This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-04 05:44
Fort Frostmoth, Solstheim, Morrowind
As we exit the fortress, I sense an ash-spawn up in a tower. He can't see us and we can't find a way up to his position, so we just leave and head east.
Shortly before Tel Mithryn, we encounter an elf named Revus who is offering all passersby an opportunity to look at a rare animal called siltstrider . At first glance it's similar to a netch, and it's indeed of similar size, but actually it's an 8-legged arthropod.
Revus tells us he raised that siltstrider and now it's so fond of him that it wouldn't leave. Revus earns his daily bread trading. He doesn't charge people for climbing onto that fantastic animal.
Tel Mithryn is not far. We only stop there long enough for me to sell a few things. I won't even stay and talk to the wizard Neloth like Storn suggested, because, as I said, I won't have anything to do with those Black Books. Instead, we go and liberate the shrine-builders at the nearby Sun Stone.
There are no difficulties. I look at the men we have freed. None of them is too prepossessing. Today should be the last day I can have sex, which is why I intend to hurry back to Ravenrock and try to lure Captain Veleth into bed. I really want him. He looks kind of... strong. The girls agree with that opinion, but he is mine and they'd better remember it. I ask Jenassa what Dark Elf men are like, and she says they're not special in any way, except that, elves having a very long lifespan, they may have a lot more experience than human men.
After a little reflection, I decide we'll proceed northwards to Skaal, from there westwards to the Water Stone and from there along the coast to Ravenrock. If we'll arrive in Ravenrock so late that I won't be able to find a sex partner, then so be it. I mean, Ravenrock traders have too little money, so I want to sell as much as I can in Skaal. Greed beats sex drive. Besides, Veleth may be busy or something, so it's not necessarily wise to hurry back to Ravenrock just for his sake.
Turns out the only trader in Skaal is a middle-aged woman named Edla. She informs us that her son Nikulas wants to leave the village and be an adventurer. She asks me to tell him how dangerous it is. Well, the son turns out to be a grown-up man. He finds the life in the village very boring. I am not going to talk him out of his plan. Edla is evidently one of those evil parents who refuse to let their children have lives of their own.
Water Stone lies almost directly to the west, but the terrain is extremely difficult. That's why we go northwest first, trying to bypass the very high mountains that are north of Miraak's temple. We walk into two Riekling ambushes. The second one is quite serious.
Even a opportunistic snowtroll joins the battle on the Rieklings' side, and when I sigh of relief after the last Riekling has fallen, a scary spider whiter than snow (really!) with yellow eyes attacks me.
The said Rieklings were gathered in front of a White Ridge Barrow which appears to be one of those ancient ruins filled with ghosts. We won't stop to explore it. It's getting on 3 in the afternoon. We have plenty of time to reach Ravenrock by the evening, but hardly for exploring some dungeon in which I haven't got the slightest interest to begin with. We most certainly don't have to kill every walking skeleton in the world.
Looking for a way across the mountains, we arrive at a lively river that flows into the ocean. Obviously we need to cross it, but where? Certainly not up here where the banks are tens of meters high. Our best bet is to follow the river downstream. Sooner or later there's bound to be a place where we can swim over. The map indicates that Water Stone is not on the ocean shore. It's a little way into the interior and possibly sowewhat higher than the coast. That's why I'd like to cross the river as early as possible, so we wouldn't find ourselves on the shore unable to ascend back to Water Stone.
Rushing downhill ahead of my followers, I arrive at a place where I can actually see the Water Stone. It's a few hundred meters away, at the same elevation as my current position.
I will cross the river here:
I will.

Trying to swim in armor is out of the question here. The drop down the waterfall just beyond the lower right corner is deadly.
And I did:
Approaching Water Stone, I remember to teleport my followers to me just a moment before a Pigmask attacks. He's quite tough, but we eventually kill him.
The lurker who rises from the water after I've done my thing is no weakling either, but he's much too slow and makes the mistake of focusing on attacking the liberated workers in his immediate vicinity, while me and my followers overflow him with arrows from the distance.
Just as I throw the last glance around me to verify that our job has been properly done and everything is in order, I hear a dragon roaring in the sky. I spare you the details. Eventually we kill him too. And now we can, goddammit, finally head south for Ravenrock. We have a chance to reach it before dark.

That's Bloodskal Barrow where we survived those horrible undead and traps the other day.
The northern gate of Ravenrock is not far beyond those hills.
The northern gate of Ravenrock is not far beyond those hills.
Just as we're about to enter through the gate, another dragon attacks the town. This one is by far the hardest yet. That is because we are close to the high and thick fortification wall, and just as I run in, the dragon flies out and vice versa, so 95% of the time, there's the town wall behind him and me. I can hear the dragon attacking targets here and there and am worried sick that he'll kill some of the traders who are scarce as it is. I hope that at least my girls are somewhere where they can hit him.
Finally, the dragon lands, heavily wounded. It's outside the town. I run to him and bring him almost to death before he takes off one last time, but it's too late. One more arrow and he's dead.
Cheering people are coming out of their houses while I walk towards the inn. The Orc Mogrul, the loanshark, stops us to tell us we fought as well as any Orcs would. I suppose it's a huge compliment. So I thank him and he asks if he can buy me a drink. I refuse politely and say I have no time because I have to go and make report to the captain of the guards. Mogrul is kind of too big and scary, you know.
Guess whom I see in The Retching Netch? Captain Veleth. I report on the job done at Fort Frostmoth. Then I let him buy me a drink which I badly need while he tells me that Second Concilor Arano (the same man who upon our arrival demanded to know why we had come to Solstheim) wants to talk to me about something highly important and secret. I inform Veleth that I have something no less important and secret to tell him in my room. He doesn't object. How could he?
Veleth is not too bad-looking for an elf, and what he does to me is spectacular. It's like he's able to see inside me and touch exactly the most sensitive spot with each thrust. He gets me to scream almost instantly. Even though the doors are thick here, I'm afraid people in the taproom can hear me, but I don't even care.

I can see the lust in his eyes. Veleth makes me feel more feminine, more beautiful, more desirable than I've ever felt in my life.
His orgasm seems to last forever, and so does mine.
Before Veleth leaves, he reminds me to go and see Arano as soon as I can. Sure, anything you say. I'd go and see Miraak if Veleth asked me to. But right now, I'm like pounded dough. As soon as I can, he said, and I won't be able to get up from this bed before morning. Why did Veleth have to leave anyway? It's almost midnight, too late to get anything more done today. Why am I going to have to sleep alone after this earth-shattering oneness we had? Life's so unfair sometimes.
I'm fast asleep before my followers return to our room.
next awakening