This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-03 04:23
Bloodskal Barrow, Ravenrock, Solstheim, Morrowind
We wake up a little before sunrise. Looks like we're more or less back in the normal daily rhythm now.
There's an exit nearby. I'm delighted to be back in the open air after a long time, even if it's on a narrow stone bridge high above the ground and I can sense several bandits in the fortifications ahead of us that we'll have to pass through.
I have made up my mind. I will cleanse the last two "free" stones – Water and Sun. The stone that is bound to the Temple of Miraak itself will have to remain as it is. I don't want to go into that revolting ghost realm, not even for a purpose as noble as destroying Miraak. I'm not going to have anything more to do with any of those Black Books. With the Water Stone and Sun Stone, I will have liberated most of Miraak's slaves and prevented him from taking over Solstheim. After that, things can remain in this stalemate. I'm emotionally not strong enough to bring this quest to the victorious end. Sorry as I may feel for the rest of those zombified builders, there are many other evil things in the world I can fight without exposing myself to unspeakable horrors.
Of course, I can change my mind anytime. ;-)
But our immediate goal are the bandits before and below us. Fortunately, they turn out not too difficult. Soon we have descended to the ground.
Then we have a wash in the ice-cold ocean (good to do occasionally so you won't get too soft) and return to Ravenrock which is at a stone's throw.

That is one of those big sea animals called netches.
Don't ask me how those thin tentacle-like extremities can support their body weight.
Don't ask me how those thin tentacle-like extremities can support their body weight.
After smithing, I can't sell our entire excess loot, but I hope there'll be a trader or two in Tel Mithryn, that settlement south of Sun Stone where I intend to go soon.
During my shopping round, I learn that Milore the alchemist has lived in Morthal and knows the alchemist Lami. Although that will hardly interest you, will it? [Chuckle.] Then I go to report to Crescius about our find in the mine. He is overjoyed and even has hopes of getting some compensation from the East Empire Company. As soon it's polite to leave, I say goodbye and depart for Tel Mithryn with the girls.
We head south first, planning on bypassing the mountain range, after which we'll turn east towards Sun Stone.
However, not far from Ravenrock we see the remains of a farmhouse, next to which a combat is going on between uniformed humans and some humanoid things. Keeping our distance, we start shooting at the strange creatures.
Unfortunately, only one human survives. He turns out to be Captain Veleth of the Ravenrock guard. He tells us that those weird beings were ash-spawns and in recent weeks they've been attacking Ravenrock. Looking around together in this long-abandoned farm, we find evidence suggesting that the attacks have been organized by a General Falx Carius. Veleth knows the name. It's a man who's supposed to have been dead for 200 years. He used to be the garrison commander at Fort Frostmoth which is about halfway from here to Tel Mithryn. The Captain asks us to go and investigate while he rushes back to the town with the news.
Fine. It's on our route anyway.
A little further east, we find another, somewhat less destroyed wooden house which apparently belonged to a man Hrodulf. From there it's not far to Fort Frostmoth. The fortress looks formidable, but isn't in fact, as there are heaps of volcanic ash everywhere, so in some places you can actually climb over the defense wall.
[series of 2 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
We meet indeed many ash-spawns. They are somewhat scary and mildly repulsive, but not awfully hard to kill. After we've put General Carius to his overdue death, it's almost night, so we'll sleep in this decrepit old fortress.
next awakening