This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-01-26 04:21
Vilemyr Inn, Ivarsted, The Rift, Skyrim
This morning, we wash ourselves with Spriggan Soap which, as I have recently discovered, makes animals friendly. I want to test how it'll affect the trolls.
We set out towards High Horthgar when it's still almost dark, but the sun should rise soon. Right on the bridge at the northern end of the village, we meet a bear. Indeed, it lets us walk past unhurriedly without attacking. I resist the urge to hug and stroke it.
Soon we meet the first troll. It's somewhat confused, but after we've stood right next to it for half a minute or so, it still gets hostile. So we run away and avoid trying to socialize with the other trolls.
By the time we've reached High Hrothgar, it's almost daylight, although the sky is cloudy.
I let the girls wait in the castle which is warmer than outside, and make the trip up the mountain. I meet an icewraith. It makes its characteristic icy rattling sound, but doesn't attack me. Strangely enough, the protective mist doesn't hurt me either. When I try running into it without clearing it with the dragon shout, I feel very afraid, but I'm taking no damage. Does this mean everyone can come up here as long as he uses Spriggan Soap? The Gaybores won't like it at all. I'd better not tell anyone.
But now I understand how it's possible for the goats to live up here! Something that animals have and Spriggan Soap can temporarily give humans seems to protect against the effects of the mist.
Paarthurnax, sitting on the highest rock and basking in the sunlight, tells me to read the Elder Scroll I brought.
When I do it, the world turns bright red and very foggy and I witness a scene from the past where three people, apparently the last survivors of an epic battle between the humankind and the dragons, force a dragon to land with the Dragonrend shout (thanks to which I now get to know it). Then they kill him, after which Alduin himself appears.

He said "Paarthurnax". Was Paarthurnax a part of that ancient war? Too bad I can't understand the dragon language.
They try to kill him with some pathetic melee weapons (I can't believe they don't even have bows!) and only after Alduin has eaten two of them, the third one reads the Elder Scroll and Alduin vanishes slowly in spite of his highly indignant protests.
The flashback fades away and I'm back in the reality. Alduin is hovering above me, rasping scornful threats.
Will someone please tell me why he saved my life in Helgen? Or was it not me he had come for? Or was his purpose to kill me and he failed to realize I was just about to be killed anyway? Then why did he fail to kill me later when he had the chance, and has decided to attack me now that I'm supposed to be able to hurt him back?
At any rate, I don't seem to have any other choice right now but to fight my savior, sorry as I may be. After he feels he has made things theatrical enough, Alduin attacks and Paarthurnax joins the fight on my side. With two dragons flying back and forth in the sky, it's not easy to tell which is which. However, it no longer matters after Alduin has gotten careless enough to come so close that I can force him to land with my new shout.
Then I kill him. I have strong defenses against fire, so the fight is not too difficult.
Now what?
Paarthurnax is panting heavily and, I think, processing his impressions of the battle. Or maybe he's in shock for having had to help kill one of his own kind? I'm reluctant to disturb him right now. I decide to return to High Hrothgar and see if I can talk to the Gaybores about bringing the warring parties to the negotiation table. At the last moment, I remember to take a few pictures of myself next to Alduin's corpse. I mean, how else can I convince people he's dead? They won't be able to come here and see, unless I'll betray the secret of the Spriggan Soap.

I find it hard to believe he was as bad as he's reputed to be. Surely people's stupidity played some part in all that happened.
I descend the mountain, still so confused that I'm having great difficulties finding the snowy path. Luckily, I won't need to make any effort to convince Arngeir. He says since Paarthurnax has decided to help me, they will cooperate.
I'm to bring word to Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius.
When my followers hear I killed Alduin, they almost suffocate me with their hugs, and their cheers echo in the age-old sacred chambers of High Hrothgar. I'm not all that excited myself. With Alduin dead, will I get my memory back now? I mean, slaying Alduin was what the Dragonsborn was destined to do, wasn't it? So logically I should have served out my purpose. But I kind of fear this story is not over. Above all, I'd like to know what it was that Alduin said about Paarthurnax in that ancient scene.
Admiring the stunning sights, the girls and I run down the snowy steps, careful not to slip and fall. We easily evade the trolls, but get lost twice. We reach Ivarsted a little before six in the evening. The jubilant villagers want to throw a big party to celebrate the death of Alduin, but I need some distance from it all. The memories are too fresh for me to celebrate. So I decide we'll travel to Darkwater and maybe spend the night there.
The people of Ivarsted are going to have a party anyway.
Maybe we should have stayed, I think some time later, but it's too late now – we've already left. On our way down the mountains, we meet a traveling Argonian merchant, admire the stunning sights, and then descend a very steep slope onto the highway.
Unsurprisingly, the people in Darkwater are overjoyed by the news too, but they understand when I tell them I've had an extremely dramatic day and want to just chill in that open air bath.
It's not that easy, though. No sooner have we stripped naked that a sabercat attacks the village, so we have to grab our weapons and kill it. It must have been quite a sight, the four of us shooting bows stark naked.
Then we can finally enjoy the water and the moonlight. The dragon gliding slowly above the faraway hills is fortunately minding his own business.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
Later some locals join us and we talk a little. Eventually, we go to sleep at the inn.
next awakening
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