
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (198) And That's What We Came Here For?

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-03-05 07:53
Windpeak Inn, Dånstar, The Pale, Skyrim

Gregor is already awake. "It would seem I have a choice between three girls this morning," he says.
"No, you don't!"
He raises himself a little and looks me in the eye. "Do you mean you have someone specific to suggest to me?"
"Yes. You're going to fuck me."
"What if I don't like a woman who orders me around like that?"
Yes, I remember the rule. When we're naked, he's the boss. "I'm sorry. Please."
"Please what?"
"Please fuck my cunt."
"I can't hear you."
Screw him, the perv! "Please fuck my cunt!" I repeat so loudly that my followers would certainly hear it if they were awake.
Gregor gets on top of me, I open my legs. I look at Jordis and Jenassa's beds. They are either asleep or pretend to be.

It doesn't last very long this time, but I tremendously enjoy Gregor's pleasure. I can't help it. Whenever I observe a man have an orgasm on top of me, it fills me with enormous pride.

The girls woke up while we were at it, but they were courteous enough to put their clothes on quickly and leave the room quietly. I hug and kiss Gregor to prolong the sensation of his strong naked body against mine, and to coincidentally give Jordis and Jenassa some privacy in the bathroom.

When we get out of the bed, I kiss Gregor's penis and say "Thank you!"
"Next time it'll be your butt," he says.
He called it butt!!
"Okay." I kiss him gently on the mouth.
"Say it."
Dammit, does he enjoy it or something? "Next time you'll do it in my butt. May I get dressed now?"

We have a bath together. Jordis and Jenassa have already left.
"When we're in town and I happen to have my period, you can have one of my girls, as long as she agrees," I tell Gregor. "Except Lydia, of course."
"Yes, of course. That's very kind of you, Laura." Yeah, I want to be kind to him even though he likes to embarrass me a little bit at times. His, er, skills are out of this world. I shall really miss him when I'll be married and can't be with him anymore. Well, can't be helped. Family is far more important than sexual pleasure. But that's in the distant future. Right now I do some shopping and then I run with the girls to Winterhold.

The weather is good today and Winterhold looks a lot less morose than usually. At the College, Tolfdir tells me another rupture  has appeared east of Windhelm. Real bunglers, those psijics! (I guess I shall call them "psijerks" from now on.) Why did they assume responsibility over the Eye of Magnus  if they are incapable of keeping it under control? Or are they playing games with us again?

Never mind. We're still going to Summerset today, no matter what.

I buy a few things, have a little chat with Ertzebet, and then we're ready... Wait, there's Master Drevis. I promised Ertzebet I'd grab the bull by the horns this time. So I go and make some small talk with him.

Having chatted about this and that, I ask Drevis directly if he has a girlfriend. I make it sound like innocent female curiosity and he answers he hasn't, and I ask if there are any girls at the College he finds attractive, and he's like "it wouldn't really be seemly for me to have a relationship with a student", and I'm like "but what if the woman wasn't strictly a student", and I end up telling him that I suspect that Ertzebet likes him and maybe he should try and make some innocent conversation with her someday – because she is, naturally, a decent shy girl who wouldn't approach a man even if she wanted to.

I think this went really well. (Although Lydia says I should have been a little more subtle.) But right now my thoughts are on the tropical sunshine of Summerset. Speaking of which, me and my followers really have to get going if I want to get anything done in Holly Falls today.

So I summon the girls and cast the spell that takes us to Shimmerene Mages' Guild. We say quickly hello to Quillinda and I tell Dulizar I'm terribly sorry I have no time to stay.

After a little shopping in the Shimmerene village,
we head west. We see some cute elks, and a little later I practically run into a pack of swamphounds. No difficulties killing them, of course. Then we see half a dozen walking skeletons. They're quite far and not noticing us, because they're busy attacking a group of rockbugs. We shoot the skeletons dead and take their weapons. The rockbugs are, of course, not aggressive.

Halfway between Holly Falls and Riverfield is Red Beggar's Hole where we need to get a Finely Crafted Bowl  from, hopefully the last ingredient needed to enable Master Bolwing to turn the dog-king back into a human. The "hole" is a small cave. In it lives an elven woman who isn't interested in talking and could well be even crazy. I can see the bowl we need, but I'm not sure if she would let us have it if I asked. So I find a moment when she's looking the other way and steal it.

The massive ruins of Holly Falls are just a little way to the south from here.

We do the arduous climb to their underground village only to find there's no one there. Apparently they made bold to leave without our protection. I hope they're all right.

Now we're going to Alinor to help that mage Ardhil. After that, we'll be pretty much done in Summerset. With the war between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire potentially breaking out any moment, I doubt it's a good idea for us to hang around here very long. Although I want to find some time to talk to those Breton girls (and why not guys as well) at the Mages' Guild one more time.

It's already past 7 in the evening by the time we reach Alinor.

The sun is low, but I'm sure we'll have decent light for some time, and the mysterious cave Ardhil is looking for shouldn't be too far.

We let Ardhil lead us to the southwest, almost reaching the ocean shore. Ardhil realizes this is not the right place. Her mysterious cave might be between here and Sunhold instead. So we run east. The moon comes out and the scenery is quite beautiful. We discover a small fortress called Glenview. There's a female guard outside who is friendly but says she's not supposed to chat with travelers.

We proceed to the southeast. In a nice spot overlooking the beach, we have a little rest. Now, where has Ardhil disappeared all of a sudden? I shout her name. She comes out of the bushes, looking embarrassed.

Don't worry. We all do that. Next time just tell me. It's nothing to be ashamed of in a female-only company.

As to this location, Ardhil thinks this is not the right place either and we'll need to go further northeast.

Well, maybe so, but it's so late that we'll go to Sunhold for the night. And I'll get to be with Thoromhel!!

Thoromhel is happy to see me and he makes me very happy in turn on the bed upstairs.

next awakening