This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-01-30 08:04
Thoromhel's House, Sunhold, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion
Thoromhel is kind enough to wait for me to wake up. Then he unloads himself into me, rather quickly this time. I reflect that he's a Wood Elf, as is Bradwin. Until now I've never been really aware of the fact that Wood Elves used to be allies of the High Elves in their fight against the Empire. Their historic homeland Valenwood is a part of the Aldmeri Dominion. In fact, even though the country is dominated by the High Elves, the Wood Elves are actually the core of their fighting force. And the poor Dark Elves are hated in Skyrim simply because many Nords can't tell the three elven races apart.
Of course I won't mention any of that while Thoromhel and I are eating breakfast. I ask him innocent questions about the town – what do the people do and such. Jenassa has told me that Wood Elves are one of the races whose men can have sex very often, and they are especially fond of women outside their own race. It's something I find easy to admire about them, even though I can imagine that Nord men see it differently.
After a last passionate kiss and a promise to return as soon as I can, I step out the front door right into the midst of my followers' grinning faces. They ask me how many times we did it and I reply that it's none of their business. I'm going to tell them, of course, because next time it may be me who wants to know how they spent the night. But it'll have to wait. I'm full of energy and eager to go somewhere and do something.
I pay a quick visit to Valante who lives next door, but she has no new assignments for me this time. So the girls and I run to the north. I choose an off-road route for the first part of the way. Most of it goes through the forest.
We climb up a grassy hill and I sense something humanoid, but it's not hostile (yet).
We stop and crouch. I look at the creature. It's too far to see what it is, but I see a swarm of insects flying around it. That means with a very high likelyhood a spriggan. But why isn't it attacking us? Apparently it hasn't noticed us. We must give it a wide berth. I turn my head to the right and see two more similar creatures, and then the fourth one. And then it dawns to me – it's the Spriggan Soap we washed ourselves with yesterday evening! As you know, it makes wild animals friendly. Evidently it has the same effect on spriggans, which, one has to admit, makes sense.
We sneak past the spriggans, avoiding getting too close – just in case – and soon reach the main road. It leads past the River Pass to a bridge across the river that comes from the direction of Ebon and flows into the lake. My Grove Dwelling is on the western bank of this river, as is the town of Ebon itself. Gemstone Cave is on the eastern bank, though, and that's why we're crossing the river here.
Right on the other side is a small village called Riverfield. The people are not very trusting. Most of them would neither let us enter their houses nor share any local news.
We admire the amazing yellow carpets in one of the houses we are allowed to enter, and then continue our journey.
The elks are a lot more trusting. They don't run away when we approach. I get several nice pictures of one who continues to eat grass even when I stand right next to it. The Spriggan Soap effect again, obviously.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then press the right arrow to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
Once again, we run past those marvelous glowing white statues of scantily-dressed women, and then we're at the entrance of the Gemstone Cave.
We're prepared for a battle of our lives, but there's no one there except, I think, a few rockbugs – weird creatures who look like cubes of stone and aren't hostile. This is what they look like (the picture is of another rockbug taken later outdoors):
We explore the dungeon and get the ring, only it's in a place so high I can't even reach it. Jordis jumps up and grabs it for me.
There are more passages, though. We go to investigate. After some time, I can sense a human-shaped hostile creature behind the next corner. Well, whoever it is, he hasn't done us anything, so we have no reason to disturb him. Let's turn back.
We go to Ebon for shopping. I ask Celebria what her amazing outfit is called and where could I buy one. She says it's Archmage's Robes and Snow Bear Helmet, and she was given them by a traveler and they are unique – at least on this island.
I'm very sad to hear it, but there's evidently nothing I can do.
The girls and I proceed to Corgrad:
I wonder if I should visit my Corgrad boyfriend Aranath. I adore him, but it doesn't feel right while I possibly still have some of another man's sperm inside me.
Jenassa and I happen to look each other in the eye. I don't think she knows what I just thought, but I remember now that I'm not allowed to worry about having too many intimate partners. So after we've visited Dothiel's farm to say hello to those cute goats one of whom I had the pleasure of curing some time ago, I look at the girls and point my head in the direction of Aranath's house. They nod in understanding and Jordis proposes they go and have a chat with that mysterious Khajiit blacksmith.
I think I'm already wet before I knock on the door and step in. Aranath jumps up at the sight of me. He hugs me so strongly that my bones crackle, and then starts to take his clothes off. Without thinking, I follow his example, and then he grabs my hair, forcing me down, and stuffs his penis into my mouth before I get a chance to say we might be more comfortable up in his bedroom.
Come to think of it, in my current state it's indeed less unseemly to take him into my mouth rather than vagina. The realization makes me want to laugh, but I must suppress it because I have to watch out for my teeth.
Afterwards, Aranath doesn't pay much attention to me. He seems to be busy with something. I'm disappointed and leave. He could have at least offered me something to drink. I do have my own supply of drinks, obviously, but it would have been a nice gesture of caring for me. Or is it unimportant to him if I have to run all the way to Lillandril with the taste of sperm in my mouth?
On our way to the west, we discovere a Red Apple Camp which is just a tent with two sleeping cots and no one around except for an elk who, I'm sure, doesn't live here.
The road passes between two mountain ranges.

What's with those weird sharp-pointed columns I keep seeing everywhere on this island? I'm getting the impression
all of them are tilted, in which case I can't help suspecting they aren't just crappily built but actually designed like that,
which in turn begs the question what kind of a madman would have conceived something so bizarre.
Looking at those things, I find myself resisting the urge to hold fast to a tree in order to verify I'm standing upright.
all of them are tilted, in which case I can't help suspecting they aren't just crappily built but actually designed like that,
which in turn begs the question what kind of a madman would have conceived something so bizarre.
Looking at those things, I find myself resisting the urge to hold fast to a tree in order to verify I'm standing upright.
My map shows this road would continue westwards all the way to the coast where one branch will lead north to Lillandril and the other one to the south. We, however, turn off the road and head northwest just about where those crazy columns are, taking the shortcut to Lillandril across the grassland.
Shortly after we've left the road, a lich attacks us. You remember, they are those creatures who look like skeletons but wear clothes and cast powerful magic.
We arrive in Lillandril just in time to catch the farm workers returning home that seems to be somewhere in the harbor. I get a chance to talk to that Argonian woman who walks around naked:
Her name is Restavee and indeed she provides services to men on the other brothel ship standing in the harbor, not the one I saw the last time.
I ask her what do Argonian women have breasts for. She says they suckle their babies after they are hatched, not with milk like the mammals but with something called hist sap that contains important nutrients a baby needs and can't yet produce itself.
Very pleased with having solved this mystery, I go to the palace with my followers to report to Queen Marawyn. She says overbearingly that she's pleased with me and promotes me to the rank of favored subject . That honor comes with a very special privilege: I and my retinue are now allowed to sleep in the servants' quarters in the basement of the palace whenever we want to.
Also, the queen entrusts me with the task of delivering a message to someone called Andratha in Alinor. That's an important city further south.
It's too late for shopping, so we walk around a little and talk to people and such. After we've admired the sunset at the harbor, I go alone to that non-Argonian brothel ship. The big strong High Elf man I saw the last time is there and available. His name is Ortildo. We go to one of the more luxurious rooms – meaning, it's big enough for a large carpet on the floor and it even has a sleeping cot (still no proper door, though). The cot looks too shaky, so I lie down on the carpet in the middle of the room. It's soft enough. I use the strapon that has a second penis that goes into my own vagina.
As Ortildo gets on top of me, I ask him if he's had done it to him like this before. He says the people here do absolutely everything, men as well as women, but since he hasn't been working for very long, he hasn't yet had the chance to get comfortable with it. Indeed when he squats over me and carefully aligns his anus with my strapon and then slowly lowers himself, it seems to hurt him. Normally, I wouldn't do something so cruel to a man, but he is here specifically for the customers' pleasure.
A few centimeters in, he mentions there used to be no male prostitutes in Summerset, which is why he is very popular. He's earning good money even though this is a very cheap place. Yes, I know. I'll have to pay 204 septims which is really cheap. (For your convenience, I'll give you all the amounts converted to the Empire money.) I mean, how many men can you name who would do this for 204 septims?
But that's the price they have set. The basic fee for this particular prostitute is 50 septims, and the inconvenience multipliers bring it up to 204. A male customer would have to pay more, because being penetrated by a man is considered more humiliating to a man. Although, come to think of it, the physical torment is going to be a lot worse here, because a man will come relatively soon whereas my strapon won't. I hope the eye-candy will be a sufficient compensation for that. (He is, of course, free to touch everything he can reach.)
I ask him about the other ship. He says that it's a bigger and older brothel. It has two kinds of girls. Those who work on the ship full time can be had even cheaper than the ones on this ship, but those who do other work outside and return to the brothel only for the evening and night are more expensive. It makes sense – they can't take so many customers, because they have to rest well for their daytime work.
Ortildo asks me if he has to take it in all the way, and I say of course he has. He must fuck himself exactly as women do in that position. He is being paid and has to do his job.
With great caution, he begins to move himself up and down, going a little deeper with each stroke. He can take his time, I'm in no hurry.
After some struggling and grimaces, Ortildo manages to sit down on that thing so that his buttocks touch me.
Upon my command, he starts with normal movements. It's thoroughly enjoyable – the feeling down there as well as the sight of his penis hopping up and down. He's so big his thing is almost touching my breasts. I'm extremely curious to see if it'll get hard. No, it won't, even though I play with it a little. Then I let it go and just lie there and enjoy. I tell Ortildo it's all right for him to moan if it hurts, but he won't. He's either hiding his pain or is beginning to get used to things rubbing his insides.
When I'm approaching my orgasm, I order Ortildo to make his movements longer and faster. I've been unsure if I should bring him to orgasm as well. On the one hand, it would be nice to give him that extra reward for his trouble, on the other hand, as a prostitute he may be made to come more often than he's comfortable with. I end up doing it after all. I masturbate him while I'm getting my climax, and now it does get hard.
It actually touches my breasts when he bends forward enough, and while I'm panting in the afterglow with my eyes closed, still moving my hand, I hear him moan, from pleasure this time, and I get his sperm all over me. Might even be some in my hair, but I don't mind. This was awesome.
Ortildo doesn't seem too happy, though. As soon as I give him the sign that he may get off me, he's out the door. I clean myself up as well as I can. Dammit, they don't have a mirror here! Should I put on a helmet to hide my hair? No, that's too silly. It's dark outside anyway.
I find the proprietress Vanasa and pay. I ask her if my hair is all right and she assures me it is, and she'd really appreciate it if I recommended her establishment to people on my travels. She brings me a mirror, and I learn the room where I was with Ortildo was her personal bedroom. She tells me they are new here and working hard to establish themselves on the market. She has only a couple of girls, one of whom is a gorgeous Nord named Selena – the very same who walks by just as we speak and asks her boss if she may go to sleep.
After that, Vanasa goes on explaining to me she's trying to offer the people something new and that's why she hired Ortildo, and it has really paid off. Until now, sexual services from men could only be had in the prison, but it's very expensive.
I interrupt her and ask her to tell me more about that prison thing. Vanasa explains me that generally the ships cater for poorer people, as does Newenda at the inn. For the more refined, there's only Ma' Rasa, that Khajiit woman who has her own house. But those rich people who want more variety, or a male partner, can bribe the prison guards and have a go at the inmates. It's technically illegal, but tolerated because it's very lucrative. You just go and talk to the guard on duty and don't need to worry about your money reaching the right people. One on-site fuck is 600 septims, regardless of the hole or the gender. But if you are willing to pay really well, you can even whip and torture the prisoners which is not allowed in brothels.
I thank Vanasa for the fascinating conversation and exit. I realize it's incredibly late. Even so, I can't help staying a while at the harbor and admiring the spectacular sight of palm trees under the starlit sky.
Then I return to the palace basement where my followers are already sleeping.
next awakening
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