This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-10-24 06:30
Keepers' Inn, Northkeep, Falkreath, Skyrim
We leave Northkeep and head south.
For a change, we turn off the road and travel through the forest this time.
Our goal is to end up on the road that goes to the southwest from Falkert through a mountain pass and towards the province border. That area is blank on my map. Currently, we are northwest of Falkert.
Apart from the scenery, the only thing worth mentioning is some kind of an altar deep in the woods where a group of mages is performing some rituals. They attack us, but they seem to fear us more than we fear them. At any rate, they are very insecure and we have no difficulties killing them.
Soon we reach the road we've been looking for.
Following it into uncharted territory, we arrive in a cute little village called Pinewood.
In its outskirts, we pick up a large amount of weapons and armor which may be leftovers from some past battle. Nearby is the house of someone called Maluk. I pick the lock, enter first and am completely surprised, to say nothing of seriously battered, by a hostile and very strong mage. It was a grave mistake on my part to completely ignore the possibility that, in spite of the locked door, there may be someone inside this more-hut-than-house. Fortunately, my girls who follow close behind me kill him eventually.
When I've recovered from the shock, I steal everything from this house as revenge. Before leaving, I have a strange vision which suggests there's an adventure waiting for me in or near that house southwest of Granite Hall we passed by some time ago and weren't able to enter. I am most intrigued and want to check the place out as soon as possible.

As you will see upon a closer look, that is a map of Tamriel, an even better one than the one I showed you two weeks ago.
You may recognize Solstheim and it's indeed not very far from Windhelm.
But most importantly, I now finally know where is High Rock, the homeland of the Bretons. (West of Skyrim.)
You may recognize Solstheim and it's indeed not very far from Windhelm.
But most importantly, I now finally know where is High Rock, the homeland of the Bretons. (West of Skyrim.)
I'd love to go further southwest, but we have ended up loaded almost to capacity with loot. Looks like this day hasn't been as eventless as it has seemed to me. In nearby Pinewood, there are smithing facilities all right, but no proper shop. Therefore I decide to return to Falkert.
During the last week or so, we've gathered so much loot that I now have more than 100,000 septims, and I've been buying extra carryweight every now and then. Still, I'm careful not to spend too quickly. Anyway, what I actually intended to say is we're returning to Falkert along the road. (Earlier today, we bypassed Falkert from the west.) Not far from the intersection where you can turn east towards Helgen, we meet an old acquaintance – that "praefect" Wilaar who urged us to accompany him and kill some bandits together.
He tells us he's trying to find an easier way to his destination. Last time, he had to climb up and down mountains, but now he has heard of a cave somewhere in this area through which one is supposed get through easily. He invites us to come along and help him search. I laugh and motion to my followers to move on.
In Falkert, we go shopping.
We sell as much as we can in Falkert and move on to Aurora where I succeed in catching a few more traders who are still working. Soon it's 8 o'clock, though, and there is nothing more to do apart from chilling at the inn. I realize I haven't had sex for a while. Fortunately, there's a good-looking man named Lorm in the taproom. He comes across as strong, confident and trustworthy.
In fact, he's a sellsword. He makes some money training people in the use of two-handed weapons, but he's eager to be hired as a follower. I tell him I have to disappoint him. I may let him serve me someday, but tonight he'll have to settle for possessing me.
Lorm insists on paying for our night's lodging, the four of us. Of course, he and I are the only ones to go into the room for the time being.
Lorm may be a good sword trainer, but he also has some other skills that are no less impressive. The only reason why this experience is less than perfect is a little girl who walks in on us. The next moment, she is called back and harshly admonished by a woman, apparently her mother, but I still feel embarrassed. Lorm, however, goes on as if nothing had happened. He will absolutely be my first choice, should I ever need a new follower.
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