This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-04-05 08:42
Windpeak Inn, Dånstar, The Pale, Skyrim
After I've helped Gregor get rid of his erection, we have a bath together and go out to admire the beautiful harbor.
During my shopping, the girls turn up eventually and I suggest we destroy that skooma den at the harbor. Am I a thane or not?
After it's done, I inform the jarl that Yrsarald has ordered me to kill all skooma traders and I hope very much that I won't have to do it again in this town.
The weather is very nice when we head for Winterhold past our friends the horkers northeast of the town.
It gets worse further east. We have to fight a couple of icewraiths and later a group of bandits. As we reach Winterhold, the heavy snowfall is abating.
We pay a visit to the jarl's house to tell them that should they hear the rumor about us having been captured in Cyrodiil, they'd better not believe it. Then I take my time wandering around town and in the College.
J'zargo is exceedingly friendly with me today, but I'm afraid he's much too late with that. As for my boyfriend Onmund, he's in the midst of studies, but he asks if I have time for him later, and I say I have.
It fills me with pride to see "my" Elder Scroll displayed in the library. Urag hasn't locked it up in some vault after all, but I'm sure the display case is securely protected by something horrible.
Ertzebet says she's been spending more and more time with Master Drevis who evidently keeps finding excuses to consult the library books as well as the librarian's assistant. The two seem to have a lot to talk about, even though Ertzebet can't really explain me what about. She remembers an occasion when they just sat and talked and completely forgot everything around them, and then someone interrupted them and Ertzebet realized to her astonishment that an hour and a half had passed.
She's still sleeping with Alec, but she has amazing rapport with Drevis. It feels completely natural to talk to him and she doesn't even feel guilty or torn between Alec and Drevis. I agree that it is quite amazing.
Eventually, I return to the dormitories and am somewhat taken aback by the sight of Master Tolfdir coming out of Brelyna's bedroom. Maybe you remember, Brelyna is that elf student who was with Onmund, J'zargo and me in Saarthal. I remember now that I've seen Tolfdir around here several times in the past. I can't believe he has a thing going with Brelyna! Now, how could I find out for sure?
I step into Renna's room and say hello and ask her how she's doing and such. Then I ask her about Tolfdir and Brelyna. Renna says she hasn't noticed anything, but the way she says it sounds exactly like she's merely reluctant to gossip.
I must ask Onmund. In fact it's almost 9 in the evening, so this is about the right time for me to find him.
We go up to my quarters.
I ask him about Tolfdir and Brelyna. He says he has seen them together a lot, but he doesn't know if they're actually fucking. He suggests I ask some of the girls. Sure. Thanks for the advice.
Am I jealous? I hope not. It's not like I would do anything with Tolfdir. Although I'm not entirely sure about that. In spite of his, um, very advanced age, it's hard for a woman not to get aroused by the sheer force of clarity emanating from him.
And anyway, this is not the time for such thoughts, since as soon as we're naked, Onmund lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek as I find myself with my legs behind Onmund's back and his genitalia approaching my face. I'm completely helpless and for that matter orientationless, hanging upside down with a hand holding my hair and forcing a hard dick into my mouth.
I hope my legs over Onmund's shoulder will give me enough balance. Should he drop me, I couldn't do anything to avoid a potentially bad injury.
As you can imagine, having things rammed into your throat is very unpleasant. I frantically work with mu tongue as good as I can, trying to make this end sooner. Fortunately the cruel hand soon loosens its grip and Onmund lets me focus on caressing him with my tongue and lips at my own pace.
I try to watch out for the tightening of his balls as well as I can. The last thing I need right now is sperm down the wrong throat. (Yes, up. You are very perceptive.[rolling my eyes])
Well, I won't have to worry about that. After some time, Onmund raises me up and turns me around. I don't quite succeed in suppressing another shriek as I'm lowered without absolutely anything to hold on to. He holds me up with my back towards him and fucks me. (I must apologize for my language, but there's really no other way to describe this.)
His strength and my utter helplessness is so arousing that I even forget to worry that I might fall and get hurt.
Eventually, I can sense Onmund's orgasm beginning. For a moment, I kind of forget about his hands holding me by my thighs. I'm having the sensation like his penis is so hard and big that it's supporting my whole bodyweight. With that image in my mind, I come too, wailing with disappointment that I can't hug Onmund and frantically reaching behind to caress whatever bits of his body my hands can find.
Finally he pulls out and gently lowers me to the ground, but I still won't get to hug him, because he embraces me from behind and fondles by breasts so vigorously that it actually hurts a little, but I don't mind. I lean back with my head against his shoulder and close my eyes touching myself down there because my orgasm still lasts (or maybe a new one has started).
That was one hell of a thrill. I have to support myself on Onmund as I stumble towards the bed.
next awakening
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