This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-12-29 04:40
Dead Man's Drink, Falkert, Falkreath, Skyrim
We run southwest, headed for uncharted country. I'm utterly fascinated by everything gradually getting lighter with the sun rising while we run.
In the village of Pinewood, we make just a brief stop, exchange a few friendly words with a couple of guards, and move on.
After a while, we discover a stone structure with a spriggan in it, and hurriedly return to the road before that basically good but not too bright creature would become alarmed.
A little further, the road ends, turning into a snowy uphill path.
With my heart pounding, I lead the way. Where will this path lead to? A new world or just solid mountain?
It leads to Elinhir Pass. The name suggests it would take us through the mountain range.
It's two days to the New Year's Eve. Should we go back and return here after the New Year's celebrations? Or should we proceed just a little further? I mean, this is not some kind of a magic portal. It's a pass. We can go through and cast a look at what's on the other side, and we'll be able to come back to Skyrim anytime we want, won't we?
What's on the other side, anyway? Cyrodiil? Hammerfell?
Hammerfell, say Lydia and Jenassa. Elinhir is a town in Hammerfell.
This may be where Rayya came to Skyrim from. But she said the Hammerfell border had been closed. Is it still?
The girls have no idea. They haven't even heard the border used to be closed.
We decide to go and take a brief look. A few minutes of walking uphill, and the path ends at a strong wall with a gate.
We approach. About ten meters before the gate is a magical barrier that physically prevents us from proceeding. A Hammerfell border guard appears and tells us we can't get through. I try to negotiate, but he won't answer any questions. Eventually, we turn back, immensely frustrated. Such an amazing discovery and then such a letdown!
We run back towards Falkert. A bit of a comic relief awaits us just before Pinewood:
What is that thing straight ahead of us? A gang-raped spriggan?
Greatly puzzled, we get closer only to find it's just a forked treeroot plus a trick of the light:
This magnificent mountain is somewhere between Pinewood and Falkert:
Sitting in the Falkert inn, still somewhat dejected, and replying to Valga's compassionate enquiries, I come up with a new plan. We have just about enough time to travel unhurriedly to Dragonbridge and get that fifth letter from M to Reginald. It's not exactly important, but it's the only quest we have anywhere near to where we currently are. We can spend the night in Dragonbridge and then return leisurely to Hviterun via Morthal. Take in the sights and such.
The other plan would be to go to Dushnikh Yal in the west, just to say hello, and Morpork, to see if the city administration and businesses have finally turned back to normal.
We are all in agreement that the first plan is better, mainly because we have no reason to expect anything will be different in Morpork. There's something very wrong with that city. Before we return there, we need to come up with something we can do to help. It wouldn't be very smart to assume things would turn back to normal by themselves.
Come to think of it – if we go to Dragonbridge, we should even have enough time to visit Dånstar. Maybe we can persuade Bjarne's boss to give him a couple of days off, so he can come with us to Hviterun for the new year.
I'm not surprised Lydia thinks it's an excellent idea.
We now travel to Northkeep, passing by the Half-Moon Mill:
From there, it's but a stone's throw to Northkeep where we do some shopping and such:
It occurs to me that on our way to Dragonbridge we can just as well pass through Roriksted where I can hire Erik as my follower, letting Jenassa return to the city ahead of us. She'll have but a relatively short trip to the east over easy terrain. I'm not interested in keeping Erik permanently, but by hiring him I can let him get away in such a manner that his father will be satisfied that his son is not just idling around. After Roriksted, we can proceed to Dragonbridge and later Dånstar as planned. Once we're back in Hviterun, I'll dismiss Erik and Borgakh and re-hire Jenassa and Jordis. That is good for two reasons. Firstly, Erik will be able to live in Hviterun, and secondly, I'll have the choice between Valdimar and Erik whenever I'm in the city and feel the desire to make love.
Under the blue sky, we trot towards Roriksted.
We discover a Gjukar's Monument somewhat away from the road. It's just a very high phallic stone column. I've no idea what it's supposed to symbolize or who Gjukar was.
And this is Roriksted:
The villagers, including Erik, are happy to see me. I hire him as my follower. Jenassa prefers to rest in Roriksted for a while and then return to the city. We hug her goodbye and move on. We have been so fast that I think we have enough time to travel via Elisdriel and Dunstad Grove. Elisdriel is, as you know, always a nice place to spend and hour or two.
Erik won't have to wait for long to put himself to test as a warrior. We are attacked by bandits on our way to the north, shortly before the place where we'd have to turn off the road and go northeast:

There's one visible on the right behind that stone. The man on the road was already dead.
Might have been killed by those very bandits.
Might have been killed by those very bandits.
They are very uncoordinated. That is good because it makes it easier for us to kill them, but it's bad because just when I think we've got them all, the last man appears unexpectedly and hits me with several arrows before we can draw our weapons again and finish him off.
We now need to get past the waterfall to our east, which means going uphill in the southeasterly direction a little bit, bypassing the waterfall, and then descending along the eastern riverbank all the way down to the other river branch which we'll have to cross. (That'll be the one in the picture below.)
As we're descending towards the river, looking for the most comfortable place to cross over to the northern bank, I notice how Erik is glancing at me in a way that leaves no doubt he'll want to have sex with me. I'm definitely not in the mood (my ovulation must have ended) but I know I can't be so cruel as to turn him down, especially not in the kind of a fairytale environment we have in Elisdriel.
I catch Lydia grinning. Undoubtedly, she has noticed how Erik is eyeing me and has realized the same thing I just realized. Well, I brought it upon myself. And surely it won't take all that awfully long.
Arrived in Elisdriel, I exchange enquiring glances with Erik. Then I sigh resignedly and tell Lydia and Borgakh to take a walk. Erik and I go in. I intend to just lie there, but Erik makes me hold my legs very high so he has it more comfortable.
In spite of myself, I start to really enjoy it, to the extent I even begin to wonder if the girls can hear me outside. No, I'm sure I'm not that loud, and why should I worry anyway?
Afterwards, Erik and I lie on the bed, cuddling lazily. Somehow I don't think we'll be going anywhere tonight. For that matter, I hate to have to climb out of the bed, but I can't let the girls remain outside for the whole night.
I don't bother to put any clothes on.
Actually, it's light enough outside for us to move on, but wild horses couldn't drag me away from here right now. It's not like I'm tired. Not at all. I'm simply overcome by this amazing peacefulness and calm. For the first time in I don't know how long time I'm feeling delighted just being there without any urge to hurry somewhere and do something.
I have a brilliant inspiration. I not only tell Lydia and Borgakh they may come in, I ask Lydia if she would like to go upstairs together and try to refute a law of nature. (I mean what we know about Nord men.) She is thrilled.
Borgakh asks if she can come along and watch. I reply jokingly: "Only if you strip naked." To my great surprise, she agrees.
So they take off their clothes downstairs and quietly walk up the stairs after me. I go first, in order to obstruct Erik's view for as long as possible, and then we're all over him, Lydia and I.
We not only succeed in, as it were, reviving his manhood, we end up making wild abandoned love deep into the night. Erik does it with Lydia and then he lets me have it the second time. While he's resting, Lydia and I kiss and such. I notice unmistakable fascination on Borgakh's face. It's the first time I'm seeing her drop that Orcish matter-of-factly mask.
Lydia sees it too. When Erik joins our cuddling, evidently aroused again, Lydia invites Borgakh to masturbate him. Under Lydia's expert instructions, she gets him rock hard quite soon. I look questioningly at Erik, but he seems to be enjoying himself so thoroughly that we let Borgakh's hand please him all the way. Lydia takes the tip into his mouth towards the end, though, while I kiss Erik's mouth and caress his belly.
After that, Erik can't keep his eyes open any longer, so Lydia and Borgakh go to their sleeping mats downstairs (simply because the bedroom is too small).
next awakening
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