
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (171) An Easy Day's Night

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-02-05 06:07
Mages' Guild, Shimmerene, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion

Vera's birthday present is already waiting for us on Quillinda's desk. I'm sad that I won't get to see Agol.

We have a wash with Spriggan Soap and use the spell to be teleported to Winterhold.

I presume everybody knows about Alduin's death by now, at least everybody in Winterhold. That's why I decide not to enter the town. We run down to the ocean shore straight away, to avoid getting caught in celebrations and such.

As we travel westwards along the coast, the horkers and snowbears let us get really close.
[series of 2 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then press the right arrow to see the next picture etc.; press  Esc to return to the text]

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop them from attacking each other, so we still end up having to kill one bear. We also slay a dragon, and as we're approaching Dånstar, one horker whom I want to give a friendly pat gets hostile for some reason and we have to run away.

There is no avoiding of celebrations in Dånstar where really everyone has heard about Alduin's death. I decide to give in and let the townspeople throw a big party in our honor. They deserve it. No, wait, actually I am the one who deserves it, am I not? Anyway, the mine owners decide to quit the working day four hours earlier than usual and all the other employers follow their example.

As the people return to work in a quite happy mood, Lydia disappears with her boyfriend while I use the time to do some crafting:

Jordis and Jenassa whom I sent to rent rooms for us at the inn return after some walking around and picking up gossip to inform me that the innkeeper insisted on not taking any money from us, but we could only have one room, because all the others are full. This is very unusual. Then they keep me (and the crowd of children gathered around me) company.

By the time I'm done reequipping my followers, many tables with food and drink have been brought to the harbor and onboard a couple of big ships. Nobody minds the cold. In the midst of merry singing and dancing, I have to tell people about killing of Alduin in detail and answer countless questions.

We enjoy ourselves thoroughly. I feel it's much better to celebrate this great achievement of mine in a smalltown among simple people instead of a snobby city. However, a few hours after sundown I realize I'm not as resistent to the northern Skyrim climate as the locals are. Apart from which, I'm quite tired of talking. So I excuse myself and return to our inn room with Gregor, accompanied by a number of somewhat lewdish but quite well-meaning comments.

I tell Gregor he can do to me whatever he pleases as long as he doesn't ask me any questions. When he hesitates, not entirely sure he has understood me correctly, I add that I would be grateful if he chose the correct hole, but yes, he can just use me in any way he wants to. (I don't know what made me give myself under his complete power like this. When I discuss it with the girls the next day, they suggest I wanted to find out if he has it in him. That's probably what it was.)

Gregor chooses a position that is physically quite taxing for me.

I don't understand why I have to do such silly acrobatics, but I won't say anything. Should I lose my balance and fall, it'll be his problem to figure out something. Soon I don't even care, because the sensation of his thrusts overwhelms me. When I'm approaching the climax, Gregor begins to slap my butt with his free hand. (The other one is supporting my raised leg.)

With his thing still moving back and forth inside me, I'm torn between "I can't believe it's being done to me" and "This contrast of sensations is amazing." Utterly unable to decide how to react, I just let myself go and let it happen. I've heard women talk about "sweet pain". Now I know what it means. I ram my body into his as good as my exhausted support leg allows, moaning louder and louder, and then the spanking ceases, Gregor's both hands grab me tightly and he explodes into me.

This is so awesome. I'm jubilant from the realization that I had given Gregor the liberty to just please himself, but he waited until I had had my orgasm. When I get to put my other leg down, I turn around to face Gregor and kiss him eagerly. Then I try to look at my right buttock, but I can't tell if anything is visible. I ask Gregor if it's red. He says not as red as my upper chest. I suppress the impulse to threaten him with my fist, and then I laugh in spite of myself.

It has been quite clearly audible for some time now that the party has at least partially been transfered to the taproom. While I crash onto the bed, I tell Gregor to stick his head out the door and give the girls the sign they can come in. It's past midnight and they're eager to get some sleep, as am I.

next awakening

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