
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (252) Enough of Secrecy

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-04-28 12:08
Jerall View Inn, Bruma, Bruma County, Cyrodiil

Dar'taqto and I have nice gentle sex and then I tell him how I adore Khajiits and how much I enjoy lying on the bed in the embrace of a delighful furry guy like him. That gets him so moved I succeed in making him promise he'll do it only in my vagina from now on.

We bathe unhurriedly and I put on my beautiful blue Cyrodiilian dress and basically idle the day away. Well, not entirely. I find Janieta and she tells me Quatrius is ready to forgive Dar'taqto his past offenses, as long as Cedus takes back his accusation and I promise Dar'taqto will go straight. This is absolutely the last time Quatrius will even discuss anything like that.

Janieta has also heard that, with the army spread too thin at the moment, the count is offering a substantial reward for the destruction of a group of bothersome smugglers residing in Serpent's Trail. The nobles will probably need a few days to hire mercenaries, so my group might be able to get there first.

I thank Janieta and go and do some work at the smithy. I have an ulterior motive for going there – to ask Eddvia about her and Hulgard, but I can't because Hulgard is there, and I won't even be able to question her in the evening because they have other plans. When my followers drop in, I try to gab with them so that Hulgard would get annoyed and leave, but he tells us to do our chatting somewhere else. Eddvia who understood perfectly what we were up to is very amused, and so, must I say, are we. There's nothing we can do, so we leave. I go to the Synod and continue to work. I'm sure I'll catch Eddvia alone tomorrow or sometime.

Walking back to our inn when it's already getting dark, I see Galarynn on the street, the Breton mage aspiring to become a member of the Synod, remember? I ask her if she knows if someone important is protecting Razzada.
Afanna, she says.
I had been praying it wouldn't be Afanna, but it was not to happen. Galarynn doesn't know what their deal is. It can't be business, because pretty much everyone in the city knows by now that Razzada is a fraudster. It's only gullible travelers who buy his wares, so the turnover can't be all that big. Neither can there be a love relationship or Afanna wouldn't let him sleep on the street. Besides, she used to be hot for Simund and more recently Viscount Marcius, Galarynn says. She thinks Razzada provides some kind of services to Afanna that have nothing to do with his visible activities. But she can't guess what it may be.
This is very intriguing, but I think I'll chase Razzada out of the city all the same.
It turns out Galarynn didn't pour her heart out to me just like that. (I had sensed as much. It was kind of a Breton thing, I guess.) She has heard about me and my girls' achievements that have put us in good books with the Synod. She therefore takes the opportunity to ask me if I could put in a good word with Cadius for her.
Why, it'll be my pleasure.

Now I return to the inn. The girls and I spend the evening separately, each with her boyfriend. Jordis whose period started before we reached Bruma is very happy we stayed this long.

I withdraw with Dar'taqto into my inn room quite early. We make love and talk and such.

next awakening

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