
SexLab Guild is outrageously offending and staggeringly stupid

Minor spoiler only as far as the mod SexLab Guild  is concerned.

Preparing for my current Skyrim game, I tested great many mods, among them SexLab Guild.

I was interested in it because it was supposed to help me promote prostitution in Skyrim.

While testing the mod, I (a female player character) went to the Markarth inn and stroke up a conversation with Degaine. He dropped a sleazy hint about a prostitution guild. I said tell me more. He said: you must first prove you deserve it. I said: okay, what do I have to do? He said: get on your knees. And then followed SexLab Framework 's question "use a nearby bed?" – which means after I've replied "yes" or "no", a sex animation would start.

That was disgusting. I was never asked if I agreed to have sex with that slimy rat.

I didn't just turn that piece of shit mod off. I deleted it.

Now, the minor problem with SexLabGuild  is that it couldn't be more unrealistic. A woman might agree to have sex with someone as repulsive as Degaine if threatened with death, mutilation or such, but certainly not for the mere hope of hearing something she's curious to know about.

However, how unattractive Degaine may be perceived is a matter of personal preference. The main problem with SexLabGuild  is that it's inexcusable for the mod author to make the player character have sex without either overwhelming her or asking for the player's decision.

In simpler words, either:
a) grab her and rape her, or
b) ask for the player's decision.
It's crazy to interpret a question like "What would I have to do?" or "What do you want me to do?" as consent to have sex.