This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-08-24 08:26
Uthgerd's House, Hviterun, Whiterun, Skyrim
I go to report to Avulstein that his brother Thorald might have been taken to Northwatch Keep. He says he knows the place and can show it on my map. He sits down next to me so close that our bodies touch. Then his hand brushes against mine while he is marking the location of Northwatch Keep on the map. It's very far in the northwest.
Without pulling away, I ask him what "Sovngarde" means. He says it's the realm of Aetherius where Nord heroes are rewarded by Shor with an eternity of revelry in the Hall of Valor. In simpler words, it's a place where warriors fallen in combat go after death. Their souls go, that is.
His other hand has moved up my inner thigh by now. At least I believe that spot is technically still thigh.
Well, one thing leads to another and soon I'm under Avulstein, naked. He ends up enjoying himself greatly. I do not. What is wrong with the men in this city? I'm getting disheartened.
I leave without saying anything and look up Amren to give him the sword I found and ask him if it's his father's. He replies it is and he's extremely grateful and will be happy to do me any return favor. I enquire innocently how his wife is doing. He answers vaguely, clearly disliking the topic. Looks like the rumors were right, but I'm not going to learn any particulars from him. So I drop the subject.
After a brief visit to the marketplace, it's time for me and my followers to move on.
Our next destination is Orphan Rock where we are going to retrieve a magic knife or dagger called Nettlebane that is needed to save a holy tree in Hviterun. As a matter of fact, I remember Orphan Rock now. I've had many very scary nightmares of the place in the past. There are extremely dangerous witches there. I hope we can handle them, the four of us, but I'm not at all sure that all of us will survive the encounter.
Passing by the Honningbrew Meadery, I decide to drop in and ask about Raven's missing daughter. The man I happen to address, August, is extremely rude. I don't even want to tell you what he said to me. It's too disgusting. I think I'll kill him someday. Just walk up to the bastard and stab him in the back or something.
I did get a tip on the missing girl, though. I might follow up on it when I happen to be in southeastern Skyrim.
We turn onto the familiar Hviterun–Riverwood highway that runs along the riverbank most of the time. Halfway to Riverwood, we wash ourselves thoroughly in the river, because I didn't want to spend money on the bath in the city.
At the Riverwood inn, I pick up another bounty letter issued by the the jarl. This time he wants some bandits killed in Valtheim Towers. Vera tells me it's east of Hviterun and it's supposed to be extremely cool and she's always been very keen to see it. Jenassa has of course been there and says it's just a bandit stronghold and a real nuisance to the travelers, and it's nothing awfully special, we'll see ourselves what it's like when we get there.
Today, we're going in the opposite direction. This mission is on the request of the priestess of Kynareth, not of the jarl. It's not for monetary reward, just public service.
Our destination is on the other side of those mountains:

These houses are not really askew. They look like that because things become round when very close to the edge of a picture.
The technical term for it is "spheric distortion" or something like that. I know it looks ugly, but I can't do anything about it.
The technical term for it is "spheric distortion" or something like that. I know it looks ugly, but I can't do anything about it.
I find my boyfriend Hadvar. There is no time for sex, but I ask him about orphan Rock.
He says there is no direct way to the southeast. We'll have to bypass the mountains from the north and then west. The road will pass by Helgen quite close, but we won't need to actually enter the village. Helgen, as you probably remember, is where my "adventure" began a week ago.
Before we leave, I arrange to be alone with Jenassa. I want to know what Lydia's story is.
"She's a foundling," Jenassa informs me. "The city guards chasing some bandits picked her up I don't know where. They took good care of her. Lydia had much better luck than that Lucia kid."
"You've known Lydia since she was brought to the city?"
"Yeah. Although I never cared much about her. I mean, she was just another Nord orphan girl. I had lots of things on my mind without her. I actually spent much time out of the city. But the word was she was enjoying herself among all those swords and shields. And eventually she became a woman, if you know what I mean. Young and innocent, with male warriors her only family..."
I nod.
"And then someday, somehow, she found out what decent girls aren't supposed to do."
"Right. But the strange thing is no one has been holding it against her. The guards still adore her like they used to, and other people avoid bringing her past up."
"So, does she have anyone right now?"
"Not as far as I know." Jenassa supports her forehead on her hands pensively. "I've been talking more to her in the recent years, but not so much about personal things. She's always been curious to know about my work outside. Adventures, as she calls it. And I've been having the impression that she can't really talk about anything else but weapons and fighting. She's been trying to build a normal relationship but... yeah, I don't know. We haven't really been talking about those things. She certainly isn't sleeping around the way she used to. That's all I know. Or, actually, there's one more thing. Other women have been saying she's very self-conscious about her..."
"... breasts."
Jenassa nods. "I don't know, maybe somebody has said something to her."
I wouldn't be surprised. Men can be very cruel occasionally. I mean, not cruel. Hurtfully thoughtless.
"What do you think... Look, I'm just going to tell you an idea, okay? Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad..."
"Sure, Laura, go ahead. I won't laugh."
Yeah, you don't much. "I know a spell that can increase a woman's breasts. Should I offer to use it on Lydia?"
"Are you sure it works?"
"Yeah, the spell feels right. You know, the way you you feel when a spell is a real spell."
"Yes, I know the feeling." Jenassa falls silent for a few seconds. "Well, my guess is you'd make her the happiest woman in Skyrim."
"I'd love to make her happy."
"But I've never heard of such a spell. Where did you learn it?"
"Well, Jenassa, I'd like to tell you, but unfortunately I don't remember."
"Oh, of course. I'm sorry Laura. I keep forgetting." And now we both laugh.
"No problem. Thanks, Jenassa. Let's get going."
Lydia and especially Vera are dying to know what we were talking about, but I cut their questions short and check all their gear thoroughly instead, talking with mock military harshness. And then we set out without any further delay. We're late enough as it is.
It's already dark when we arrive at Orphan Rock. Sneaking closer is hopeless. The witches notice us from an incredible distance. They're not all that difficult to beat, though.
Rune traps on the ground are far more dangerous. I walk into two or three and take heavy damage each time. Then the witches are dead, but there's a horrible humanoid creature called a hagraven on a nearby hill. It takes me quite an effort to find a way up there, and the hagraven is really tough to kill. My followers who were extremely helpful making short work of the witches earlier are now stumbling in darkness somewhere below me, so it's just the hagraven and me. With great effort, I finally kill her. It's on her corpse where I find the enchanted dagger Nettlebane we've come here for. Rather than some kind of a tool for sacred rituals, it turns out to be a really strong weapon, seemingly better than the enchanted sword I've been using so far.
There are tents with sleeping mats nearby, apparently the home of those witches we killed. I decide we'll spend the night here.
next awakening
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