
What to do when you can't move

This article doesn't contain any spoilers.

I have noticed three types of glitches which break your game because they make it permanently impossible for your player character to move around.

1. Unescapable location

There are at least two places, one near Windhelm and one near Morthal, where uncautious rock-climbing can result in your jumping down into a space between rocks so high that it's physically impossible to climb out again. You can move back and forth all you want, but you're doomed to remain in those few square meters for the rest of your life.

It can also happen (albeit rarely) that after sex you find yourself in a space between, say, a bed and a wall. You can turn in every direction, but you can't move away from that space.

This is obviously an abnormal and unrealistic situation which is not your fault.

In order to correct it, open the console. Make sure there is nothing written on the right side. If necessary, click the right mouse button until the right side of the console is blank. Then enter the command
This is is short for "toggle collisions".
Close the console.

Note that now you can float in the air and move through solid objects. Use this opportunity to move until you are hovering a meter or two above open ground or floor. Open the console and enter the command tcl  again. After you've closed the console, you will fall down (safely unless you had flown into crazy heights) and can continue to play normally.

2. Movement controls non-functional

Sometimes the WASD  keys have no effect. You are not stuck anywhere, you should be able to move, but for some strange reason nothing happens when you press the movement keys. Like, in my most recent game, I was at Helgen, kneeling on that chopping block and the dragon arrived and everything was in turmoil and they shouted me to get up and run away, but I couldn't – the movement keys weren't working.

Should that happen, open the console and enter the command
This is short for "enable player controls".
Close the console.

Now you can move like normally.

3. On your knees and can't get up

As far as I can tell, this only happens if you have "Player as victim" enabled in SexLab Defeat , and automatic health renegeration disabled. (Meaning, most of you will never see this.)

The glitch occurs, I presume, because your health is below the sexual assault threshold, but your allies haven't yet been defeated, so you'll just have to sit and wait. However, it's illogical for you to remain stuck in that state. If there is no further assault, you ought to be able to heal yourself with a potion or a spell. Unfortunately, you can neither access your inventory nor do magic while on your knees. Evidently the author of Defeat  assumed that once you're on your knees, you either get raped, after which you can get up again, or your health regenerates and you can get up again and resume fighting. He didn't consider the special case where the player uses a mod that disables automatic health regeneration.

If this happens to you, enter the console commands
player.getav HealRate
player.getav HealRateMult
player.getav CombatHealthRegenMult

and remember or write down the values returned.

Then type something like
player.setav HealRate 1
player.setav HealRateMult 100
player.setav CombatHealthRegenMult 2

Close the console.

Now your health should begin to regenerate. If it's too fast or too slow, you can adjust the above parameters. Your overall health regeneration will be proportional to the product of the three, so it doesn't matter which one you change, as long you you make sure that none of them equals 0.

Keep in mind that these parameters are stored in your savegame, so after regaining your ability to move, you might want to change them back to what they were.

3a. Follower on her knees and can't get up

Should your follower be stuck on her knees after combat, even though at full health, use the shout Unrelenting Force  on her.

If you don't have the shout yet, enter the console commands
player.teachword 13e22
player.modav dragonsouls 1

Close the console. Press Tab to enter your Magic inventory. Go to the dragonshouts section. Use the dragonsoul to activate the shout. Then you can use it.

It's impossible to remove the shout, but that's not a problem. When you are later given the shout the regular way, it won't break anything. It won't be listed twice in your Magic  inventory. You will still have the first word of the shout, activated. After you get your first dragonsoul, you can just keep it for future use. It's a compensation to you for the game having screwed up your follower and left you worried she might be broken beyond repair.