:  Emotions over Sense
chapter   11:  Is It Right?
chapter   12:  Less Work for Me
chapter   13:  All Well That Ends Well?
chapter   14:  Not All Spooks Are Spooky
chapter   15:  Stumbling in Light and Darkness
chapter   16:  Water, Water Everywhere
chapter   17:  Knocking on Death's Doors
chapter   18:  Too Much of Everything
chapter   19:  Faith and Mistrust
chapter   20:  Why Not So Scared?
chapter   21:  Am I Too Harsh on My Fellow Humans?
chapter   22:  Gruesome Greenery
chapter   23:  Profitable Sightseeing
chapter   24:  Good and Bad Disappointments
chapter   25:  Enraptured by Scenery and Machinery
chapter   26:  Shouldn't Make Things Complicated
chapter   27:  I Bring Joy and I Bring Tears
chapter   28:  All Messed Up
chapter   29:  Wrapped in Horror and Compassion
chapter   30:  More Than Just a Cog in the Wheel
chapter   31:  Daring and Puzzled
chapter   32:  Fulfilled in More than One Way
chapter   33:  A Day Washed Away
chapter   34:  Tired of Nothing
chapter   35:  Anger in the Snowfall
chapter   36:  Can We Call It a Day?
chapter   37:  Alive and a Little Amused
chapter   38:  Pointless Risk Can Pay Off
chapter   39:  You Can Sometimes Trust Your Inner Feelings
chapter   40:  Who's Stronger than a Dragon?
chapter   41:  Could I Dance Instead?
chapter   42:  It Was Worth It
chapter   43:  Going Down... up to a Point
chapter   44:  They Walk like People
chapter   45:  Earning Fame the Hard Way
chapter   46:  Badwaters
chapter   47:  Down into the Ashes
chapter   48:  Well-Deserved Award
chapter   49:  Trying to Do What's Right
chapter   50:  Getting and Taking Away
chapter   51:  On the Road
chapter   52:  Hard to Know Where to Start
chapter   53:  Confused and Efficient
chapter   54:  Yeah, Whatever
chapter   55:  Too Peaceful to Sleep
chapter   56:  Cards on the Table
chapter   57:  Rewarded in a Different Way
chapter   58:  Upside Down and Turned to Ice
chapter   59:  "I Need to Talk Down to You Urgently"
chapter   60:  Asking for Trouble in Vain
chapter   61:  This Is Not about Loot
chapter   62:  Selling Is Silver, Killing Is Golden
chapter   63:  Property Sweet Property
chapter   64:  Feeling Squeezed
chapter   65:  From Completely Mad to a Little Mad
chapter   66:  Revenge and Public Service
chapter   67:  Better Luck with the Forsworn
chapter   68:  The One Who Doesn't Search Finds
chapter   69:  Take Nothing but Memories
chapter   70:  Fighting and Non-Fighting
chapter   71:  Did I Do Something?
chapter   72:  Trapped by Feminine Intuition
chapter   73:  On Big Stage without Audience
chapter   74:  Not the Kind of Men I Need
chapter   75:  Fire and Snow
chapter   76:  Fighting High and Low
chapter   77:  I Saw, I Found, I Felt
chapter   78:  Filled with Gossip and Water
chapter   79:  Where Even the Snow Is Dark
chapter   80:  Girl-on-Girl Magic
chapter   81:  Different Men Have Different Pursuits
chapter   82:  Call Me, Restless Draugr
chapter   83:  Tears in the Snow
chapter   84:  Modest Mountaineering
chapter   85:  Successful Above and Below
chapter   86:  Strange Holiday Season
chapter   87:  Visiting the Dead Can Be Useful
chapter   88:  Expect No Mercy
chapter   89:  His Punishment Will Be Much Harsher
chapter   90:  Swimming Round in Cubes
chapter   91:  Losers and Nonsurrenderers
chapter   92:  It Was a Victory, I Hope
chapter   93:  Word of Mouth
chapter   94:  A Staff in His Eye
chapter   95:  Let's Jump Up and Down
chapter   96:  Movement Keeps You Warm in Winter
chapter   97:  Following the Trail
chapter   98:  Know Your Limits
chapter   99:  Cough Up the Money
chapter 100:  Tough Time Getting Those Houses Sold?
chapter 101:  Asking for It
chapter 102:  Boredom and Excitement
chapter 103:  Trouble in Paradise
chapter 104:  Help Us Forget
chapter 105:  Paid Dearly
chapter 106:  Words in the Wind
chapter 107:  Bloody Lucky
chapter 108:  Weighed Down by Darkness and Snow
chapter 109:  Anomalies
chapter 110:  Warmth in the Cold
chapter 111:  Driven by Curiosity
chapter 112:  The Curse of Ingratitude
chapter 113:  Ways of Spending an Afternoon
chapter 114:  Go with the Blues
chapter 115:  The Rubicon Has Been Crossed
chapter 116:  Please Take Me Out of This Place
chapter 117:  Trials throughout the Day
chapter 118:  Thoughts Can Never Hurt You?
chapter 119:  More than We Bargained for
chapter 120:  All in Two Days' Work
chapter 121:  Road to Death
chapter 122:  Surprises All Around
chapter 123:  In Too Deep
chapter 124:  Reunion, Maybe Not So Happy
chapter 125:  Words Come Easy to Them
chapter 126:  Weapons with No Defense Against
chapter 127:  A Happy Family
chapter 128:  Lots of Legwork
chapter 129:  Argonalia
chapter 130:  A Fleeting Crusade
chapter 131:  Thoroughly Screwed, but Basically Fine
chapter 132:  Irresolute Endeavor
chapter 133:  Thwarted and Pierced
chapter 134:  And I Had Thought We'd Be Bored
chapter 135:  There's a Feeling in the Air
chapter 136:  Fog in and outside Us
chapter 137:  From Highest Heights to Lowest Depths
chapter 138:  Snow Job
chapter 139:  Precarious Peace
chapter 140:  From Black to White
chapter 141:  Taking Crazy Chances
chapter 142:  Spiders Are Friendlier
chapter 143:  A Nature Trip
chapter 144:  Somewhat Less Confused
chapter 145:  On the Beaches and in the Hills
chapter 146:  Nice Places
chapter 147:  They're Left in the Dark
chapter 148:  Rewarded More than Enough
chapter 149:  Humanoid Warmth
chapter 150:  Who Likes a Snowy Beach?
chapter 151:  Somebody Made a Killing
chapter 152:  The Keys to My Peace of Mind
chapter 153:  Halls of the Deadly Boredom
chapter 154:  Other Kind of Monsters
chapter 155:  Maybe It Was Too Easy
chapter 156:  Beaten the Way We Didn't Expect
chapter 157:  In Good Hands with the Imperials
chapter 158:  Look at the Gift Crown
chapter 159:  Rain of Ghosts
chapter 160:  The Road More Traveled
chapter 161:  Should Be Happy
chapter 162:  Steering the Forces
chapter 163:  But I'm Keeping the Amulet
chapter 164:  If We Go Back
chapter 165:  From All Sides
chapter 166:  Can't Help Everyone
chapter 167:  High Class
chapter 168:  Welcome or Not?
chapter 169:  Worse than Mudcrabs
chapter 170:  We Came Too Soon, They Didn't
chapter 171:  An Easy Day's Night
chapter 172:  Home, Almost
chapter 173:  Sneaking Around for Trifling Reasons
chapter 174:  I'd Rather Sit Than Kill
chapter 175:  The Struggle for Peace
chapter 176:  Reach Out and Relax
chapter 177:  Over the Mountains
chapter 178:  Perplexion Unending
chapter 179:  Got a Lot on My Mind
chapter 180:  It's Simple, I'm Afraid
chapter 181:  Better Tie Them Up
chapter 182:  Reckoning
chapter 183:  The Ultimate Trial
chapter 184:  Who Cares about the Government?
chapter 185:  You Know Who Has the Dirtiest Mouth
chapter 186:  Maybe Too Serious
chapter 187:  Missing
chapter 188:  In Your Face
chapter 189:  Curiosity Hurts
chapter 190:  Seen All Over
chapter 191:  Back to Normal
chapter 192:  A Lucky Fall
chapter 193:  A Reason to Come Again
chapter 194:  No Chance to Smell the Roses
chapter 195:  Let Love Shine Through?
chapter 196:  Take Me to the Chamber of Dreams
chapter 197:  Shady Applicants Will Have to Wait
chapter 198:  And That's What We Came Here For?
chapter 199:  Inheritable Prejudices
chapter 200:  Cats and Dogs
chapter 201:  Love Thy Foreigner
chapter 202:  Old Thieves, Goodbye
chapter 203:  No Doors Barred
chapter 204:  The Long and Winding Road
chapter 205:  View from the Other Side
chapter 206:  Causes for Bitterness
chapter 207:  Legality of Magic
chapter 208:  Absent Honor
chapter 209:  To Get the Message Across
chapter 210:  Savage Civilization
chapter 211:  The Riddle, the Rapture, the Gloom
chapter 212:  Go to War Again?
chapter 213:  Unveiled Threats
chapter 214:  Conceal and Expose
chapter 215:  Business Is More Pleasure
chapter 216:  Lowly Wizardry
chapter 217:  Some Prefer the Real Talos
chapter 218:  Ahead of the Pack
chapter 219:  Not the Place for a Dog
chapter 220:  Dear Animals
chapter 221:  Killers of Mercy
chapter 222:  Ancient Nords and Old Imperials
chapter 223:  A Heated Welcome
chapter 224:  What Can You Do with Candles?
chapter 225:  Firmish in My Decisions
chapter 226:  Remember to Long
chapter 227:  Brains without Claws
chapter 228:  Drop-Dead Scenic
chapter 229:  Hold Me Tight
chapter 230:  We Can but Hope
chapter 231:  Dreams Beat Curiosity
chapter 232:  Rounding Things Up
chapter 233:  Some People Are Never Satisfied
chapter 234:  Flawless Logic
chapter 235:  Way Out of Reach
chapter 236:  Just Leave
chapter 237:  Between a Fire and a Hot Place
chapter 238:  Is Anything What It Seems?
chapter 239:  Burnt Hopes
chapter 240:  Supreme Inconsistency
chapter 241:  Gone with the Water
chapter 242:  A Nature Lover's Finest
chapter 243:  Headfirst into Danger
chapter 244:  Swift as Lightning
chapter 245:  Driven South to the Land of Ice
chapter 246:  We Want to Chill Now
chapter 247:  No, Thanks, We're Just Looking Around
chapter 248:  Get Naughty
chapter 249:  Soaked before Freezing
chapter 250:  Revitalizing Revisits
chapter 251:  From Hunter to Prey
chapter 252:  Enough of Secrecy
chapter 253:  Premarital Bliss
chapter 254:  Revealing and Stimulating
chapter 255:  I'd Fight Hell to Hold Him
chapter 256:  Can You Hide behind a Dragon?
chapter 257:  Epic Gratitude
chapter 258:  Taking It All In
chapter 259:  What If They See Us?
chapter 260:  Now I Know
chapter 261:  Can't Let Go
chapter 262:  To Great Lengths
chapter 263:  Too Many Targets
chapter 264:  To the Bottom of It
chapter 265:  Tonguesore
chapter 266:  High Underground
chapter 267:  Talk My Mouth Off
chapter 268:  Fly to Your Grave
chapter 269:  Warning from Above?
chapter 270:  Haunted by Hesitation
chapter 271:  Accursed Greed
chapter 272:  How Low Can You Fall?
chapter 273:  About Time!
Epilogue: I Will Remember

bonus chapter: Jenassa's Story

Author's Comments

What is this blog all about?
Copyright information

Did you know you can ignore Steam?
A simple remedy against stutter
An important piece of advice for beginners
What do you mean, you can't rename savegames?
Mystery solved at last: why smithing potions don't work?
How to easily create a perfect Windhelm overhaul
What to do when you can't move
Do quest items weigh?
A remedy against your followers' suicidal combat behavior
What's with the jaw-dropping follower speed bug?
How to make the Falskaar morons move their tardy asses
How to fix broken main quest
Caution! Skyrim Economy Overhaul makes health potions useless
Khajiit Sense of Smell done right
Physiological needs in Skyrim
The Leather weight error strangely overlooked
Bug solved: two female voices during orgasm
How to get your sex partners' size right

Summerset Isle – the best new lands mod
My verdict on Falskaar
The Forgotten City – revisited
Interesting NPCs? Not!
Beware! Legendary Main Quest Expansion fucks up your game completely
SexLab Guild is outrageously offending and staggeringly stupid

Criticism in proper perspective
Bewildering love-hate for dragons
Saadia or Kematu?
Fair prostitute fees in Skyrim
The yoke of weight watching
Skyrim Autosave – couldn't be more wrong
About female jarls
Quite different women in Solstheim
What is the matter with Reldith?
About sex animations

Things you didn't know about Bethesda
Funny unedited screenshots
Quotes about Skyrim
Skyrim subway

Game report: General rehearsal, hours 00..03
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 03..04
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 04..07
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 07..09
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 09..13
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 13..16
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 16..18
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 18..22
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 22..25
Game report: General rehearsal, hours 25..28
My final mod configuration

ABOUT THE PREVIOUS GAME (Deflorator 2017–2019)
Naming and terminology conventions
Review of my mod configuration after 500+ hours
Reasons why I decided to resurrect Mikki

Move it, for fuck's sake!
You can bribe guards – except that you can't
Caution: temporary followers can turn against you
What to do about the uselessness of unique items?
What fucking gold??
The mind-blowing nonsense of fast travel
The absurd impossibility of (profitable) stealing
Towns? You must be kidding
A hilarious "realism" mod
Faster arrows? How stupid can people get?
An epically idiotic article I saw