
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (102) Boredom and Excitement

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-201-11-27 02:52
Lorm's House, Aurora, Falkreath, Skyrim

I reach out with my hand and touch Lorm down there. Just curious. It's soft. I take my hand away, pull the blanket aside and lie myself onto him.

"Good morning, dear," I say as he wakes up. I give him a gentle kiss and get out of bed. He grabs my wrist and won't let go.

I look at him and raise my eyebrows. "You want something from me?" I ask, imitating the haughty intonation of the High Elves. Then my eye falls onto his penis. It's rock-hard. Seriously? I watch it with unbelieving awe. I know, in principle, that men usually have a hard-on when they wake up (don't ask me why), but I can't help being amazed by it every time.

Lorm's hands motion me to lie down onto my side. Guess the rest of his body isn't so eager for physical exercise so early.

"I'm cold," I say as the blanket slides onto the floor.

"I'm not."

So I lie there and let him do his thing. I'm in no hurry anywhere, especially this early, so I won't mind if it should last long enough for me to come too.

It doesn't, but at least I'm no longer cold. After he has pulled out, I turn around to cuddle, but Lorm is already getting out of bed. I grab his forearm with both hands, but he just stands up and I get pulled along. I place my arms around him and hug him tightly. My mouth is reaching out for his. He bends his head down and we kiss passionately.

While we're getting dressed, quickly as professionals, I think I really ought to talk to Lorm about his behavior last night, but I don't know what to say.

Then I step up to him, put my hand under his clothes and grab his balls. Squeezing ever so lightly, I look him in the eye and say "Don't forget I'm the boss."

"Of course," he replies with the subtlest hint of a smug grin. Still looking me in the eye, he slowly takes a step back and I have to let go in order to not hurt him. While he tidies his clothing, I quite unnecessarily adjust my hair and then put my helmet on. As I turn my back on Lorm, he slaps my butt and says: "Lead the way, boss". I hurry to get out the door lest I turn around, drop down on my knees and start sucking him.

I've got to find a moment and tell Lorm he absolutely has to behave when we're in Windhelm, and that it's really very serious and non-negotiable. I won't jeopardize my relationship with Yrsarald, not even for Lorm's sake.

But that's a long way away. Right now, we're going to Falkert. I know that if we go by road, we'll arrive hours before the people we need to see are up and working. I therefore decide to go through the Shriekwind Bastion, the northern entrance of which is right outside Aurora, whereas the southern entrance, as you may remember, is high on the mountainside overlooking Falkert. Maybe it's just a couple of caves with trolls, but maybe we'll get lucky and be able to kill two or three hours there, arriving in Falkert when the shops will have already opened.

I've also been thinking that if that "praefect" Wilaar is still in Falkert, I want to do that adventure he asked me to participate in. I'm mildly fed up with the familiar locations in Skyrim and want to experience something different.

But first the Shriekwind Bastion. It's a dungeon, so it doesn't matter that it's still nighttime.

As I thought, it's inhabited by draugrs, as well as an odd vampire. What I didn't expect is the open space in the middle with several levels of stairways and openings going gods know how high.

I have the distinct premonition that we won't be out of here in two or three hours.

Indeed, as we grind our way forward, we climb higher and higher, and help the undead back into death, and have to go through gratings that apparently have switches hidden somewhere in this maze, and I'm decidedly not in the mood for going and exploring every nook and cranny for those switches. That said, I do try to find one switch in vain, and then I just ask Bardslayer to open those damned things for me and he doesn't need to be begged. We're thinking along the same lines here.

Eventually we reach a hall from which we really can't find a way forward. The Clairvoyance  spell seems to be leading us back to the entrance near Aurora. Screw that! Wild horses couldn't drag me all that boring way back to the same bloody nothern entrance. So Bardslayer teleports us to the platform outside the southern entrance, me first.

I see a skeleton nearby. I can't be bothered with the bow. I just grab my dagger and run to the skeleton to hack him in pieces. A moment later a dragon arrives.

We kill it and with his last breath he disappears behind the mountains and falls down dead somewhere on the other side. Well, screw him and his soul! We're going to Falkert.

It's half past nine already. We descend along the same creek as the last time. I make jumps that might be just a little too dangerous. Then we wash ourselves under the waterfall and arrive in the town in a more or less amicable mood.

I tell the girls to show Lorm around while I visit Nuri at the Ayleid Artifacts shop to bring him the Welkynd Stones. He is very happy and gives me a really cool sword as a reward. Nice. Maybe I'll become an Ayleid fan myself someday.

I walk around saying hello to a couple of guards I don't know and have a friendly chat with Lod the blacksmith. When I step into the inn, my heart leaps upon the sight of a Khajiit man. I've seen him here before.
I order a drink and ask the proprietress Valga about him. She says he's a traveler and his name is Shasien.
I hesitate, but then think "What the heck?" and step up to him and say hello. "How can I assist?" he asks. I already know it to be a common Khajiit politeness. I sit down with my drink and introduce myself and he does the same.
Greatly worried that Lorm might enter any moment, I ask Shasien questions about him, trying to sound as friendly as possible. To my great relief, he doesn't take long to suggest we take a room. (Or, come to think of it, it was not really a great mental feat. What else would a woman come to sit at a man's table for?)
However, I don't want Lorm to return in the meantime and see me come out of a room with Shasien. That's why I suggest we go to the abandoned shop across the street. (It has to be empty at this hour of the day, because the dead shopkeeper's brother is working at the sawmill.)
I ask the maid Narri to look outside and make sure there's no sight of Lorm. Telling Shasien to follow me casually in two minutes, I leap across the street, unlock the door and enter. When he arrives, I lock up behind us and we go upstairs.
I am not disappointed. My new-found awesome furry mate gives me a long and most pleasurable treatment.

Too bad he doesn't want to stay for a cuddle and a chat afterwards, though. He seems to think that a woman who jumps in the sack with him so easily isn't worth his attention. Or maybe I did something wrong? This is only my second time with a Khajiit.
Whatever. I'm happy regardless. I love Khajiits. Yeah, I know I've told you that many times already.
Shasien leaves. Five minutes later I exit the shop.

It has started to rain. My followers are in the taproom. Narri gives me a joyful wink behind Lorm's back. Evidently he is not suspecting anything. Careful not to look in Shasien's direction, I sit down next to Lorm. We chat a little, the four of us, until Wilaar comes out of his room. He stops and looks at us uneasily. I nod and motion him to sit down with us.

Thanks to Lorm being present, Wilaar refrains from lame witticisms this time, which makes him actually bearable. He informs us the passage through the mountains that leads to the bandit fortress is called Halldir's Cairn and lies just a little way southwest of Falkert.

We leave at half past two in the afternoon and head for the road southwest. Halldir's Cairn is almost on the roadside. Now Wilaar thinks the time is right to tell us that this cave is occupied by some other bandits whom we need to kill in order to get through.

Well, let's go in then.

Holy cow... As soon as we've entered, the enemies are all over us and they're everywhere. My followers are also everywhere. So I do the only thing I can – ready my bow, find a position where I can hit an enemy without hitting an ally, and shoot. And repeat, many times. Pure routine, really. It's something of a chaos, but without any panic on our part this time. Gradually the enemies get fewer and then they're all dead and we're all alive, Wilaar just barely. But he can walk, so we move on, to find more bandits in next caves.

I've told Lorm to stay behind me and not rush into the thick of it, but as soon as I engage the enemy, he dashes past me. He just can't keep his distance. Once he runs into my fireline so fast I can't avoid shooting an arrow into his back. I guess I won't give him his crap armor back after all. I need him alive, no matter how ridiculous he may look in a Vampire Armor. And looking a little ridiculous serves him right for treating me like a slavegirl.

As to Wilaar, he's a completely pointless jerk. But at least he knows the layout of this area which, in case you want to know, is called Missing Pauldron Cave.

Leaving the cave, we arrive in a large valley between what Wilaar says sare called Jerall Mountains. Across the valley is a really very big fortress.

At Wilaar's suggestion, we first clear the mine which is in the farther end of the valley next to a small lake, and then the signal tower somewhat away from the main gate.
naked dead man with arrows in his body lying among brownish grass and little snow, dusk about to fall soon
One of the bandits outside the signal tower (after we looted his corpse).

In the latter, there are sleeping cots. Although it's only 8 in the evening, I decide we'll get some sleep and continue attacking the enemy in the early morning, before the sunrise.

next awakening

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