This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-25 04:55
Aurora Borealis Inn, Aurora, Falkreath, Skyrim
I wake up lying on my left side with Lorm's hands caressing me slowly under the blanket. Something pokes me, demanding entry. I adjust myself so it can get in comfortably (and doesn't end up in the wrong hole). It slides in and then stays still. You can send the girls away if you want to, whispers Lorm. Oh! Of course. Thanks.
I turn my head and I can see Lydia, Jenassa and Jordis fully dressed and looking at us with utmost attention. The pervs! I wonder if Lorm got to see them nude or did they get dressed before he woke up. But never mind that now. Fully awake now, I waste no time ordering my followers to leave the room. I feel I'm getting wet. I'm not surprised.
As the door closes, Lorm begins with his thrusts while his upper hand fondles my breasts and then stretches its fingers to touch both nipples at the same time. Quite frankly, I've never been a great fan of early morning sex, because men usually just unload their urge while their thoughts are on whatever they were planning on doing on that particular day. This morning, however, I kind of get a kick out of Lorm's forceful determination. No orgasm for me, though. Too soon comes the moment when Lorm evidently realizes he can't hold it back anymore, so he makes the last movements with intense frenzy while his hand seems to be everywhere at once. Then I close my eyes and let my body relax completely as I relish Lorm's heavy panting which gets slower gradually. I'd like to turn over and kiss him and press my breasts against his hairy body, but his thick arm is hugging me and I'm reluctant to disturb the mood, especially because he's still inside me.
Then comes one very deep breath and Lorm's thing slips out. I turn over and climb onto him and kiss him eagerly while he squeezes my buttocks. I almost come. How I wish he'd let me have it the second time, but that seems to be out of the question. So I just climb out of the bed and get dressed. Lorm remains lying on the bed. Correction: he puts one foot onto the floor just as I close the door behind me.
I wonder if Lorm has to pay for spending the night here or doesn't it count because he shared a bed with me.
Since this inn has, as you may remember, no bath, me and my followers go to the shore of the lake to wash ourselves. The raindrops on the water surface in the light of a guard's torch are a spectacular sight.
For washing, we go (of course) to a place a little further where we can strip without anyone seeing us.
Now it's a little past five in the morning and we need to decide what to do.
After a moment of hesitation, I decide we'll go to Aulbryn's House between here and Riverwood. That's where a portal leads (as I presume) to a dreamworld where a man named Aulbryn went missing.
We turn east at the intersection near the general store and run through Oakwood. Apart from a lone guard patrolling on the street, the village is still fast asleep. Without any events, we reach Aulbryn's House. I lie down onto the bed, close my eyes and a moment later I open them in a house that looks a little different. In the back wall, there is now a large open window with a sea or a lake outside. There's less furniture in the house, compared to the Skyrim version. The front door opens onto a walkway leading to a small square with a statue of some goddess, water on the right and the left side, and a mansion and rocky mountains at some distance behind it.
After I've left the bed, my followers turn up one after another the same way I did. We walk to the statue to take some pictures.
Then we explore this Dreamborne Isle, as it's called. Instead of the Sun, there is a light-blue glowing disc in the sky. (I mean, it actually seems to be a disc rather than a sphere, although naturally I can't fly to the sky to take a closer look.) So this is apparently not our planet.
Various flowers and trees are breathtakingly beautiful.
That mansion I mentioned is weird, though. Entering through a door, we end up on staircases that lead to waterways and other doors that take us back to where we were. We can see walls and windows, but can't find an entrance to the actual mansion.
Noticing a structure in the distance to our northwest, we head there. There don't seem to be any animals anywhere. I'm at loss what to tell you, because there's nothing going on here. Just stunning sights (and not veryt easy terrain) wherever you look. So I'll let the pictures do the talking.
[series of 5 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
We eventually reach a very large structure called Woodpeak Temple.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
The door leads us into a huge space, partially open and partially covered by a weirdly-shaped rocky mountain.
There are waterfalls here and there above as well as below us, and a most confusing system of bridges and pathways with countless opportunities to fall to your death.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
Yet, everything is very roomy. Even while going through occasional corridors where I have walls on both sides and a roof over my head, I don't feel crushed like I did in Doltania.
After we've walked around for some time, we meet a ghost of a woman named Aryana.

Just as I thought, this island is not at all popular with travelers. Undeservedly, as I have to point out.
Aryana tells me she used to be one of ten maidens who were serving something called "our Great Mother". However, some of them did something bad, and as a punishment they were all turned into Forest Spirits . Aryana was the only one allowed to retain her human form. The remaining nine are scattered around this considerably-sized compound. She asks us to find them and bring them to her, then she'll be able to do something that allows them to "pass on".
Fine, let's give it a try. You may ask why she can't search for her lost sisters herself. She doesn't look exactly busy. But, as I realize only much later, the question never occurred to me. Maybe she's unable to move.
We spend hours and hours walking up and down, left and right.

That small glowing thing is a Forest Spirit. That's what they look like. The question is: how do you get there from here?
When I once again find myself back in the same spot where I've been two or three times already, and I have found only 3 or 4 of those Forest Spirits, I realize I haven't got a chance. Bardslayer, please help me.
He gives me the ability to float in the air. I instruct my followers to wait for me. Then I ascend all the way to the "roof" and descend to the waters deep below, and find a few more of those spirits.
Even though this place is called Woodpeak Temple , I don't see anything like an actual temple anywhere.
It'll be dark soon. I wonder if it'll make my search harder or easier. After all, the spirits glow with bright light.
It's almost 9 in the evening when we're finally able to return to Aryana and give her the nine Forest Spirits . Then we leave. The cavern of the "temple" had so many faint sources of light that it never got really dark, but there's a real night outside. Strangely enough, that blue disc is still in the sky.
What was giving the daylight then?
After another quick look at the so-called mansion and ending up none the wiser, I decide we'll return to Skyrim.
I have picked up a few notes with instructions which are much too cryptic. We're supposed to find something called "keystones", but we have no idea where to look for them. It's even unclear if they are objects you can pick up or structures. As for stuctures, we can't find any more of them on this island.
That's why I decide to give up on my Aulbryn-finding quest. However, as we're leaving, I realize this is the best imaginable location for lovemaking. Warm climate, unreal beauty, no prying eyes and, mind you, no animals whatsoever. That's why I'm pretty sure I'll be visiting this place again in the future.
We return to Skyrim the same way we came (via the bed) and run, eventlessly again, to Riverwood. It's almost midnight, but I'm not feeling sleepy at all. Therefore I decide we'll proceed to Hviterun. We pass through Riverwood without going to the inn. I'd rather not risk running into that bitch Delphine.
Instead of the road, I run directly through the forest and get a chance to kill a wolf who attacks me. Just the kind of light exercise I was feeling I needed.
I love to be back in the city. The City. My home. The center of my world, really.
We go to the palace, so I can show Jordis where the place is where she'll have to go to, should I ever dismiss her. On my way to my house, I quickly check out the inns for newest gossip. My stepdaughter Lucia is already asleep in the upstairs bedroom, but she wakes up even though I enter the house very quietly.
She's not alone all the time. My dismissed followers, the city guards and Ysolda are eagerly taking care of her. Valdimar often sleeps here, on the mattress (As I've told you, the house has only one bed), and Ysolda and Carlotta make sure she always has enough to eat and help her clean up (although, I'm proud to point out, she doesn't need much help). Carlotta's house is right across the street and Lucia even spends the night there sometimes, since she has become best friends with Carlotta's daughter Mila. During daytime, as Lucia tells me excitedly, she spends most of her time helping Mila help her mother. Generally, my stepdaughter, a former beggar, has become something like a symbol of the new spirit of Hviterun.
P.S. If you couldn't find Aryana in that picture – she is standing under the lantern on a staircase at the bottom of the picture, left from the waterfall in the middle.
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