This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-03-28 05:32
Jerall View Inn, Bruma, Bruma County, Cyrodiil
The almost empty streets are very beautiful at this time of early morning.
I have slightly changed my mind about today's plans. We'll go to Rielle first.
So we fetch the dog from the stables and travel north. I order Scruffy to sit near the entrance of the ruins and wait for us. He'd be in too much danger in the interior.
After the girls and I have cautiosly walked along a randomly chosen passage for a minute or two, we hear an ethereal voice expressing displeasure with someone's having invaded his sanctum, and, even worse, done something terrible to his corpse.

Note the humanoid creature on the right running to meet us, between the column and the three little lighting crystals.
While we walk on, slaying strange zombies with glowing blue eyes apparently of Ayleid origin, the voice keeps filling us in with further details. We learn that he abhors the undead, but is now aghast to find out he has turned into one himself. He's decent enough to recognize we are not the ones who did it to him. Yet he is so angry that he has to take it out on someone, and lacking anyone else, he's going to kill us.

A zombie is walking up the stairs looking for us.
That thick lightbeam is just light. Don't ask me what's creating it.
That thick lightbeam is just light. Don't ask me what's creating it.
Rielle looks as fascinating as the other two Ayleid ruins we've seen.
I'm enjoying every second of this.
After almost 4 hours of these astoundingly delightful tunnels, we end up in a beautiful big hall lighted by those oblong crystals in different colors. Down a high staircase walks majestically a man named Surilaron who is evidently the owner of that voice we have been hearing.
He looks amazing (at least to me). While he talks, we start shooting arrows into him. He's strong, but dies eventually. His voice thanks us for releasing him "from this mockery". We loot the dead bodies of several Cyrodiil Synod mages lying here and there, but we leave the Ayleid Vases and such, so that they can continue to adorn this wonderful place.
I am profoundly happy for having decided to drop by here before returing to Skyrim.
On our way back, we get lost and spend more than an hour looking for a way out. Luckily it occurs to me to shout Scruffy's name. Fortunately, we're already close enough for him to hear me. We can also hear him barking in return. Still we keep running around in circles unable to find a way out. And then Scruffy is already with us and leads us to the exit.
A really heavy snowfall has started, but I still love to be here. On our way northeast, we take an off-road route again and end up helping the soldiers defeat a group of evil mages once again. Maybe it wasn't a very good idea to send so many troops to Skyrim? You seem to have a serious problem with public order here. (Don't worry, I'm not actually saying this to the soldiers.)
By half past two in the afternoon, we reach the nice and warm Snowstone Rest inn.
We ask Erlus if he would take Scruffy. He is very happy to. Scruffy seems to like the man as well. He can probably smell Erlus is a dog-person.
Before returning to Skyrim, I want to quickly go and check out that mysterious Northfringe Cave east of here.
Remember, we gave it a miss the last time because there was an ogre in our way and we didn't want to disturb it? This time, we're going through and if the ogre insists on picking a fight, then so be it.
Luckily, we succeed running past with shooting just a few ice spikes into it.
That scares it off.
Northfringe Cave turns out really big and full of draugrs.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then press the right arrow to see the next picture etc.; press Esc to return to the text]
Very poor light, nothing beautiful to see, nothing interesting to tell about, except that one draugr hurls me, like, twenty meters across a passage in spite of all my awesome protective armor. The lighting is so crappy that I actually use my Ring of Light a part of the way.
It's past 2 in the night when we finally come out of that enormous dunghole again.
Guess we're not going to Skyrim today after all.
We return to the Snowstone Rest for the night.
next awakening
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