
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (246) We Want to Chill Now

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-04-22 14:47
Windpeak Inn, Dånstar, The Pale, Skyrim

On my way to the bathroom, I ask the errand boy Alesan to go and tell Gregor I'd like to meet him.

Gregor asks me if I remember what he promised almost two months ago he would do the next time. Sure, I remember. It's a bit embarrassing in an inn room, but what the heck. There is almost nobody there at this time of day.

When I take a health potion afterwards, Gregor asks if it was very painful. I tell him if he really wants to know I can give him a dildo and he can find out. He says I'm being impudent. I say no, I'm just trying to help him get as precise an answer as possible. Apart from which, if I endured the pain of his dick in a hole that can't get wet, he can endure a little sarcasm. And if he stops nagging on me, I've got something special I thought I was going to give him, but I can just as well find someone else.

Gregor tickles me and I have to laugh while he threatens to carry me into the taproom and lick my pussy on the bar counter until I come. I beg him not to and promise I'm not angry and not even a little bit cross. To tell you the truth, I really didn't mind him fucking my butthole, I just got into a strange mood for a minute, but I'm perfectly happy now and so is he. I show him Vanvir's Masterpiece, that famous warhammer from Falskaar and ask if him he has a use for it. Gregor is most impressed and offers to lick me right now, privately in the room. I say he doesn't have to, but I'll make him do it the next time.

I gather up my girls and we set out for Pale Imperial Camp, but we don't get any farther than the town gate because Dro'marash's caravan is in town and somehow we end up sitting almost an hour with them.

Then I decide we'll run straight to Stonehills and Morthal, and then we'll think if we should proceed to Dragonbridge or spend the night there.

Imperial soldiers walk on a snowy road through a spruce forest, snowfall, sky almost full of dark gray clouds
That's an Imperial Army patrol.

Everything is well in the village of Stonehills. By the time we reach Morthal, it's gotten dark and snowfall is growing heavier.

Come to think of it, it's not too dark to travel to Dragonbridge, but we prefer to idle the evening away in this hospitable town. It occurs to me that I'd like to get a new hairdo. More precisely, I'm reverting to one I already had about three months ago. I like it. I also like the one I've had so far, but a woman has to look different from time to time.

I go and say hello to the wizard Falion who sells Black Soul Gems, and sit down for a while and have a chat with his industrious pupil Agni. Then I join my followers at the inn. We exchange news with the locals and finally retire to our house to get some sleep.

next awakening