
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (170) We Came Too Soon, They Didn't

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-02-04 05:01
Temple, Alinor, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion

Don't ask me how I feel. I feel I can just barely endure another couple of days in Summerset.

But (unsurprisingly) the girls refuse to leave until I've shown them The Lounge. So we go and take a look.

The bright side of it is the sun has risen by the time we're leaving, so we won't have to run through the forests in darkness.

I decide that instead of going to Sunhold, we'll travel east, to see if there's any news in Holly Falls. It's a very nasty climb, but I would feel bad leaving them sitting underground waiting for my help for what could be weeks. From Holly Falls, we'll proceed further east-southeast, skipping Sunhold altogether. The chances are excellent for us to be able to travel to Skyrim tomorrow and have plenty of time to reach Hviterun by the 7th as planned.

To my disappointment, the people of Holly Falls are not yet finished packing up. So we just get out of that hellhole again and proceed towards Aro Pass and ultimately Dusk.

light glistening on the surface of a small pond in the midst of high grass and reeds and spruces
This is that fascinating little pond shortly before Aro Pass. I can't get enough of it.

There are no new bandits to kill in Dusk. I tell the girls to sit at the inn or something while I go visit Bradwin.

This time it's just beyond my wildest dreams. I'm having one orgasm after another. It might well be the best sex I've ever had in my life. I'm beginning to understand why Jenassa is so crazy about High Elves. Wait, Bradwin is a Wood Elf. Well, they're pretty cool as well. By the way, for some strange reason, the Wood Elves in Aldmeri Dominion are much taller than the ones in Skyrim. I've gotten used to thinking of Wood Elves as small and miserable and pathetic and unhappy. But here they are almost as tall and confident as High Elves, to the point that it's often difficult to tell them apart.

This, by the way, is a Ranger Armor  which I picked up somewhere:

It goes with Ranger Pants , but those are so tight I can't put them on. Very embarrassing. Then again, my legs really aren't too thick, are they? Those pants are simply not made for normal women.

Bradwin confirms that my legs are top grade. I change into a normal armor and go to the inn to fetch my followers who seem to be having a jolly good time talking to those two men apparently residing there. Let's hope they didn't get drunk. (The girls, I mean.)

The girls give me very amused looks. I can only pray they didn't tell the men what I had gone to do. Yes, I know the guys probably guessed it anyway and I shouldn't worry about it in the first place, but I still can't help being shy about it.

Full of energy, I more fly than run along the coastal road towards Mana Grove ahead of my followers. As I approach, I can see three creatures who look like spriggans. Strangely enough, they seem to be fighting each other.

I approach carefully, not sure if my early morning bath with Spriggan Soap will make them think I'm their friend. Well, the answer is "no". All three spot me from quite far and attack me. We succeed in killing them, even though we have to do some running away for taking health potions.

Then we find the Black Pearl which is floating in the air. I can jump just barely high enough to reach it.
Laura and Lydia stand in knee-feep water looking at a small blue-black sphere floating in the air
I'm the one with the sword.

Then we run towards Shimmerene along the road with a beautiful view down to the ocean shore.

When we arrive, the marketplace is still bustling with activity. Once again I'm irresistibly drawn to the Orc trader Agol. Maybe she wouldn't see it as a compliment, but she's like a man, in a good way. It's most frustrating I can't figure out how to get close to her. With great sadness, I have to settle just for usual trading.

Wait! Can she make me a small pahmar out of coral by tomorrow morning? She's a mage, not a blacksmith, but I ask her anyway.

Yes, she can. She'll have it delivered to the Guild. No, it's all right, I can come here and fetch it myself. No, it's all right, she can have it delivered to me. Very well. I'll be waiting.

In the Mages' Guild, I give the pearl to Bolwing and he tells me he'll need one last ingredient from a place west of here, southwest of the Riverfield village.

Well, that'll have to wait for our eventual return from Skyrim.

After my earth-shattering union with Bradwin earlier today, I just can't stand the thought of doing anything with my Shimmerene boyfriend Dulizar. So I tell him my period has started. It's not even an absolute lie because it will in six days from now. Yeah, it's still a lousy lie, I know. But if I hadn't lied, I would have hurt Dulizar's feelings.

Now, it's half past 7 in the evening. We didn't even spend a whole day on our journey from Alinor to here. But of course having a day in reserve is better than running late.

If it wasn't for Vera's birthday present, we could travel to Winterhold right now. But since we have to wait until the morning, we go and chill on the beach.

Our plan is basically to go to Hviterun via Dånstar, and we have two days and two nights to get there which is more than sufficient. I think we'll spend the whole of tomorrow in Dånstar and travel to Laintar Dale and Hviterun in the morning of the 6th. Then I guess I'll take Lucia to a trip to Riverwood. My followers can come with me or stay behind in Hviterun as they please.

Lydia says she'll come with us. She has no one particular to be with in Hviterun, and we both know that when I'm traveling with a child, two bows will be a lot better than one. We'll probably spend the night in Riverwood and return on the 7th for Vera's birthday party.

Jordis and Jenassa are going to stay behind in Hviterun. Jordis will want to be with Erik and Jenassa wants to just spend time with her old friends and get the updates on what's been going on in their lives. And possibly sort things our with Anoriath, which, as we hardly need to tell her, is way beyond overdue.

During the evening, some students join us and ask us about our travels and such. Eventually, we retire to the dormitory.

next awakening

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