This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-12-24 08:19
Windpeak Inn, Dånstar, The Pale, Skyrim
Gregor has a hard-on and he would obviously like to stick it in me, but he's embarrassed of my followers. Of course, my followers! I forgot to tell them last night when they could come in. Evidently, they entered anyway at some point, because they are in their beds now. Borgakh is awake, the others are still sleeping. Whatever. I get up as if everything was normal and go to have a bath with Borgakh. Lydia and Jenassa join us shortly.
Last night, I was playing with the thought of letting Jenassa go home to Hviterun ahead of the rest of us and take Gregor with me. On second thought, I realize I'd hate to put such an extraordinary man's life at risk. Better let him stay here as a very special reason for me to visit Dånstar.
Winterhold is so much closer than Hviterun that I decide we'll go there first. We'll have plenty of time to do things and still be in Hviterun for the new year's celebration.
The weather is fine and the peaceful ocean looks lovely as we start running eastwards along the snowy coast. I think it's early enough for us to get our business done and reach Windhelm today. Then I can spend the evening with Yrsarald. I get wet almost by thinking about it.
You may wonder how it's so easy for me to jump from one man's bed into another's. My followers certainly find it difficult to relate to. The thing is, it fascinates me to no end how you can have so different kinds of relationships with various men and they're all wonderful in their own way. I'm profoundly happy when I'm with Yrsarald and I'm profoundly happy when I'm with Oudin and, for that matter, I used to be profoundly happy with Lorm. Even those times when I tried to find Lorm and couldn't, and I felt frustrated and eaten up by my longing and I was worried if he was even alive... Although it hurt, I don't regret one second of it. For that matter, even all those two-minute men, if you pardon my crass language, were interesting experiences in a certain sense.
The point is, most women's mistake is to expect one man to be your everything. I don't really know how I got over it, but I have. Even though I certainly want to settle down with one man permanently someday (and it could well be Yrsarald, after we've managed to put an end to this damned war), I have learned to get as much as I can out of the present moment. As long as you keep your men from finding out about each other, and focus on what is, instead of your wishful thinking, you can have awesome time most of the time, as well as get extremely valuable lessons which eventually will help you keep that one and only who's going to be the father of your children.
There's only one man I feel really bad about. It was the one in Dragonbridge whom I failed to get aroused. And come to think of it, I'm ashamed of what I did in Outcast Valley, but it's such a secluded community that no one outside is likely to ever get to know, and I'm certainly never going back there.
Please excuse my verbosity, but there hasn't been much to tell you about while we've been running along this snowy desolate coastline. I'm sure we'll arrive soon now. The statue of Azura is already visible, so Winterhold can't be very far.
The weather keeps getting worse. By the time we've discovered a shrine with a huge statue of Talos northwest of Saarthal, it's gotten windy and snowing. Instead of proceeding along the coast, I choose the road that approaches Winterhold from the southwest. Running away from a troll, we arrive in the town in the midst of a bad snowstorm.
We go to the inn first. Nelacar is really angry with me when I interrupt his work, but I won't go away, so he grumblingly trades with me after all. In a place like this, people can't afford to let profits pass by.
After Birna's shop, I go to say hello to the folks at the College as well as get some training in Conjuration and Destruction. I bring Arniel some Dwemer Cogs he wanted, and he says he's got trouble with that shady elf trader Enthir. Arniel ordered a certain item from Enthir, but now Enthir refuses to give it to him. When I ask Enthir about it, he says he's refusing to hand it over simply because Arniel can't afford to pay for it.
Enthir says he'd accept a certain rare staff in lieu of money. I could get it from a place southwest of Hviterun. Fine, I'll think about it. Maybe someday I'll feel like making Arniel indebted to me. Maybe not. He's rather pathetic and at this moment I can't think of any use he could possibly be of. But maybe there's something interesting behind that mysterious research of his.
But now it's getting on 2 o'clock. Before we leave for Windhelm, I have to have a moment with Ertzebet. We haven't talked for so long.
I ask her about her, er, romantic achievements. She says there are two guys between whom she can't make up her mind – Alec and Siertus. They're senior students whom I've seen around, mostly in the library. Alec is a really cool Breton guy. Seems friendly and smart, as well as one who would neglect neither work nor pleasure.
As concerns Siertus, a High Elf of a more modest and silent kind, I've barely noticed him.
Ertzebet says they both clearly like her. She's not too impressed with Siertus, but agrees with me that Alec seems to be the kind of guy who is fun to be with.
"So what's the problem?" I wonder. "I think you said you can't make up your mind, but it seems pretty clear to me you prefer Alec."
After some hesitation, Ertzebet confesses she's actually attracted to Master Drevis, the Illusion teacher.
Now, Drevis is a lot older than we are, but nowhere near as old as Tolfdir or Sergius. I mean, as I've told you, you never really know with the elves, but from what I can see in his face and hear in his voice, he seems to be at, er, full strength.
Ertzebet says she has nothing to talk about with men of her own age. Yes, I know the feeling. That's why your husband has to be at least ten years older than you. Then you can rely on him having proper life experience as well as the ability to handle women. As a bonus, he'll feel he's ageing and really appreciate your desiring him. I tell Ertzebet that most men are convinced that they are unattractive to young women. That's why your admiration gives them wings.
While we talk, Borgakh enters the library. She sees me, hesitates, I nod to her and she comes and sits with us, hearing the last part of our conversation.
Ertzebet returns to her work and Borgakh asks me what it's like to make love to a man you have just met, evidently referring to me and Gregor last night. I don't have a chance trying to read an Orc's emotions, so I can't tell if she's reproachful on curious. But I try to explain the best I can and end up telling her basically the same thing I shared with you in my thoughts earlier today. She appears to hear with great interest, if not fascination.
Now Lydia and Jenassa turn up. They go to say a quick hello to Ertzebet, then I wave her goodbye and we leave for Windhelm.

Azura watches over the region's overall welfare and the town guards deal with more immediate issues?
After passing through Amol City, we once again take the off-road shortcut to the northern elf suburb. They don't seem to celebrate Saturalia, but Windhelm proper is nicely decorated and I feel wonderful. I've told you how I get positive energy from this city in spite of its harsh looks.
There's still enough time for me to go through all the shops (or almost) and pick up some street gossip along the way. In the Gray Quarter inn, I notice Malborn and it reminds me I ought to tell him I killed that thalmor assassin who was after him. But maybe I shouldn't tell him? He's been rather rude to me in the past and it serves him right to cower in fear. Then again, it's hard to be really angry with such a pathetic little worm. Besides, he did Rudelphine and me a big service. So I tell him after all. Never mind the past insults. We were all under a great strain.
Malborn thanks me and runs away to find another stone to crawl under. I won't be sad if I should never see him again.

The man with the green warpaint is from one of the ships in the harbor.
Don't ask me why they have those little pieces of wood lying all over the floor.
I asked Jenassa if it's some kind of an elven custom or ritual. She doesn't know.
Don't ask me why they have those little pieces of wood lying all over the floor.
I asked Jenassa if it's some kind of an elven custom or ritual. She doesn't know.
I go to the Candlehearth Hall inn and talk to the people for some time as well as rest my legs. Around 8 o'clock, I think it's late enough for Yrsarald to finish working for today. I go to the palace and he is very happy to see me.
Up in his room, I experience a shock. Yrsarald wants to do it in that other hole. I beg him not to. I tell him I'm afraid of the pain because his thing is so big. I tell him I promise we'll do it the next time and I'll raise no objections, and should I try to resist he may use force to make me obey, but please not tonight. I risk saying I'm so horny that I'll die if I don't get his big dick into my wet pussy right now. That does the trick. Yrsarald grabs me and throws me onto the bed and takes me. In the vagina. I do my best to reward him with unprecedented passion. It's not even entirely acted, because I feel triumphant for having succeeded in bending his will. On the whole, a real man has to be firm, but it's a good feeling when I can have my way sometimes.
That went quickly. I don't hurry to stand up and get dressed. I stroke Yrsarald's hairy chest and play a little with his nipples as I ask him a few questions while wondering in my mind how much rest he'll need. As soon as I dare, I take him into my mouth. To tell you the truth, I've been really worried about how we're going to live together after the war, with him so thick down there. It feels good where it belongs, but if I had to take him into my two other holes on a regular basis, it would be an ordeal I'm not sure I'd be able to handle. Right now, I'm delighted to get to suck on his thing without killing my jaw joints. It's so utterly adorable when it's small and soft (please don't tell him I said that!), especially because I know I can make it hard, and it gets hard because Yrsarald desires me. And he desires me because I have a great body thanks to which I can make men admire me and do things for me. Of course I can do things for men as well, like I'm doing now, in the midst of my man's deep groans of pleasure. My mouth is slowly filling up as my free hand caresses his belly, fondling his mighty balls from time to time.
When the thing gets decidedly too big to fit properly in my little mouth, I place my spermy thighs on both sides of Yrsarald's hips and lower my eager opening onto him, relishing every millimeter.
I move myself slowly back and forth in each direction and also try to squeeze him with my inner muscles but then think better of it because it could make him come too soon. Although there should be no danger of that, because he has already come once. Dammit, logic, get out of my head! This is not the time.
We take it slowly, or more precisely I do, as Yrsarald mostly lies there and enjoys. I have an orgasm and then I lie still, forgetting for a moment Yrsarald has not yet had his.
When he begins to make impatient movements with his lower body, I mobilize my tired legs for the last intense effort to make it as good for Yrsarald as I can. After he's satisfied, I remain lying on top of him, but then I realize he has almost fallen asleep and it's really time for me to go. It's sad as well as a torment for my legs that have really worked a lot today.
Maybe the next time, after he's conquered my butthole, I can try to coax him into letting me stay the night?
We shall see.
next awakening
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