This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-09-17 01:17
Frostfruit Inn, Roriksted, Whiterun, Skyrim
Having gone to bed very early, I wake up in the middle of the night and spend a couple of hours improving our gear. After that, I have to kill some 5 hours before I'll be able to sell our excess loot. I have no idea what to do, so I just return to the inn. Erik, the innkeeper's son happens to be up, apparently standing in for his father who is sleeping. Erik strikes up a conversation with me.
We talk about this and that, and then Erik suggests we continue our conversation over there, in that unused guest room. He sounds a little awkward and, if I may say so, doesn't look like he's even talked to all that many women until now. And yet I sense something about him that makes me curious.
I look around me. The taproom is empty. No one will see me going into a private room with him.
"Okay." I walk ahead of Erik. When turn around before the bed, the excitement in Erik's eyes makes my knees go weak. I think he's in love with me. And if he's not, he's bound to be in an hour from now.
He doesn't seem to know what to do, so I just begin to undress and after a second he follows my example.
What can I say? Our lovemaking is absolutely fabulous. I'm going to spare you the details, but I haven't been so happy for ages.
Afterwards, we lie in the bed, cuddling. Erik mentions that after I killed that dragon a couple of weeks ago, Roriksted has changed a lot. There always used to be so much bickering and petty envy, but now the people have realized that they really need to stick together and support each other when there are such horrors flying around.
Then he tells me he yearns to become a warrior, but his father won't let him. I caress his delightful muscular arms. He's strong all right, but I'm not sure how long he would survive fighting bandits in the wilderness.
Not knowing what to say, I ask Erik to let me sleep a couple of hours until the shops open. He says he has to go back to work anyway. Should his father happen to wake up and find the inn unattended, he'd be very cross.
Later in the morning, when I'm done with my shopping, me and my followers head for Dragonbridge. Conveniently on our route is Brood Cavern where we ought to find a shipment of Void Salts that rightfully belongs to a young captain from Dånstar who asked us to help him out when we have time.
On our way to Brood Cavern, we have plenty of time to fill each other in on last night's events. Just for your information, we always tell each other everything, but I'll do my best to not bore you with all that gossip.
It's an utterly lovely morning.
That looks like a giant camp (the campfire on the left side):
We run closer and yes, there is a giant herding his mammoths:
The map shows there are mountains in our path and no roads to Brood Cavern, so we have to improvise. I pick a course that looks most likely to be convenient. Indeed, as soon as we have crossed a shallow river, we are able to ascend pretty comfortably. Having reached the top of a hill, we see a colossal structure beyond it. It has long wide stone staircases. At the foot of those, lower than our current position, someone is standing. It looks like a ghost.
We could kill it easily, but that doesn't feel right. We should first find out if it's even hostile. There doesn't seem to be any danger. We have almost entirely unobstructed view of almost open country, so I feel it's safe for me to approach that thing while the girls keep watch on high ground. Unfortunately, the ghost does turn hostile and we have to kill him. He and a couple of more ghosts whom we encounter in the next minutes tell us "Please turn back, we are forced to attack you, it's not what we want." This place is called Rannveig's Fast. There's a dungeon, but we're not going in. We run all the way up the staircases (to the left beyond the edge of the picture above) and end up at a cave mound. It's called South Cold Rock Pass. The name suggests there has to be a North Cold Rock Pass at the other end. Our destination is just on the other side of these mountains and this seems to be a passage through them. In other words, we seem to have come exactly to the place we were supposed to. Excellent route-planning on my part!
The cave is almost entirely covered with snow and ice, and inhabited by a couple of snowtrolls whom we have to kill in order to get through. There are dead bodies and bones of various creatures lying about, human and non-human, probably the trolls' food rests. Soon we come out on the other side and are attacked by a dragon. A damned annoyance! Especially because he attacks us with his freezing breath, then flies around, making us waste great many arrows, and then when we've got him down to really low health, he flies away and disappears behind the mountains above us.
Brood Cavern is very near, but I'm not putting up with that dragon's craven, disdainful, cowardly behavior. I run up the mountain road. I'm going to find a way up there and rub out that flying turd even if it's the last thing I do. I hate dragons like I hate a mosquito in my bedroom. Either fucking stand and fight or fucking keep out of my way. I hate nothing like I hate having my attention drawn away from my goal and my time wasted like this. Those pathetic pointless pieces of crap, who do they think they are?
I find the dragon and kill it without bothering to wait for my girls to catch up. Then I see there's a word wall, and go and learn yet another dragon shout. I have five of them already. I make a mental note to take a good look at what they do when I've calmed down, in order to figure out if any of them can actually be of any use. In the meantime my followers have arrived. They try to talk to me, but I'm completely unresponsive. I just want to destroy. I run off in the direction of Brood Cavern. I jump down slopes, too impatient to bother with the winding mountain road. There is just enough sense left in my brain to choose a more or less safe route, so I actually arrive where we were before without injuring myself at all. My girls just follow along the road as quickly as they can.
Before a yet another jump down, I see an agitaged roaring bear below me. I could easily remain standing where I am and shoot it, but with that rage still brooding in me like a planet-sized fire, I jump down and begin to hit the bear with my enchanted dagger. Then another bear arrives. I furiously hack both of them in pieces, taking a heavy battering myself in the process. My girls arrive while I'm healing myself.
Now, the map indicates we're almost exactly where our destination is, but we're on a mountain slope and the map doesn't show if the cave entrance is a hundred meters below us or a hundred meters above us. Bardslayer helps me get to the right spot, as I haven't the slightest tolerance for that kind of nonsense and neither has he. Which is no wonder, because he is my higher self. I am a manifestation of his. The feminine aspect of him, as I presume. Well, never mind that. The girls and I enter the cave, kill some bandits and find those Void Salts.

Vampire Armor that I'm wearing doesn't look as cool as Elven Armor, but it gives stronger protection.
It also hugs the figure better while Elven Armor not only makes you look fatter down there but also emphasizes your breasts,
which is not very good when you want to just go about your business without being bothered.
It also hugs the figure better while Elven Armor not only makes you look fatter down there but also emphasizes your breasts,
which is not very good when you want to just go about your business without being bothered.
I've calmed down considerably (and I apologize for my foul language from earlier). Below us, just on the opposite bank of the river, is a nice-looking little settlement:
We descend the mountain cautiously and swim across. The village is called Dunstad Grove. It has a friendly feel to it, but we're not staying. It's almost 5 o'clock in the evening and I'd really like to reach Dragonbridge and investigate the bandits' whereabouts this evening.
So we run west. The map suggests we ought to be able to bypass the mountain range and end up on a road that goes north-northwest along a riverbank and leads to Dragonbridge.
Not far from Dunstad Grove is Dead Men's Respite that looks like an ancient Nordic ruin. A little further, in a place where several branches of the river get together, is a hut called Crabber's Shanty. In it live a fisherman called Pinarus and a cute Khajiit orphan girl whose name is Ma'isha. She is sad, missing her dead parents, and we are sad with her, but we can't do anything for her, so we move on.
Shortly before the place where the river would turn north and the road would begin, there's a formidable bandit camp. I wonder if we can just walk past and get onto the road. No, we can't. They have guards who would certainly see us if tried to reach the road. So we climb onto the hills northeast of the camp instead and start shooting. They are excellent fighters, individually, but not good at tactics and we have the advantage of elevation. So we manage to kill the main group. Their leader is a rare fool. He sits in his hut while his men are fighting. Left all alone, he has of course no chance against us.
After looting everything we can, we exit on the western side. There are still two bandits left, guarding the approach to the northbound road. They decide they have to attack the four of us, so we kill them. We've wasted a lot of time. It's getting dark. Fortunately, we're on a road now and don't have to look for a way.
Near Dragonbridge, we see a horsecart and two corpses, apparently traders. But no trace of the bandits we're looking for. (In case you've forgotten, we've come here to locate an extremely unusual and valuable sword for Alday of Dånstar.)
A few minutes later, we're in Dragonbridge:
At the inn, I let the girls sit down at an empty table while I go to ask the proprietress Faida if she has heard anything about bandits recently.
With rare exceptions, people have stopped working for today and many of them are relaxing at the inn. So is Athragar who turns up by my side all of sudden and greets politely. I force myself to mumble a greeting, after which he asks: "Would you like a drink first?"
"No, thank you," I reply icily and realize only then that he was asking if I wanted a drink first . Angry with myself and with him for trapping me like this, I turn my back on Athragar.
I can't believe three men have already sat down at my followers' table! They have left a chair for me all right, but I'm not up to such company at the moment – apart from which, what would stop Athragar from joining us?
I notice a woman alone at a farther table. I walk up to her and ask politely if I may sit down here. She says I may, and I take a seat with my back towards Athragar.
I introduce myself and ask the woman what she does. She says her name is Jyta. She is strangely grumpy and seems to be observing something near the bar, that is behind me.
There's some awkward silence until a waitress turns up to take my order. Then Jyta suddenly looks towards the door and says: "That damned girl!"
At my questioning look, she explains she's a trader from Solitud. She's traveling with an apprentice who just left the inn in the company of a man. Jyta is worried that the girl will get herself in some trouble.
I don't dare look around to see if Athragar is still in the taproom. I don't want to know. Instead, I say Dragonbridge should be a relatively safe location.
Jyta explains that their bodyguards (who happen to be the very men who are sitting with my followers) heard earlier about some bandits holed up in the Coldwind Mine. Dragonbridge is well guarded all right, but the apprentice is a daughter of an influential friend. That's why Jyta absolutely can't risk letting anything bad happen to her.
Coldwind Mine is where we couldn't get in, the last time when we were coming from southwest. If what Jyta says is right, the bandits have broken the entrance gate open and made the abandoned mine their home.
Now that I have the information I was looking for, I stand up decisively and thank Jyta for the conversation. I'm not seeing Athragar. Of course it doesn't mean anything. There are people coming and going all the time.
Walking past my followers' table, I say: "I got a tip. Let's go." Without even stopping to see how annoyed the men are going to look, I quickly step out the door.
It's only a little past 9. Coldwind Mine is quite near, so I believe we can find it easily even in darkness.
The girls inform me they asked the caravan guards they were sitting with about the bandits and got the same information I got from Jyta.
As I had thought, we find the place without difficulty, and yes, this time we can actually enter it. There are indeed bandits there who are not too hard to kill. One of the bandits chooses to surrender and beg for mercy.
I decide to rape him. You see, I have three different strapons and I've been looking for a suitable object to try them out on. I'm especially curious about one that has two artificial penises attached to it – one is in the front as normal and a smaller one goes into your own vagina. I so want to find out what it feels like, and this is a perfect opportunity.
In order not to give the man too big a shock at first, I tell him we'll take all his gear which is why he's to strip naked. Only after my followers have removed his weapons and armor do I take out that strapon and inform the guy I'm going to fuck him in the ass. Unless of course he prefers to be cut in pieces or something. He doesn't.
Stripping naked, I order him to go to the wooden platform nearby, away from those bloody corpses. He's a real bear of a man. Those arms could probably snap me in two. But, unfortunately for him, we are the ones with bladed weapons here.
The experience is just awesome. The bandit tries his best to keep quiet, but eventually he can't help groaning with pain. I go slowly at first, not in order to spare him, but to enjoy the sensation to the fullest. As I hardly need to tell you, an artificial penis inside of you is not the same as an actual man, but on the other hand I have complete control over movements. When I find out how to hit the exact right spot, I get more and more frantic as the pleasure overcomes me. Eventually my screams of ecstasy drown out my "partner's" howls of agony. Unluckily for him, my orgasm won't end as quickly as men's usually do. With our voices echoing in the cave, I wonder if my followers will also want to try it. Lydia looked rather keen, I think. But as soon as I pull out, the bandit disappears with an astonishing speed. What the heck? I've heard lots of stories suggesting that walking is painful after you've been anally penetrated, but the fact is that the man is gone before I realize what's happening. Maybe he didn't actually run out of the cave. Maybe he just slipped behind a rock or something and is now trembling there. I've no idea. My followers are almost peeing themselves with laughter and I am (obviously) busy with taking off the strapon and getting dressed. All in all, it was a magnificent experience. And the bandit got away with his life.
It's past 1 o'clock. We search the place and find the sword we came here to look for. I notice there's a bed, so we don't need to return to Dragonbridge for the night. The bed has room for two and there were sleeping mats lying about here and there, so we'll be fine. The girls will have to take turns standing watch, of course, but that serves them right for being such lazy runners.
It occurs to me that maybe people in snowy regions aren't used to running so much because they use skis. No, they don't – my followers don't even know what the word means. How do I, you ask. I don't remember, do I? But enough of this now. My eyes are falling sh...
next awakening