
About sex animations

Perhaps a tiny spoiler insofar as it points out some flaws in sex animations you might otherwise have a small chance of not noticing.

When a man is able to build a car with his own two hands, I respect and admire him immensely.

However, when all the cars he has built have five or three wheels, four-wheel cars being distinguished by their absence, then I can't help respecting and admiring him a lot less. I can't help wondering what is wrong with him. If he has such awesome skills and is ready to spend all that time and effort, what in heaven's name is preventing him from doing it right?

That is the thing with Skyrim sex animations.

I can't even begin to estimate the amount of skill, effort and time necessary to make two Skyrim characters actually copulate, moving smoothly, body parts aligned, breasts bouncing – in short, to create an immersive experience the reality of which is striking. Someone who can do that is a fucking brilliant genius. Therefore I just have to ask – why did those fucking brilliant geniuses, with that awesone skill, having spent that incredible time and effort, feel they had to put in even more time and effort to add elements to their sex animations that make them grotesquely exaggerated?

Many sex animations included in SexLab Framework  are physically impossible. Mind you, I am not talking about things like bodies being horizontal on uneven surfaces, which of course can't be avoided. When I say "physically impossible", I mean things like a horizontal body, legs in the air, moving up and down while supported by nothing but one arm. Why has it to levitate in such an absurd way? Why not have it supported by legs, or just let it lie still on the ground and let the partner on top do the movements?

Even among those sex animations that don't contradict laws of physics, most include superhuman acrobatics. It destroys immersion possibly even more than the physical impossibility. People don't have sex in such circus artist positions.

Not physically impossible but quite unnatural is several animation authors' desire to make the passive partner move as much as possible. To name just one example out of many, have you ever seen a woman who, in the missionary position, raises and lowers her head during sex? Like, all the time, with each and every thrust? I'm telling you, it gets really annoying.

Other disturbing details which you may not pay much attention to at first but which really begin to irk you after you've seen them ten or twenty times include:

1. Women (other than Khajiit) don't open their mouths properly when they suck dick. Strangely enough, men do.

2. It's beyond absurd when buttocks bounce like breasts.

3. There's one animation whose author needs to learn that the vagina is between the thighs, not in the middle of a thigh.

4. In one blowjob animation where the man is standing up and the woman is kneeling, the man is waving his arms back and forth, and it looks EXACTLY like he wants to push the woman away but doesn't dare. I have seen a porn audition video where the man was slapping the woman's tits and she was raising her arms halfway to her breasts and then moving them back and forth awkwardly, obviously torn between the reflex of defending herself from the pain and the conscious decision to tolerate the abuse in order to be accepted for the job. That's what the man's arm movements in that animation look like – as if having his dick sucked caused him considerable torment, but he had been given a strict order not to defend himself. I don't think the author of the animation had such blatant nonsense in mind. He just felt, for some strange reason, that he had to make the man move his various body parts all the time. He is making the same mistake in his other animations, but they are not quite so absurd.

Why do the creators of sex animations prefer fancy and fake over simple and believable? What is the point of overdoing it thus? What is wrong with creating simple sex animations that look real? It's difficult enough. Why have the authors chosen to do significantly more work and add elements that turn their animations into absurd overkills?