This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-11-26 06:13
Silver Wind Tavern, New South Road, Falkreath, Skyrim
In the back of the inn, there's a door that leads to a mine. It's huge. By far the largest mine I've ever seen. It has wooden walkways and staircases going up and down as well as in various directions.
To explore it all is utterly hopeless. In fact, I'm rather amazed when, after reaching a dead end with an exit gate that won't open, we succeed in finding our way back to the tavern.
All in all, New South Road is a pointless waste of time. We hurry back out, hoping to get into sunlight or at least snowfall.
The road to Helgen is snowy, but the weather turns beautiful soon, as well as increasingly warmer, the closer we run to Riverwood. But I'm getting ahead of events, sorry. Quite close to New South Road is Orphan Rock, that place with horrible witches where we got Nettlebane from at the time when I was a fledgling rookie. Today, as we exit New South Road and go through the bushes headed in the general direction of the road, we get showered in Destruction spells and shaken all over. We kill two witches and I can see there's a third one, but she's very good at hiding and I can't be bothered to go chasing her.
Having reached the road, we run west. When we pass by Helgen where the road turns north, the bandits notice us and shout lewdities to us, but we ignore them.

This is further north, on the east-west road that connects Aurora and Riverwood.
Note the Falkreath–Whiterun hold border banner on the right.
Note the Falkreath–Whiterun hold border banner on the right.
We reach Riverwood without any further events and go straight to the inn. The door has barely closed behind us when Rudelphine hurries to me and says: "I don't think you were followed." She sounds like genuinely scared of being discovered.
My girls park their behinds on chairs and stretch out their tired legs with visible delight while I follow Rudelphine to the basement. She tells me she has a plan to smuggle me into the Thalmor Embassy where I can snoop around and see if I can find any information about the dragons. The plan is to get me an invitation to one of the ambassador Elenwen's parties that are (usually) held on the 1st of each month. The next one will be in 5 days from now and I'm to meet Rudelphine's agent Malborn in the Solitud on that day inn at 11:00.
Fine. I'll try to be there on time. But now – shopping! It's a delight to walk around under the fine afternoon sun and greet the nice villagers, above all my friend Camilla who is just as happy to see me. But I won't stay long. I want to visit the shops in Aurora as well, and reach Falkert tonight.
On our way to the west, we make a brief stop in Oakwood, the little village just east of Aurora. It's heartwarming to see people going peacefully about their everyday business undisturbed by any wars or dragons or thalmor embassies.
In Aurora, a panting courier approaches and gives me a birthday congratulation from the Winterhold College. They must have sent it away in the morning of the 19th, not knowing I would arrive in Winterhold later on the same day.
While I'm in Aurora, I naturally want to make another attempt at finding Lorm. He's not at the inn, but people tell me he has returned from his travels. There's no one in his house, though. I pick the lock to make sure. It's a simple but nice (and definitely wifeless) house with a big comfortable bed. I go out again, completely clueless. Now, who's that man over there just about to reach the inn door? I rush to catch him. It's Lorm! Where have you been, man? I won't ask him, and I'm not going to admit that I just broke into his home. Instead, I ask if he's still available. He is. After a little hesitation, I choose Jordis to be sent away and hire Lorm as my third follower.
After reequipping Lorm, I must say he looks totally ridiculous wearing a Glass Helmet. The Vampire Armor doesn't really fit him either. I think I'll give him his old helmet and armor back, weak as they may be. He'll simply have to be more careful during combat then.
But now it's half past five in the evening and I'm eager to make love, – as, I'm sure, is he. Now, I've told you I'd like to go to Dreamborne Isle with him, and Aulbryn's House isn't even too far away. But at this moment I'm too impatient to travel even that short distance. Lorm's house will have to do.
You'll remember I had plans on traveling to Falkert today. There would still be time to catch a trader or two, and I'm in no hurry to jump in the sack with Lorm, because he'll be available all the time now. I'm aware of all that, but I just can't wait. I must get it right now.
We go into Lorm's house and strip naked quickly. Before I really realize what's going on, Lorm has picked me up, carried me to the bed and thrown me onto it. I shriek as I fall down. The next moment he forces my legs apart and penetrates me. Wait, I had something more gentle in mind! I try to push him away, but he's much too strong. I'm pinned down and banged. Subjugated. Conquered. Possessed. Used. I can't move my upper arms, and Lorm's lower body keeps thrashing into mine and there's nothing I can do about it. I close my eyes and try to relax as much as possible.
I'm not even too surprised when after a while something in the core of my female being takes over and I no longer care about being completely powerless to prevent whatever's being done to me. Guess we women are just built that way. I have entirely lost the will to affect anything. I mean, he could put it into my butthole and then into my mouth and I would just suck it. For that matter, he could kill me now and I wouldn't lift a finger to defend myself or try to call for help.
I lose all sense of time. I think I come twice, but I'm not sure as the whole world goes blurry for some time. I feel so exhausted that I want to beg Lorm to let me rest, but even more strongly I feel reluctant to do anything to disrupt this perfect, absolute surrender.
Finally Lorm begins to moan and throb. Having released all his passion into me, his heavy body remains lying on top of me, panting. After a while, I risk to move myself to try and hint gently to Lorm to leave me some breathing space too. He unmounts me, I move a little to the side, raise my numb arms and delightedly take a few deep breaths. I feel... I don't know, mashed. I look at the clock. It's a little past 8 in the evening. I can no longer remember when we started. I turn my head to the other side. Lorm is sleeping. With some effort, I get up from the bed, find a blanket and spread it over him. I climb under the blanket, cuddle up with Lorm's warm body and, feeling his powerful slow breaths, quickly fall asleep.
next awakening
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