This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-01 23:22
Greathall, Skaal, Solstheim, Morrowind
It's almost midnight. We're headed for Ravenrock. In our path lies one of those building sites – Beast Stone. That one is mostly manned by Rieklings, the midget people I briefly mentioned yesterday. They speak an incomprehensible language. I mean, incomprehensible to me and my followers.
Just like at the previous site, a lurker arises from the water. After we've killed it, another fight breaks out and I can't tell in the darkness who is fighting whom. We take no part in it and nobody attacks us.
We reach Ravenrock after 2 o'clock in the night. After a bath, I take a closer look at our loot. Most of it is useless, but we have also found a few enchanted items of some interest.
Then we take a little walk and check out the temple where we're informed that it's for believers only and we are not welcome. Whatever.
It's already morning when Jenassa asks casually if I have already heard there's another one of Miraak's building sites not far from here.
Of course! We need to cleanse the Earth Stone northwest of the town, the one where I woke up the other day.
We go and do that and by then the shops have opened. Unfortunately, Ravenrock isn't exactly a trade hub. Traders don't have very much money.
I witness an argument between a fierce-looking Orc Mogrul and the farmer Garyn who is the husband of the alchemist Milore. Apparently Mogrul has lent them money and is now demanding payment. I don't like his bullyish manners, but then again he's entitled to get his money back. So I'm staying out of it.
After walking around and talking to some people, I decide we'll check out the mine next, trying to find that dead man and his journal.
There isn't much to report. Dimly lit caves swarming with (mostly) draugrs. Lots of water everywhere.

That draugr, already heavily wounded, was hit by an arrow of mine. It made him lose his balance.
He is currently falling down into the water down below where we will continue to attack him.
He is currently falling down into the water down below where we will continue to attack him.
Eventually we reach a huge cavern. At the far end is a door with some glowing things on nearby walls.
To get there, we have to jump down from one ledge to another. Near that door, we find the dead body of Gratian Caerellius. And his journal.
The problem is that it's impossible to climb back up. The only way out is through that closed door. The journal says that the door should open when you do power attacks against those glowing things with a greatsword called Bloodskal Blade that is lying nearby. I realize I know this place from a dream I had in the past. As I stand there with that red glow physically in front of my eyes, memories come flooding back to me – how I kept hitting at those things time and again, and occasionally something moved here and there, and yet the door never opened.
I don't even need to beg Bardslayer for help. He knows I haven't got a chance, and brings us magically through that door.
After some more horrible traps and mildly frightening battles, we find another Black Book. I read it and end up in a sinister ethereal realm similar to the last one. A ghastly ghostly voice gives me some lengthy incoherent blabber about some knowledge which I have a chance to discover. He says I also have the choice of reading the book again to return to my world. I do that.
On our way out, we see a group of normal human bandits for a change. Regrettably, we have to kill them. We find beds. Great! We'll sleep here.
next awakening