
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (230) We Can but Hope

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-04-06 07:22
Arch-Mage's Quarters, Winterhold, Winterhold, Skyrim

Onmund isn't even hard, but he points with his chin to his penis and I begin to suck. As soon as it has stood up, I climb onto Onmund with my pussy above his face. I expect him to throw me onto my back or something and take me. To my astonishment, he actually begins to lick me between my legs! I almost come from the realization that he would do something like that for me. Soon I actually have an orgasm. I wonder if he's done it before. At the same time, I give my best to make his delightful hard penis happy, and then eagerly swallow every drop.

Onmund leaves to attend to his studies while I look up Enthir and ask him if he knows a way to get me large amounts of soul gems. He says soul gem vendors are already struggling. Imports from Summerset are drying up and they have always been the main suppliers of soul gems. Another major source is in Black Marsh, but Argonia is a savage country where even Khajiit traders don't want to go.

So it looks like there's no hope of supplying the Skyrim army with a large number of enchanted weapons.
The girls and I are generally headed for Windhelm today. On our way there, I want to visit the Shrine of Azura which is near Amol City, a little bit to the west of the highway and up in the mountains.

There's heavy snowfall when we leave the town and head south.

I still can't understand how Onmund was able to hold me up in that absurd position yesterday. I must ask Gregor to try it. Not Yrsarald, obviously – he might want to know where I got the idea from.

I'm not sure from which direction we can even approach the Shrine of Azura. Surely not by the direct way from Amol City. We'll try turning away from the main road before Amol City. There's a troll coming down the mountain path. Can we run past without having to kill him? Yes, we can. Climbing up to the shrine is, however, a hell of a lot of effort. But it was worth it. The statue is most impressive.

Up those stairs is an altar, in front of which a beautiful Dark Elf woman Aranea Ienith is praying. She says she sensed I would be coming, and I could do her a favor by going to Winterhold and asking around about an elven mage who might know something special that could help us please Azura. She says she's sorry her visions haven't been more accurate.

I'm not sure I want to meddle with this. I'll ask Jenassa's advice later. But now we're heading for Amol City.

After a little shopping and socializing on the marketplace, we proceed southwards. I ask Jenassa if we should do the Azura quest. She shrugs and says Azura is not quite Hermaeus Mora, but she's very doubtful if we would get anything meaningful out of this. (Later, Lydia whispers to me that Jenassa dislikes all kinds of deities because they abandoned her in utter misery and despair.)

We run to the military camp north of Windhelm and from there to the elven camp outside of Windhelm. The latter is always a pleasant place to be, even though its good people are somewhat on the grumpyish side.
Laura wearing a hood stands before a sitting elven man under a canopy, several tents visible
I've been preferring this sneak-enhancing hood these days. It's better against wind and snow too, compared to a helmet.

Having entered the city, I realize that, considering it's four o'clock in the afternoon, we'd better take care of that rupture thing now. Missing the shops is a lesser evil than having to fight the Magic Anomalies in darkness.

We run through the city and out the main gate, past the farms and turn off the road. We find the rupture and have to fight (fortunately only) two of those big icewraithy things. Not only do they fly back and forth real quick, one of them gets between me and Lydia, so I have to maneuver to be able to shoot at it without risking to hit Lydia instead. The girls can't hit it either and I am the one who finally lands a lucky kill.

Now we trot leisurely past the farms.
a hen walks on a snowy road in front of a farm, mountains ahead, sky almost full of gray clouds, snowfall
Welcome to Skyrim – home of the toughest hens in the world.

We stop briefly to have a chat with an elven man Faryl who works in the vegetable garden, and reach the city a few minutes before 5.

Just inside the gate, two Nord men are harassing the elven woman Suvaris once again. One of them is that jerk Rolff who once in the past demanded to know if I was an elf-lover. During Ulfric's rule, I was very careful not to get in any trouble, but the times have changed. This kind of behavior is no longer tolerated, not even in Windhelm. I tell Rolff as much, standing myself between him and Suvaris with our noses almost touching (or rather my nose almost touching his chin).

Rolff is like "It's our city," and I'm like "Shut the fuck up or I'll teach you some manners," and the next thing I know we're in a fistfight.

He's really tough, actually. This lasts almost 20 minutes, but then he's dead. And good riddance. Suvaris (on the right edge of the above picture) is very grateful.

Quite pleased with myself, I go shopping with the girls and stop here and there to chat with passersby. Then I leave my followers to amuse themselves at the inn while I walk to the palace in high spirits.

A shock awaits me. Yrsarald is not there!! I'm told that after negotiations with Tullius, he returned to Windhelm, assembled an army and went away, apparently for a joint campaign against the thalmors.
"To Hammerfell?" I ask.

I am devastated. I feel a yearning unlike anything I've ever felt before, as well as horrible guilt for not having wanted to see Yrsarald the last time we were in the area. I'm terrified my dearest dear might get killed and I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. You may say I wouldn't have said goodbye, because I could have impossibly known beforehand when or even if he was going to get killed, but I'm not up to this kind of logic right now.

I need all my willpower to not break out in tears on the street. Having reached my house, I tell Sofie I'm very sad and she can go out or stay here but I beg her not to ask anything or try to console me. Then I lie down on my bed, fully dressed, draw the blanket over my head and sob away.

When I'm beginning to regain some rudiments of composure, I get out from under the blanket and see that Sofie has chosen to stay. She stands next to the bed, all in tears. I realize my grief is nothing compared to hers living on the streets of Windhelm (before I gave her a home) without parents. I hug her and we cry a little bit together and I explain the best I can how I miss my dear Yrsarald and am afraid for his life, even though I realize he is a soldier and for that matter, I keep risking my life on a regular basis too.

Having brought myself in order as well as I can, I go to the temple.

The priest Lortheim looks very tired. He tells me Jora should be at the inn. Indeed that's where I find her. I'm not going to ask what her business here is. I just tell her I need to talk.

We go into one of the vacant rooms. I explain to Jora cautiously that as she knows, I travel around a lot and it has kind of happened that I have boyfriends in several locations. (I know I'm not allowed to worry  about promiscuity, but surely I'm allowed to talk to a priestess.)
"Have you ever promised to a man not to make love to any others?" Jora asks.
"Unless one of you is spoken for, sex can never be wrong with a man you feel genuine affection for," she explains.
"But if I feel genuine affection towards a large number of men, doesn't it mean I'm a whore?"
"No. You are a whore when you share your body around without genuine affection, only to take advantage of men. Or, for instance, you sleep with a man you're not attracted to just to take revenge on your boyfriend who has upset you somehow. If you do that, you are abusing your beautiful body gods have given you for a different purpose."
"What is our purpose?"
"Our purpose is to carry on life and make men happy in the process, so that they'll feel compelled to do hard work for us and protect us." After a moment, she adds: "Which doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself and make men happy before  establishing a family."
"Um... There are women who do it for money. I doubt they have much genuine affection for their customers."
"That is work like any other. Firstly, it gives a part of the women a way to make a living. Secondly, men have an urge to have sex with different women. Prostitutes save other women from getting raped, and wives and children from being abandoned. Thereby they provide a useful service to the society."
Wow. I'm impressed by this modest-looking woman having such clear and profound answers to all my questions.
"All right. Thanks for hearing me out. Now, what about my memory?"
"I was already beginning to wonder if you had forgotten," Jora says, slightly amused. "You can take your amulet back from the temple. Try not to take it off except in bath and bed. Wear it until you remember something very important."
Is that it?
When I don't say anything for several seconds, Jora adds: "Yrsarald is alive. You are going to meet him here in Windhelm, someday."
My heart misses a beat.
"It's all right to cry. I can leave the room," Jora adds as she stands up.

I'm too confused to say anything. Sitting there waiting for my composure to return, I begin to feel amazing lightness and clarity. I wipe away the few tears that have flown down my cheeks (I don't seem to have many left to shed) and look around hoping to see a mirror. There is none, of course. So I just go upstairs to find my followers. They don't notice anything wrong with me, so evidently I look all right. I tell them to return to our house where I'll join them shortly.

I go to the temple and pick up my amulet from where I hung it a little more than a month ago.
Laura stands in the temple of Windhelm in front of a big statue of Talos brightly lighted by candles
Talos – I've never felt much connection to him, but I hope he really is a god, for Yrsarald's sake.

Back home, we sit down onto the living room floor. I inform my followers that I have decided we will travel to Ravenrock just as planned, and in fact we could leave now and sleep on the ship rather than spend the night here and travel in the morning.

I've been uncertain how Sofie would take us leaving so soon again. To my astonishment, she asks to accompany us. I'm at loss what to reply, because I realize it's actually a good idea. The sea is nothing like wilderness. There would be no animals or renegade mages attacking us. And Ravenrock is a pretty safe place. I could let Milore the alchemist keep an eye on Sofie, or, failing that, Dreyla, the daughter of the general store owner. Sofie can even help out with errands. Come to think of it, considering the awe in which I'm held in Ravenrock, the guards would certainly go out of their way to protect her if necessary. Even confined to inside of the defense walls, she could still have an adventure of her life.

Sofie, misunderstanding my silence, goes on begging and swearing to be quiet like a mouse and obey all my orders to the letter. I smile indulgently and look at Jenassa. With a hint of a shrug, she signals agreement.

I make sure Sofie understands that me and my followers will probably be traveling a lot, and she shall remain behind in Ravenrock without protesting and she may not venture outside the defense walls no matter what.

Then we head for the harbor. You'll be glad to hear the price for the jorney has gone down to 1000 septims, thanks to Bastaard being dead.

Soon after the ship has cast off, we go to sleep since there is nothing to see at sea in the darkness and it's getting on midnight anyway.

next awakening

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