This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-12-22 06:42
a shack, Dread Coast, Falskaar
Under the rays of the rising sun, the dark-blue ocean looks firm and unwavering.
I don't know what makes me so poetic this morning. Maybe it's that fortress on that small island not awfully far away.
How do you feel about a refreshing swim, girls? I'm really curious to take a look at that... well, more like a ruin of a fortress, but still... We've plenty of time, haven't we? Sure, we have the lighthouse to explore, but that can't take too long. How big can a lighthouse be? And from there, it's but a stone's throw to the Docks. Give Freya and Henrik their stuff and off we go to Dånstar. Shops. People. Although people are actually nicer here in Falskaar.
Right, Laura, stop gabbing. Make a decision.
I already shiver with the anticipation of the cold as I strip. Then I jump in. It's not as bad, actually, as one would expect looking at those icy islets.
On the island, there are ruins of a fortress, as well as an unopenable door half-buried under earth and snow. Nothing even remotely living, apart from a few wisps of grass that don't look too happy.
I'm not sure what dismays my followers more: that they had to swim all that way in the cold water for this , or that they'll have to swim back to the mainland. Maybe I'm too cruel, but I can't help laughing when I look at them.
I find a cape from which the way to the mainland is very short. There are several shipwrecks in the shallow water near the coast. I check them out, but there's nothing valuable in them. Then we run towards the lighthouse in the west. It warms us up quickly.
There's no fire burning on top and we're seeing no one inside either. A trapdoor leads into stone passages underground. No skeletons, no skeevers, nothing. Eventually we find the diary of Janna, that woman Wulf mentioned the other day. It's a long and sad story about bandits who were extorting money from them, and Janna and her husband stole a large amount of money from a sinking ship, and he got sick and died, and then she hid underground with the money so that the bandits wouldn't get it, and if someone should find her notes, she wants that money (10,000 septims) to be given to Wulf. I won't dwell on details, because all the participants are obviously dead and nothing can be done here to help anyone – well, except by bringing said ten thousand septims to Wulf.
There are shrines of Zenithar, Kynareth and Stendarr outside. I pray to Kynareth to help me get that messy tragedy out of my mind.
Then we run west, meet a lovely little fox and find a way across the river. The bridge is not in a good shape, but it obviously beats walking on a fallen treetrunk.

A little way behind us, the river falls into the sea from considerable height. That's why it's good we won't have to swim over. ;-)
There are elks everywhere. It's an utterly adorable forest.
Soon we arrive in Falskaar Docks. I give Freya her berries and Henrik his necklace, making sure neither is seeing the other spouse's surprise. Then I tell their son Galen that we've killed the mudcrabs, and give Janna's message and money to Wulf. Now we say goodbye to Falskaar for some time.
After a few minutes on the open sea, the cold and the wind chase us into the ship's hold. I take an opportunity to ask the girls: "Is there a way to know in advance how often a man will be able to do it?"
Lydia looks at me like I was an idiot.
I'm confused. What did I say that was so stupid? "I mean, like, before you agree to marry someone," I try to explain.
"Laura, I am sure that before you marry Yr...someone, you are going to spend a few months together with him. At least I'd like to hope you have so much sense."
I nod. "Yeah. Sure." How didn't I think of it myself?
The boat rocks all the time, so we're not exactly sleeping well. We arrive in Dånstar very early the next morning when it's still dark. I'm surprised to see the town decorated with colorful lanterns. My followers explain me that in two days the people of Skyrim will celebrate a holiday known as Saturalia and that's what the lanterns symbolize.
I want to use the early hours to do my smithing before the blacksmith comes to work and gets in my way. But by half past seven, I find myself too tired. I can't afford to waste the whole day, so I sleep just 4 hours. Then I finish my crafting and sell as much stuff as I can. I also check out the trapdoor next to the open-air shop at the harbor. It leads to a skooma den. The dealer has a wide variety of poisons on sale, which is why I decide I won't destroy this business just yet. The other reason is that if I did, I might get in trouble with the law. Maybe this establishment is tolerated here because someone important protects it. I'd better find out before taking drastic action.
Anyway, in the jarl's house where I go next, I learn that I've done so much for The Pale Hold that I'm eligible to be appointed a thane.
I get assigned a housecarl named Gregor. He's relatively good-looking, a real hunk in Skyrim terms, so I waste no time taking him to our room at the inn. (Lydia and Bjarne have already done their thing and left, so I won't have to rent a second room.)
I suck him a little and then I get on my back.
I instruct Gregor sternly that if he feels his ejaculation approaching, he has to pull out and rest awhile, taking several deep breaths. (Jenassa taught me that.) I don't generally like to order a man around like this, but Gregor is my subordinate. That's why I don't feel bad using him as a masturbation tool. I tell Gregor exactly how he is to move himself and after a while he no longer needs to be instructed. I'm really surprised by how well it works.
I end up getting several orgasms while I have myself fucked deep into the night. I'm not sure I've ever felt so good in my entire life, although if I were to begin to seriously think about it, I'm sure I'd recall occasions when I have, and I'd better not, right? Just get lost in Gregor's eyes filled with lust, breathe in the scent of his body and turn off all thinking.
I've no idea how many hours (or days) may have passed when I, exhausted and barely able to produce a sound, tell Gregor that he may come now. He's in no hurry to pull out afterwards, and I think I even fall asleep before he does.
next awakening
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