This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-12-28 06:44
Blackmoor Inn, Blackmoor, Whiterun, Skyrim
The streets are practically empty. Here and there, a lonely passerby is on his way to work, but the shops are still closed.
I can't get Anedhel out of my mind. Never before have I seen a man fall in love with me at first sight like that.
So I go to the Thane's Hall. Anedhel is there and fortunately no one else is.
I'm suddenly very nervous and don't know what to do. So I step closer to him, cast my eyes down and wait. He takes the last step that separates us, hugs me gingerly and we kiss.
Now my curiosity gets the best of me and I reach down there with my hand. Feels like semi-hard.
This gesture seems to remove Anedhel's insecurity completely. He lifts me up and carries me I don't know where. I close my eyes and feel I'm wet already.
I'm gently lowered down to a bed. It's a niche in one of the side rooms. I can't see much of the room from the niche, so I suppose we have a good chance of remaining undetected even if someone should enter.
In a strange way, I am enjoying myself and feeling uncomfortable at the same time. (As I'm going to realize later discussing this with my followers, I am subconsciously scared of pain after my unfamiliar ordeal yesterday. Health potions remove only the physical discomfort, not the fear of its potential return.) Although Anedhel's penis in my vagina isn't causing any pain there or anywhere else, I can't truly relax, especially after someone walks in on us after all. I think it's the thane's housecarl I saw briefly on the street last night. He's gracious enough to leave quietly in order not to spoil his lower-ranking colleague his pleasure, but my mood is thoroughly ruined by the shame. Anedhel doesn't seem to be disturbed at all and takes his time, and I actually end up suppressing moans of pleasure.
All in all, this experience was more embarrassing than satisfying. I get dressed and leave the building as inconspicuously as I can. Out on the street, I'm still the dragonslaying hero, so my mood returns to normal quickly. The weather has gotten much better as well. I do my shopping and look briefly into a house or two.
I decide we'll go now to the Brittleshin Pass in the south not too far from here, and get that staff Enthir wanted. I mean, I don't have to give the staff to Enthir, and if I do, I don't have to give that item he'll give me in return to Arniel. It's just that we're so close to where the staff is, so we can just as well have a little adventure. I'll have plenty of time later to decide what I want to do with the staff.
Just past the mountains that border Blackmoor from the west and south, we notice a fortress.
We sneak closer. I can see a bandit walking on the rampart, and another one standing still. The walking one is now obscured by the wall, so I aim at the standing one. He looks kind of weird. Don't tell me it's a training dummy. I hit it, but it remains standing. It was a training dummy. And now I've made the living bandits realize something is wrong. So much for a covert approach.
Fortunately, we still manage to get to the base of the wall where they can't see us. There doesn't seem to be a gate on this side. We sneak around a third of the perimeter clockwise, reaching a place where a part of the fortifications is crumbled so much that I can climb over with some effort. This doesn't remain unnoticed and I'm attacked immediately. I have to exchange my bow for the Blade of Woe . Eventually, my followers succeed in climbing over as well and join the battle. When the attackers have been eliminated, I equip my bow again and we climb onto the ramparts. The remaining soldiers still see us first, except for one:

What is this? Are you seriously not noticing me? Guess I'd better shoot you dead then, before you wake up from your daydreams.
The fortress is formidable. Borgakh is particularly impressed. If only they'd clear away the rubble and repair the defense wall in that one place where I was able to climb over earlier, this would be an awesome defense installment.
Those clever bastards have erected training dummies all over the place:
I wonder if it could be possible to equip them with magical eyes, so a mage could sit in the fortress and still see what's going on outside.
I'm unsure if I want to explore the interior at all. But since I'm a thane here, I have to do my part keeping law and order in the Whiterun Hold. This place is very close to Hviterun's Western Watchtower (on the right edge of the picture above). Therefore, we go in, and I'm going to be damn glad we did, because this gang is one evil bunch. We find cages, many of which have corpses in them. One cage contains two people tortured to death with fire. It's quite horrible. We kill all the bandits. They aren't much of fighters.
A rather grotesque encounter is with a frail old woman who walks around freely and wouldn't attack us. For that matter, she seems unarmed. She says her name is Agnis and she cooks, cleans and does whatever else the bandits want. Considering her age, it's hard to imagine they would have wanted much, but with that crazy lot I'm not really sure of anything, and I'm not going to enquire about details. We leave her alive. For the time being, she's become the mistress of this horrifying place.
Back outside, we run to the nearby watchtower and tell the city guards they'd better ask the jarl to send some men to occupy the empty bandit fortress. The girls and I proceed to the southwest. We discover a cave entrance called North Brittleshin Pass. It leads to a system of caves called, unsurprisingly, Brittleshin Pass.
There are some walking skeletons and mages inside. From one of the latter, we get the staff Enthir wanted. Its name, buy the way, is Staff of Tandil . The exit at the other end is called, just as I thought, South Brittleshin Pass. We are now on the northern shore of Lake Ilinalta, northeast of Little Vivec. The sun is going down.
Shall we swim across? It's not far, but I'm not sure we can find a place where we can come ashore without being seen naked. Or should we proceed westwards along the coast? Or east to Riverwood?
I get an idea. Tomorrow we could go and explore the southwestern corner of Falkreath one more time. As you may remember, we left the area beyond Pinewood unexplored the last time because we got overloaded. There's no danger of that this time. We could, like, spend this night in Falkert, explore the unknown area tomorrow, and unhurriedly return to Hviterun by the night of the 30th.
The girls think it's a good idea. So we walk to the shore close by. We're going to swim to a little islet between here and Little Vivec, and then come ashore behind Selyse's shop or find another location if necessary. (Jenassa, will you be fine? Yes, she replies, her period ended today.)
Unfortunately, when we come out of the water on the islet, that little boy Albert happens to run around the corner of the shop, and he sees us naked. Dammit! In a small community such as Little Vivec, I simply can't afford to embarrass myself in public like this. Should have put up with the discomfort and swum in armor.
My mood is slightly improved when I find that Selyse is still trading at 7 in the evening. We run quickly through Aurora, because I don't want Lorm to have to see me. But then I notice Ursula is outside her house, so I go to ask if she would trade and she would. Learning from her that Lorm is not in the village, I relax. Ursula apologizes for not inviting us in. With her husband at home, we're certainly more comfortable chatting outside. Me and my followers agree that it's a good idea. Ursula is curious to know what happened between me and Lorm, and I tell her.
It's already dark when we proceed to Falkert.
After a little chat in the cozy and friendly inn, we go to bed relatively early.
next awakening
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