
What is this blog all about?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is by far the most fascinating computer game ever. I'll explain the reasons in the next articles.

I used to have a Skyrim blog on Tumblr.

Since the blog contained a lot of sexual material, I duly classified it as adult, and indeed, on my own initiative, added a warning "My blog is not suitable for children. Parents, please don't let your children read it" on top of each page, sexual or not.

A couple of years passed, and Tumblr decided to ban adult blogs altogether. (More precisely, Tumblr appears to have been bought by someone and being re-made into something entirely different, yet keeping the same name.)

I have to admit, they gave me ample warning, by first severely restricting access to adult blogs a whole year before they banned them. When that happened, I actually stopped writing my blog and focused on just playing. Eventually, I began posting an article occasionally again. But then came the doomsday when they hid my blog completely, more than half of its articles being, quite correctly, flagged by the censors as sexual. Afterwards, I even saw that they had sent me an email notification that adult blogs will be banned – you know, one of those "please read this important information" messages no one ever reads.

I have been searching for a suitable platform to transfer my Tumblr blog to, and after almost 4 months of frustration I have to admit that there seems to be no proper blog environment in existence apart from Blogspot.

So I'm going to re-post my Tumblr articles here. Of course I had everything saved on my computer (and Tumblr keeps them saved as well, albeit visible only to me), so I could just copy and paste them, but while I'm at it, I'll do some editing too.

I was amazed by the number of followers my Tumblr blog ended up getting, even though I didn't allow any comments. I won't allow comments here either. That is because my blog is not meant for discussion. Loverslab forum is where I discuss Skyrim. This blog contains things which I just want to be out there in the cyberspace so that those who happen to be interested can read them, and the rest of the world doesn't need to care.

Feel free to link to my pages. If you want to use something I have created, please take a couple of minutes to read these rules.

Those who find themselves infuriated by my opinions, just please go and spend your time and attention on something else. It's not worth it being angry just because I wrote something you don't like. Save your nerve cells, read something that makes you feel good.

So... thanks, Tumblr. Time to move on.