This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-03-29 10:18
Snowstone Rest, Bruma County, Cyrodiil
There are two reasons why I decide to go to Bruma one more time and postpone our return to Skyrim until tomorrow:
1. The Ancient Nord weapons seller Rilja has asked me to bring her Ancient Nord weapons, and we looted many of them yesterday.
2. We have gathered so much loot that I'd like to do another round of crafting. I know, I should get into the habit of leaving less valuable items behind, but I kind of enjoy smithing and enchanting.
Scruffy runs along with us a little way. Then I caress and scratch him affectionately and tell him to return to his new home. He runs off, then makes a sudden leap into the bushes, scaring a flock of birds into flight, and then trots happily towards the Snowstone Rest.
On our way to Bruma, we are once again attacked by a mage bandit. There are no soldiers patrolling this time. In the city, I give my Ancient Nord weapons to Rilja and she rewards me handsomely. Apparently this stuff fetches a much higher price here than I'm used to getting in Skyrim where ancient Nord ruins are everywhere, as are reckless Nord men eager to venture into dangerous places.
I exchange a few words with the old woman Felki Silver-Plow. When we say goodbye and I turn around to leave the marketplace, I see none other than that pompous jerk Albecius Jucani. I am baffled beyond words when he scorns me for giving their dog away.
I am livid with indignation. You scumbag, how dare you refer to Scruffy as "our dog"?
Albecius tries to say something, but I shout to him to shut the fuck up. "You are a pathetic little poser who likes to pretend he is someone important, oblivious of the fact that he's a laughingstock. You are a monster who tortures the dog your son adores, and you would ruin the life of your own daughter just in order to try to gain entry into societal circles where you don't belong, where you would only be spurned, where you and your family members would always feel out of place."
Again he tries to say something and I hiss "Silence, rat!" The look on my face must be really scary, because he actually takes a step backwards. "You know that your outrageous behavior was the reason why I had to give Scruffy away and make your son profoundly unhappy. My heart bleeds for the poor Banus, but I could impossibly condemn Scruffy to remain a victim of a heartless beast like you. I didn't tell Banus it's because of you, but he is bound to know. Which means that from now on you will have to do all you can to win back his respect and avoid your son hating you forever."
I take a deep breath, somewhat calmed down by now. "That's what I wanted to tell you. And now pay close attention, jerk. If you ever say anything disrespectful to me again, I swear to all the gods I will sneak into your house at night and cut out your tongue, no matter what the consequences. I'm about to leave for Skyrim anyway and I don't care if I won't be able to return to Bruma ever. This country means nothing to me, but I won't allow myself to be insulted by a sadistic old man who has failed in his life and is taking it out on a defenseless dog."
Before the dog-torturer has a chance to say anything (or drop dead from shock), I turn around and walk away quickly.
It's about noon. I meet Dar'taqto near the inn and ask him if he'd like to join me in the bath. He says he doesn't (I've gotten the impression the Khajiits don't like to bathe very often; strangely enough they don't stink regardless), but he hopes to see me in the evening. Sure, I'd love to, but I'd rather take it between my legs this time. He laughs and tells me not to worry. We rub our noses together and I go to the inn to have a good wash.
Passing by the marketplace, I see Crouches-In-Crevices chat with the Bosmer alchemist Ananril who has a stand here. I wait until he leaves and follow him.
When we are past Botram's house and there are no people around us, he suddenly turns around. "What do you want from me?"
"Can I have a word?"
He shrugs.
"Do you know why Cedus has been pushing theft charges against Dar'taqto and Adius was siding with Cedus even though there was no evidence?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"I got Cerendil off your neck, didn't I?"
Crouches-In-Crevices eyes my breasts and I wait patiently.
Maybe he realizes I won't leave him alone and I won't do anything for the information. At any rate, he says: "I'm not sorry to break this to you – your sweetheart is really a thief. He has stolen from Cedus in the past but never gotten caught. This time Cedus just used the opportunity. He is fed up with him. So was Adius, because somehow Dar'taqto has always evaded prison. It was largely thanks to the female guards who adore him. He has a way with women."
I swallow the retort "Unlike you?" and just wait for him to continue.
"Adius's death doesn't change a thing," he continues. "Quatrius is just as eager to get rid of the menace. There's nothing you can do. That cat has made many enemies here."
But I have made many friends. And I can get Dar'taqto to change his ways.
I have one more question to Crouches-In-Crevices: "And what's your reason for hating him?"
"None of your fucking business." He turns around and walks away. I leave it at that.
What he told me makes sense. Adius wasn't stupid. He was pragmatic. (But what he did to me was still beyond any bounds of decency.)
At least I know now what's been going on. I wonder if this is why Quatrius wanted to buy me a drink.
I spend the afternoon working on our gear. This'll be our last night in Cyrodiil for the time being. Although maybe we ought to spend one more day here walking around wearing beautiful clothes?
Nah, we'll go to Skyrim. I'm fed up with Cyrodiil. We'll find another place where we can look beautiful.
After reequipping my followers, I return to the blacksmith's shop to have a final chat with Eddvia. On my way there, I hear an obscene insult shouted behind me. Turning around, I can (just as I had expected) see Banus running away. Eddvia, in turn, is grateful to me I gave Scruffy away, thereby sparing the poor dog a lot of pain.
I sit with her until the shop closes. We walk back home together. As you may remember, she lives in the house next to the Jerall View Inn.
When I return to the taproom, Dar'taqto is already there. I sit next to him and ask how's it going and such, and when he impatiently points towards the stairs with his head, I pretend I don't understand what he wants, and then I laugh and we walk down to my room.
It was the right decision to come back to Bruma for one more night. The position chosen by Dar'taqto is somewhat taxing, but his strong arms hold me safely and after some time I'm able to relax and let myself go. And he has (of course) enough patience and self-control to let me enjoy it to the fullest.
Afterwards, we lie there and cuddle. At one time, Dar'taqto looks like intending to leave, but I hold his arm with both hands and he stays. We lie there and talk and such, for hours as it seems. Dar'taqto gets hard again, but he seems in no hurry to do anything. Finally he makes me lie face down. He fancies my butthole, now that we're about to part ways for... yeah, possibly forever.
I tell him I'm not going to resist or scream for help or anything, but I'm begging him not to do it – firstly because it hurts like hell, secondly because it's just disgusting, and thirdly because it's hugely disappointing to know that the dick that is ravaging me back there could give me immense pleasure in the right hole instead. I don't want to leave Bruma with this kind of a memory of him.
Visibly displeased, Dar'taqto puts it in my pussy. But he teases me by stopping his movements when he feels I'm approaching climax, and forces me to use increasingly obscener words begging him to continue. I don't mind. It's very exciting, even though by the fifth or sixth time I feel like beating him with my fists, which I can't do because I'm lying face down. Eventually he lets me have my orgasm and comes shortly afterwards. Then we go to sleep. I have no doubt Lydia will manage somehow.
next awakening
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