This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-04-04 06:31
Alva's House, Morthal, Hjaalmarch, Skyrim
I'm not sure what we should do. That is, which route we ought to take to our ultimate destination, Windhelm.
We could check out that mysterious Cave of Borea northeast of Hviterun which Carlina of Solitud told me about. On our way to Windhelm from there, we could also try to find a curious ruin we once saw on the northern bank of the river east of Valtheim.
That would mean either going through Labyrinthian or to Stonehills and circumventing the mountains clockwise. It doesn't really make much difference. What I can't make up my mind about is if we ought to go to Hviterun. It's not like we have much to do there, but I'd love to spend more time with my stepdaughter Lucia.
The third possibility is to travel via Dånstar and Winterhold. That has the advantage of showing ourselves and dissipating possible panical rumors in two more hold capitals, as well as opportunities to do some shopping. Also we would be able to exchange news with Ertzebet and find out if she's had any luck with Drevis. And Lydia could spend some time with Bjarne.
After some discussion with the girls, I decide we'll go to Dånstar. By the southern route, I would be too tempted to make a stop in Hviterun, yet I wouldn't be able to chill out properly, because the jarl has asked me to show myself around Skyrim and I would feel guilty hanging around in the city instead.
I had actually planned on taking the ship to Ravenrock from Windhelm, but we'll see about that.
As we sit on the small wooden staircase leading to the general store discussing all that, I realize that Morthal is especially beautiful this morning. This town is usually somewhat grim, but right now it's a delightful place to be.
[series of 13 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then press the right arrow to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
After a couple of hours of shopping and visiting the jarl and talking to the playing children, we head east. Running towards the village of Stonehills across the scenic forest, we pass by a giant who is leading a cow who has been painted all over with those mysterious patterns that can be found near places where giants live.
We make a brief stop in Stonehills and suddenly an idea occurs to me. We ought to explore nearby Mzinchaleft and try to find that very special greatsword that Mjoll of Riften lost. I feel I owe it to her. She is helping me in the city government and putting up with the presence of Maul because I asked her, so I really ought to return the favors.
Mzinchaleft is, as you probably can tell by the name, a Dwemer ruin. It's right on the roadside. We've run past it many times traveling between Stonehills and Dånstar.
The girls say "why not". So we run a little way to the north and then turn off the road. Just beyond the hills is a really large complex of structures of unknown purpose with mostly domed roofs.
Unsurprisingly, there are bandits there. We kill them easily. This place is very beautiful with the snowy forest and scenic mountains in the background.
Inside is your usual extensive, massive, robust, ramshackle system of passages and halls. There are bandits here and there. Neither they nor the Dwemer automatons are hard to kill.

I shot that one with a fire arrow. Those lightning-like purplish beams are caused by the machine ceasing to function.
For the first time, I'm paying closer attention to the curious ornaments or possibly symbols they have carved onto the walls in various places:
And then we reach a vast underground space with that eerie pale blue light. And Falmers.
Shit! Did we really have to come here? Is the damned greatsword worth it?
We try our best to sneak past the Falmers, but they are so cleverly placed that it's impossible. Maybe I alone would succeed in sparing the lives at least some of the Falmers, but my followers are detected without fail and we have to defend ourselves. There are some human bandits too, but they seem to be fighting the Falmers, not cooperating with them.
Overall, the place looks magnificent in spite of poor light.
By half past 9 in the evening, we find the legendary greatsword Grimsever.
An hour later, we reach Dånstar.
I hire three rooms this time. Then I can be alone with Gregor in the morning and Jordis and Jenassa won't have to wait for Bjarne and Lydia to finish whatever they may be doing.
I find Gregor and tell him he can do anything he wants, but I hope he'll be gentle. I remember what we agreed upon last time, but he has either forgotten it or changed his mind, so he does it in the right hole and is indeed very gentle.
next awakening
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