
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (270) Haunted by Hesitation

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-05-16 14:59
a tent, Forelhost, The Rift, Skyrim

snowy slope leads downhill to a citadel, many mountains in the distance, foggy weather
The only way in and out of the Forelhost compound goes through that citadel.

We have so much loot that we have to go to Riften. It's not very far as the crow flies, and by jumping down mountains we reach it pretty soon.

It's two at night by the time I finish my crafting.

During that time, I have a lot of time to think about that metal message. I'm no longer entirely sure I want to go to meet that mysterious questgiver after all. Then again, he did write "Failure to comply will not be tolerated." If he is not from our material plane, he can be very powerful. And since I've already fulfilled my Dragonborn mission, the gods will not necessarily protect me any longer. Although the promise the priests gave to my parents suggests the protection will last until I'm back at home. But that's just my interpretation and to whom can I complain if the gods should interpret it differently?

I'd better go to sleep. Such nutty thoughts won't get me anywhere. I'll ask Jenassa's advice when we're in Hviterun. It's on the route to that island anyway.

I'm not sure if it's right to knock Madesi up this late. Nah, let him sleep. As well as myself [grin]. I'll spend the night in my house.

Jordis and Ghorbash are breathing quietly on their bedmats. I wonder if they made love.

I walk quietly up the stairs into my bedroom, which is empty, of course, because Lydia is with Maul. Before going to bed, I can't help leafing through Barrin's diary one more time.

Barrin evidently tortured someone named Luma on a regular basis. I presume she's a human being, but the only thing I know for certain is she's female and able to speak:

Barrin wrote he's leaving the diary behind to make sure Luma will not remain imprisoned forever, should he die.

It seems to me that if there are "guardians" in Luma's prison, one can presume she will not be left all alone to die of thirst. And I don't have the key to the underwater gate Barrin said would be on his body. We found nothing of the kind in Forelhost and I'm not going back for another search.

I'm torn between compassion for that unknown probably-woman Luma (and her grief-stricken mother) and the reluctance to stick my nose into something potentially ueberrepulsive. So far, everyone involved in this quest has been sickening. The ghosted girl Tyllia brought about her own misery by acting in a way she admits was utterly reproachable. Fellaqui – I wish I could wipe his very existence from my memory. Barrin – you just saw him speak for himself. Do I have any reason to presume Luma is in any way likeable?

You may ask what reason do I have to presume she's not. After all, Bronwen was a perfectly good girl imprisoned by disgusting creeps. Well, I don't know. I just feel instinctive reluctance to pursue this quest any further, and I don't have the heart to wake up my followers to ask their advice.

Guess I'd better get some sleep.

next awakening