This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-05-10 11:23
Uthgerd's House, Hviterun, Whiterun, Skyrim
Lorm wants me to suck this time. Come to think of it, we haven't actually done it all the way before this morning.
We have a bath and then I chat some with Lucia, Ysolda and Carlotta on the marketplace and shop a little.
Needless to say, I instruct the city guards that their order to not let Lorm enter the city is now canceled.
The priestess Danica allows me to talk briefly to Cairine of Markarth. She looks almost normal by now. I tell her she mustn't think she's too old. She can start a new life in Hviterun. A great number of doors will be open to her and I shall give her all the help I can.
I hope I'm getting through to her. (My interest in this, just to remind you, is to make her tell me interesting things about important people in Markarth.)

In the middle is the sacred tree Gildergreen and right from it the temple of Kynareth.
Beyond it and all those houses is the main city gate. Down on the left side you can see Heimskr preaching.
The stairway on the left leads up to Jorrvaskr, behind which is the gate to the eastern suburb.
The jarl's palace is behind me. And the small stairway on the right behind the two firebowls leads to the Hall of the Dead.
Beyond it and all those houses is the main city gate. Down on the left side you can see Heimskr preaching.
The stairway on the left leads up to Jorrvaskr, behind which is the gate to the eastern suburb.
The jarl's palace is behind me. And the small stairway on the right behind the two firebowls leads to the Hall of the Dead.
Then me and my followers head for Blackmoor.
It starts to rain. We run past a giant camp named Bleakwind Basin and reach Blackmoor by half past 4. Not exactly good time-planning, but let's hope the remaining daylight is going to be sufficient.
We walk to the graveyard a little way outside the town gate. One grave has indeed been dug up very crudely. Funny the people of Blackmoor bury their dead in graves rather than store mummies on shelves as is the custom elsewhere in Skyrim. Come to think of it, many inhabitants of Blackmoor look a little different and speak a little differently. Maybe they're descendants of some immigrants? Got to find out someday. But right now we have a job to do.
Luckily, Ghorbash is really very good at tracking animals down. They haven't gone very far. In a little cave southwest of Blackmoor, we find the corpse of Forad which the animals haven't even eaten. I'm letting Ghorbash carry it back to Blackmoor.
Valandro was right. Such behavior is not at all typical to animals. Besides, all four of us have a weird spooky feeling in that cave, and we're all eager to leave it. But I can't find anything tangible. So we just return to Blackmoor.
I tell Valandro who is praying at Forad's grave that this is all we can do for him. He says, no problem, he'll check the cave out with Andurs of Hviterun and see if they can find some traces of the magic used on those three animals. We've been of big help, he says.
Valandro has obviously a lot of work to do, so I won't bother him with the question how come they bury their dead in this un-Nordish manner. Besides, night is falling. I wonder if we should run to Elisdriel for the night. I'm curious to have sex with Ghorbash. He wouldn't win any beauty contests, at least not in Skyrim, but he's very big and strong, and I've never been with an Orc man before. And by heading out from Elisdriel tomorrow morning, we could make good use of daylight on our way to Solitud. I've told you we'd like to return to Hviterun by Heidi's birthday in three days from now. Then again, we don't really have to hurry to Winterhold to take Jenassa back. Nothing bad will happen if we continue running with Ghorbash for some time.
The point is, we're not really in a hurry, but Elisdriel is close enough to reach it comfortably tonight, and it's a very nice place to be. And I saw my kind-of-boyfriend Anedhel on the street yesterday and it reminded me of that embarrassing experience four months ago and, well, it's a nice evening, so let's run to Elisdriel, right?
Actually, it's quite dark already between settlements. We can see just about enough to find our way almost correctly. Elisdriel, though, is still so amazing with all those lanterns and things.
I take Ghorbash upstairs. I must say he's quite handsome for an Orc. And his butt looks gorgeous!! Although I get to see very little of it, but that's all right. Our lovemaking is sensational. I had been slightly worried that maybe Ghorbash has been too successful in following the age-old Orc custom that men other than the village chief suppress their sexual urges. As soon as we get naked, I can see that my fear has been groundless. Have I already told you that it's one of the most miraculous sights in the world how a man's body part that has nothing like a bone inside rises up at the sight of your nakedness?
We go on late into the night. I have to give Ghorbash a few tips, because he really has been living sctrictly by the Orc customs so far. I mean, seriously, this is the first time ever he's having sex! I'm most grateful for having been granted this experience.
During one of our resting pauses, I get to know that Orc boys aren't even told anything about sex. I ask Ghorbash if women were one of the reasons why he wanted to leave the village. He says, no, he had no idea, and now he's horrified to think what he would have missed. In fact, he says he never wants to leave me, and I explain as gently as I can that it's impossible for us to stay together, but I shall introduce him in Solitud where he has, firstly, a lot of opportunity to make himself a name as a brave warrior and, secondly, can get to know a wide variety of women. As my ex-follower, he will be looked upon very favorably.
After three ejaculations, Ghorbash doesn't look exhausted by a long shot, but I decide we'd better get some rest. This will not be our last night together. I caress his delightful strong tight buttocks before I fall asleep profoundly happy.
next awakening