This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-11-12 07:08
Keepers' Inn, Northkeep, Falkreath, Skyrim
It's a little too early for shopping. I decide to walk around to kill time. Lydia accompanies me and I take the opportunity to ask her if Jenassa doesn't like human men at all.
As far as Lydia knows, she's been with Imperial and Breton men in the past, but she finds Nord men too crude and unsophisticated, as well as lacking in patience and, er... capacity. She adores Jarl Balgruuf, though, which is why Irileth, another Dark Elf, hates her. But Lydia knows several women in Hviterun whom Irileth hates for the same reason. I find it hilarious.
At 8 o'clock, we visit the couple of shops that have opened. The others seem to start their workday at 9, but I'm not going to wait until then. We'll go to Aurora for serious shopping.
We make a short detour to the Half-Moon Mill to say hello to our friend Hert. His husband Hern is at home between his travels. He tells us about an island called Folkvangr far east to which one can get by ship from Windhelm.
In Aurora, I happen to notice a house called Hall of the Dead. It's not surprising that Aurora has a corpse storage like Nord settlements usually do, but I'm rather astonished that I've never paid it any attention until now.
There's a shrine of Arkay, in front of which you can pray if you wish, some benches, and a staircase that leads down to Aurora Catacombs. That's where the dead are stored, and once again, a few skeletons just feel they have to walk around and attack people. These ones seem a little confused. Maybe they woke up just a moment ago. But they're still hostile and we end up having to kill them.
Joyless corridors lead us to a door that opens into a strange large area. There's a hall where a man attacks us. His diary reveals that he was a priest of Arkay, but other than that I don't really understand what this was all about. On a table in the center of the hall lie the dead bodies of a woman and a child. Exploring this weird place further, we have to wade through some water, and finally we ascend to the ground level again and find ourselves in the Lakeside Cottage which is a house in Aurora we haven't been able to enter from the outside. It's apparently kept to be sold to someone as a reward for special merits. Except that it's unclear whom you'd have to turn to to buy it. There's no thane in Aurora. Maybe to the thane of Northkeep?
I find a key on one of the shelves. I try if it opens the front door. It does. But we're not leaving just yet.
The house is really pretty and cozy. Well, maybe the sleeping arrangements for the followers aren't all that comfortable, but I can live with that. [Grin.]
After we've tried out the cooking facilities and had a leisurely lunch, we exit the house by the front door which I lock again behind us. Unless someone comes and objects, I'm taking possession of this house.
Walking around and visiting the shops, I run into Almra, the talented child who works as a waitress at the inn occasionally. I give her the pretty doll I found in the basement of my new house and she gives me a flower as a return gift.
In the afternoon, we run east. There's nothing spectacular going on in Oakwood. The bandit camp opposite Aulbryn's House has been reinhabited, and as we run past, the men shout something to us, but we pay no attention and just keep running.
We arrive in Riverwood where we first chat some with the blacksmith Alvor, the shopkeeper Lucan and her sister Camilla, and the innkeeper Orgnar.

I admire Alvor. He's like a fortress – in a good way.
I mean, he transmits the feeling of utmost security.
I'm happy for his wife and daughter. And I really like his nephew... ;-)
I'm happy for his wife and daughter. And I really like his nephew... ;-)
Then I tell my followers to wait for me. Having taken a deep breath, I head downstairs for another, the final insulting match with Rudelphine.
She's less rude this time. She tells me dragons have been reawaking. Yeah, I've noticed. Rudelphine has a reason to believe the next one will come to life on that burial mound I saw east of Kynesgrove, and it shall happen around noon the day after tomorrow. She suggests we hurry there without delay. I let her go ahead of us. Me and my followers will travel via Hviterun.
I intend to visit that Fellglow Keep place northwest of Valtheim first (blue marker) and hopefully find information about the books stolen from the Winterhold College. As you can see, it's about halfway between Hviterun and Kynesgrove. From there we'll go to that dragon place (green marker). Sahloknir's Burial Mound – that's where Rudelphine shall get herself a red butt after we've killed that dragon. I'm not really angry with her anymore, but it's a matter of principle. She needs to understand that her behavior has been unacceptable, yet she'd never take me seriously without significant pain.
When me and my followers sit down to relax briefly in the taproom before proceeding to Hviterun, Jenassa asks me innocently if I want to hear what she learned about the Silver-Bloods in Granite Hall yesterday. Why, yes, of course I want to hear it! Well, it turns out that while I was going from shop to shop, Jenassa had a longer conversation with Earana, a High Elf who sells clothes at the undercity market. She told Jenassa that there are several Silver-Bloods in the town, including Thane Hrol's steward Lorkmir Silver-Blood, but they are just businessmen and such. Even though there is much trade with Morpork, Granite Hall belongs to Whiterun Hold and the local Silver-Bloods, wealthy as they may be, keep strictly to the law, or at least as strictly as most other people.
Earana also told Jenassa that there are Silver-Bloods in various parts of Skyrim who prefer to spell their name as Silverblood or even use only their patronyms. Clearly they don't want to be associated with their infamous relatives in Morpork.
That's excellent work, Jenassa, but why did you keep it from me for a whole day? Jenassa shrugs and says she didn't think it was urgent. Of course, I exclaim. It would seem nothing is ever urgent for the elves. Not noticing (or pretending not to notice) my sarcasm, Jenassa replies: "Not much."
From Lydia and Jordis's faces, I can see that Jenassa is actually playing me. They have told me she finds my impatience amusing.

A cute scene at the other end of the taproom: Camilla is working at the baking oven and Sven is inspiring her.
The sun has already gone down by the time we reach Hviterun, but in a city like this, there is always light and there are people walking around. I feel profoundly happy here, looking around and chatting with passersby. In fact, I already felt wonderfully calm and peaceful in Riverwood. This region is where I belong. I mean, unless my real home should turn out even more delightful.
With my stepdaughter Lucia in tow, I walk around and talk to many people, including my close friend Carlotta and my sweetheart Ysolda, as well as people not all that dear to me.
I observe with amusement that Carlotta and Olfina seem to have a pact to keep an eye on each other and thwart Jon's advances. Ysolda confirms that she has noticed it too. But I won't hang around. Satisfied that nothing disastrous has happened while I was away, I go home with Lucia and let her tell me all her important child news. She's happy with the beautiful handheld mirror I brought her from my travels. Nobody in Hviterun has one like that.
next awakening
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