This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-05-11 09:13
Elisdriel, Hjaalmarch, Skyrim
Ghorbash and I enjoy each other one more time before joining Lydia and Jordis downstairs. I'm not really hungry, but Ghorbash eats for himself and three Lauras. Then we have a wash in the river and play a little with the wild boar who guards this place when we are away.
Our plan is to travel to Solitud via Dragonbridge today. We could take the shorter route along the road that passes through that bandit camp where I was stupidly careless the last time, or we could travel via the village of Dunstad Grove northeast of here.
I choose the second option, because it gives us an opportunity to pass by Crabber's Shanty and see how that Khajiit orphan Ma'isha is doing and if she would possibly want to live in Markarth, now that I have a house there.
Well, Ma'isha looks really happy. She's a little scared of Ghorbash who is so big and different, but I assure her he's actually very kind. I leave them and the girls talking and approach the fisherman Pinarus who has been taking care of the child. I learn that she has completely gotten over her grief. She enjoys the life of a fisher and has even befriended some children in nearby Dunstad Grove which they visit on a regular basis. So I won't need to worry about Ma'isha anymore.
This is great news. Having promised Ma'isha to come to visit her again, we leave for Dunstad Grove where we spend an hour shopping and socializing.
Everything is peaceful. As we leave, it occurs to me that the Morthal Branch of The Naked Dragon is conveniently in our path. "I was wondering when you'd remember," laughs Jordis.
We are made no difficulties when we enter the brothel under the pretext of searching for skooma. This one seems to cater for less sophisticated clientele. The mood is relaxed, to not say inert, the rooms are rather rustic
and even the girls are fully dressed in the socializing area.
We are explained that this old building gets somewhat cold in the winter. So maybe that's the reason why the girls are not made to walk around half-naked.
A couple of the girls are very cute, but one is really old. They seem to be kept very busy, though, so we leave them to their work and go and search the storeroom to not come across as liars. It's behind that bar you can see beyond Ghorbash:
While going through the motions, we chat with the nice Khajiit proprietor Ji-Zahr. I happen to ask if he knows Dar'Jidarr of Dragonbridge, and he replies he knows him all right but he certainly wouldn't do business with people like him. He seems to like me, though, because when we're done with the search and my followers leave the room while I remain behind alone, he goes on talking and mentions that there's really no market for forced prostitution in Skyrim, because the Nords are repulsed by sexual slavery. A brothelkeeper offering slavegirls would go bankrupt here. Nord girls are, however, highly valued in some other parts of Tamriel. Then again, catching them and transporting them away without getting caught is extremely difficult. Definitely not worth the risk. Naive adventurers such as Dar'Jidarr come to Skyrim after big profits and end up sorely disappointed. He hasn't at least lost his life, so far.
The weather outside is still beautiful. We run west and wave hello to the Imperial soldiers at Fort Snowhawk. Further west, it's a little foggy, but I decide to turn off the road all the same and run through the forest that I've told you reminds me of home. Soon we reach Dragonbridge.

For heaven's sake, child, what are you thinking sitting in a place like that? Where are your mother's eyes?
We do a little shopping and a boy asks us many questions about our adventures. I think he lives in the last house on the left side on the road towards Solitud. This one:
We visit the Stormcloak camp on the coast next, and by half past three we arrive in Solitud.
Now, in the southwestern suburb, there's another brothel-called-bathhouse. More precisely, the beautiful sign says "Bathouse". I wonder if no one has noticed yet or are the deliberately keeping it to attract attention. We go in and don't even bother to mention looking for skooma. This is a modest establishment with only one bedroom and only one girl. Although the gorgeous-looking receptionist-proprietress Cirilla admits she can also be had when the customer is generous enough or the other girl, Miara, is unavailable.
Miara, unperturbedly naked, shows us around. They actually have a nice if simple bath, and you can absolutely bathe here while someone else is being served upstairs – the sex room (which is coincidentally the two women's bedroom) has another exit. In general, they take things less formally here than inside the city walls.
Me and my followers enter the city proper now. First, a visit to the inn:

Lisette is joyful as always.
I keep wondering who that man on the right is. He would never talk to any of us.
I keep wondering who that man on the right is. He would never talk to any of us.
I notice Carlina, but I no longer care about trying to coax more information out of her. I don't want to explore Cave of Borea for her. She had better find someone else to do her dirty work.
To avoid her approaching me and enquiring about my (lack of any) progress, we leave the inn soon and proceed to the palace where I introduce Ghorbash to the jarl and leave him talking with her bodyguard Bolgeir while the girls and I go to ask Sybille about the latest news. I enquire if she knows of anyone with initials MV having recently arrived and possibly being on the run from the thalmors. She says she doesn't know about the last part, but Legate Malpen Velvus of the Imperial Army was transferred here from Cyrodiil and arrived a couple of days ago. I should ask around in the fortress.
I thank her and withdraw with Lydia and Jordis to discuss last night with them. We really ought to have group sex with Ghorbash. There's no danger of him running dry. Lydia's period should end the day after tomorrow and mine ought to begin on the 17th, so the 15th would be perfect. Orc men should have no scruples about having various sex partners, but to make sure, Jordis can seduce him tonight, I suggest. She thinks it's a very good idea. And then we'll let him rest a couple of days before having an orgy. Jordis is particularly excited about it. As you may remember, she wasn't there when we had group sex with Erik in Elisdriel.
Now I go alone to the fortress.
A soldier leads me to Legate Velvus. The latter gives me a lot of poppycock about the Dominion being so awfully strong and the very fate of the Empire hanging on a thread. It's a good thing they sent such a coward away from Cyrodiil. Anyway, Velvus informs me the army has intelligence info about a possible secret thalmor base called Fort Snowshield in the mountains northeast of Laintar Dale. He marks it on my map.
I won't stay for a longer discussion. I'll go and check that secret base out and then we'll possibly get an idea how dangerous or undangerous the Aldmeri Dominion is.
On my way out, I run into General Tullius who says something very nasty to me I'm not going to repeat here.
I ask him if he's going to remain like that forever. He asks what I'm talking about.
"What am I talking about? You ordered my head chopped off, remember? I had done absolutely nothing wrong, just walked peacefully on the road minding my own business, after which I was stopped by a group of men who happened to belong to the Strmcloaks and then your people attacked us and the spell cast by your mage caused me to lose my memory. And no one even bothered to ask if I was in any way connected to the Stormcloaks. Yet, all the time after that you've had the nerve to treat me like some kind of a criminal while in fact I have every right to kill you and your henchmen."
"And just how would you do that?" he asks calmly.
"I killed Ulfric Stormcloak, didn't I? Although on second thought I'm not entirely sure a dagger would cut through your skin. I'm not sure you're even human. I'd better let Sybille find out."
He hesitates for a couple of seconds and I go on: "You really ought to be tried for attempted murder. In public. I wouldn't bet on even your own soldiers defending a man who wanted to have the Dragonborn executed. We would chop your head off right here in Solitud. Your puny little emperor is too much a coward to do anything about it afterwards."
Something from what I said must have touched Tullius's stoneheart somehow, because his voice doesn't quite sound his usual when he says:
"I'm glad you succeeded in escaping from Helgen."
Now is my turn not to know what to say.
"Can we talk, Laura?" He points with his jaw. I shrug and follow him into an office where he asks me to sit down.
"I'm human all right, and quite common weapons can injure me, I assure you." He looks at me intensely and I feel a little uncomfortable. "I gather you remember now what happened before you were caught."
"Do you know I had traveled to Falkreath because our priest had learned the Dragonborn will be in that area, and so had Ulfric?"
"I do."
"We did what we did in Helgen because we couldn't afford to waste time on interrogations and trials, because we had to find the Dragonborn. Yet, we couldn't just stab Ulfric to death in the forest and be done with it. We had to show the population that he was a criminal and we were the law. So we took the lot of you to Helgen to get it over as quickly as possible and to resume the search. And yes, obviously I made a terrible mistake by not realizing the Dragonborn could be a woman, and I'm sorry I had condemned you innocently to death, but when in war, one sometimes has to do horrible things."
"So you admit that the Stormcloaks were one of the sides in a war, not just common criminals?"
Tullius realizes he's trapped. "Whatever. This is not what I wanted to talk to you about. I am the commander of this fortress and therefore ultimately responsible for whatever occurs here. I don't like your talking to that panic-monger Velvus. He makes it sound like the Empire is doomed, while in fact our army is stronger than ever and ready to fight. My superiors are eager to go to war, not against Skyrim in the interests of the Aldmeri Dominion, but against our real enemy. It's the nobles who are hesitating, afraid their palaces might end up looted or their pampered sons having to risk their life and limb.
That said..." he penetrates me with his piercing eyes, "I am an officer of the Empire and am not allowed to show any hesitation. Men who let enemies see their weakness may become emperors, but they don't become generals in the Imperial Army. Neither do men who don't obey orders. Do you understand me?"
"I have had to do things I was not happy with, but I am a soldier. However, now that you have drawn my attention to it, I realize I've been harsh with the people around me when in fact I'm mad at the corrupt leadership whose interests I'm forced to defend. You seem to think I hate you. In fact I've been talking to you the way I normally talk to the people around here, and only today did you make me realize I've been wrong taking my frustrations out on my subordinates."
This is quite sensational what I'm witnessing right now. I dare say I know a thing or two about men, and I can't probably even imagine how difficult it must be for someone like General Tullius to admit he regrets something he has done. A Nord man in his place would probably never find enough courage to open up like he just did.
What would be the right thing for me to say in a situation like this? I don't know really.
"Tullius, can we make a deal?"
"If you stop treating me like a thief on the run, then I will stop threatening to let Sybille drink your blood."
He laughs. "You've got a deal. Believe it or not, I really am sorry I almost got you killed in Helgen."
I nod. "I'm sorry I insulted your Emperor. Surely he's not all that bad."
Guess the ice has been broken between us now. Was about fucking time. I mean, not fucking . Heaven forbid!
"Laura, can you tell me who the hell that Velvus dude is?"
"Excuse me?" I'm baffled. Tullius asks me who Velvus is? Isn't he Velvus's superior officer, as well as ultimately responsible for whatever occurs in this fortress?
"He came here with credentials from the head of the... never mind what. He has secret orders which not even I am allowed to know. I mean, it's normal procedure in..." He hesitates again and I help: "...Penis Occultus?"
Tullius falls silent and stares at me as if I had just grown a beard.
"I'm sorry, I mean the secret service of the Empire. They have that complicated name I can never remember."
And now Tullius can't hold it back any longer. He fills the room with roaring, deafening laughter.
"For heaven's sake, Laura," he finally speaks, gasping and wiping tears form his face. "Don't ever say that in Cyrodiil or you'll get in very serious trouble." And then he laughs some more, albeit less turbulently.
I wonder no one has yet come running to find out what's going on. Tullius notices me casting a glance at the door. "This room has been specially made very soundproof. You don't want to know what we usually use it for."
"So are you saying Velvus is from the... secret service?"
"I'm sure he is. It's well possible he's not even a real army officer. But what did you and he talk about?"
"Um... Maybe I'd better start at the beginning?"
"Please do."
"I paid another visit to Hammerfell. We succeeded in killing all the thalmors in Elinhir – the village, not the city of Elinhir," (Tullius nods, evidently aware of the difference), "but then we saw a large-scale battle between the thalmors and the Alik'r Warriors, and the latter seemed to be even in the advantage, but then they attacked us too and we retreated to Skyrim."
"Yes, that's the reason why Yrsarald and I decided not to leave a garrison in Hammerfell. Because the locals were hostile to us as well."
"I know. Now, before we left Hammerfell, we happened to find documents suggesting the Empire had sent someone named MV to Solitud to try and find out where I am. The thalmors considered it extremely important to intercept and kill him, as well as me, as they've been trying to do for some time now. And that's the reason why I came to Solitud today."
"So, and what did the...," he looks like struggling to suppress laughter, "the secret service want with you?"
"They have found out there's likely to be a secret thalmor base in the mountains southeast of Dånstar, but they have no idea about its layout and defenses and manpower, so they needed someone to go and try to infiltrate it stealthily and they figured I would be best suitable to do that."
"And if you and your followers got killed, the thalmors wouldn't know the Empire knows about their base, because you are known to roam all over Skyrim and you could have well found that base by accident."
"Yeah, guess you're right."
"But it doesn't make sense!" shouts Tullius. "A secret base in mid-northern Skyrim? How do they resupply it?"
"But there has to be a base. Where do all those thalmor patrols come from? Surely not from Hammerfell and Cyrodiil."
"Have you seen many recently?"
"Um... no, I haven't, actually. Only a few since the Civil War ended and both sides began to hunt thalmors down. But an unusually strong group of thalmors attacked me recently, and they had been sent specifically to kill me – evidently because they knew Velvus was sent to contact me and they wanted to prevent it even though they didn't know exactly what it was he wanted from me."
Tullius shakes his head slightly. "I still find Velvus's news hard to belive. But I guess you can go and take a look. Just be damned careful."
"I know."
"I'm not sure we can completely trust Velvus," Tullius adds pensively. "My chief mage says his credentials are genuine, but the way he talks like we're bound to lose the war... An agent of the Penitus Oculatus wouldn't say such things without a good reason."
"Which could be...?"
"I've no idea, yet. That's what worries me. Better watch out what you say around him."
"By the way," I suddenly remember something. "Velvus told me the Dominion had bribed pretty much all the people in key positions, so the Empire wouldn't prepare for war and the Aldmeri attack would catch them unawares."
"Yeah, they wish! We've been preparing for the new war ever since the politicians betrayed us in the Great War. There will not be another ignominious surrender like that. The army will..." He falls silent as if with sudden fright and looks involuntarily around in the room.
"...seize power if necessary?"
"Laura, you'd better leave now. You are dangerous. Your presence makes people blab."
"I'm sorry," I say with a bright smile that testifies of the exact opposite. We stand up and Tullius walks me to the main hall where we go our separate ways without a word.
This went really well. But the day is not over yet. I catch up with a little girl on the street and ask her what she's doing outside at this hour. She says she's Svari, the daughter of Addvar and Greta, and she's not supposed to talk to strangers.
Svari lives in a house not far from mine but much smaller. I tell her how I talked to a dragon up a high snowy mountain. Svari is utterly fascinated, and tells me in turn how her mother is grieving her brother Roggvir. As we stroll along the street, Svari says Uncle Roggvir just disappeared one day and she was told that she can never see him again, so she presumes he's dead.
The name Roggvir sounds familiar. I won't say it to Svari, but I've heard it told that after Ulfric had killed High King Torygg, a city guard opened the gate for him, thanks to which Ulfric was able to escape. The guard was executed for treason. Was his name Roggvir? Could have been.
Anyway, Svari's mother Greta has begun to avoid people, but having no one to talk to is really hard on her. That's why Svari would like me to try and make her sensible again. She says her father is still at work, so right now would be the perfect time. And that's their house right here.
What can I do? I enter the house. There's indeed a woman Greta inside, all alone. She is cross for this intrusion and Svari's indiscretion, but she soon breaks down and tells me between sobs how her brother Roggvir, twin brother in fact, is indeed that guard whose head was chopped off after a fierce beating. She can't make herself look people in the eyes after that. Could I try and find the amulet of Talos that Roggvir had been wearing? He'd had it ever since he was a child. She had a similar one, but her husband took it away and destroyed it after the worship of Talos was prohibited. He had no power over Roggvir, but he wouldn't let his wife go on wearing something so dangerous. The point is, if I could bring Roggvir's amulet to Greta, she would have something of her twin brother always with her and that would give her the strength to carry on.
This is decidedly not the time to tell Greta she ought to sort things out with her husband instead because he is the one who's supposed to give her strength to carry on.
It's early enough, so I can take care of this matter right now. The Hall of the Dead is quite near. The priest Styrr lives in an apartment above it as is customary. He remembers the amulet and says it was laid to rest with Roggvir's mummified body and should still be there. He asks what about it. I hesitate and then I feel I can trust him, so I tell him Greta asked me to bring it to her. Styrr says: go ahead.
I wonder if I should gather up my followers, but then I figure I can handle a few draugrs on my own.
It was the right decision. I find the amulet and there aren't even any draugrs. Styrr asks me to tell Greta that whenever there's something bothering her she has no one to talk to about, she can come here. And Jarl Elisif is determined to have a shrine of Talos reinstalled in the Temple of the Divines without delay.
I bring the amulet to Greta who really looks like waking to life when she puts it on. Great. I ask her not to be harsh on Svari, and she smiles happily and says of course she won't, she's happy that Svari happened to talk to me.
Now I can go home.
That's their house, by the way:
Tonight I'm letting Jordis and Ghorbash have the big bedroom. Lydia and I will sleep on the smaller beds in the basement.
next awakening
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