
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (200) Cats and Dogs

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-03-07 11:18
Cloudrest Palace, Cloudrest, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion

No visit to Cloudrest can be complete without shopping at the underground market next to the palace.

The blacksmith Malta is particularly friendly today while the handsome elf Saulian is strangely grumpy and the alchemist Loralia looks like she may even be ill. But they still have cool wares on offer.

After that, we're basically headed for Shimmerene to return to Skyrim, and we're not all too busy. As I told you, I want to talk to the students, because it's the only place where I can learn about High Rock from the people who are actually from there. (I mean, have been there recently.) I also want to spend some time with my Shimmerene boyfriend Dulizar. I've been fantasizing about a boobjob with a Khajiit. You'll see later why – if you can't guess.

Apart from that, I've been feeling for the past two days that I really want to visit Dusk. I so miss Bradwin. And it's generally a nice place, in its slightly crazy way.

Before we head southeast, though, maybe we ought to check out a certain place that is near Cloudrest on the northern shore.

It's supposed to be the residence of a smuggler who is rumored to have acquired the Poetic Blade  stolen from the blacksmith of Alinor who was making it for the queen of Lillandril. Something like that. Now, I don't care much for that spoilt and lazy bitch, but since we're so close, we can just as well go and make the acquaintance of that smuggler guy.

After a steep descent, we discover a pretty beach, explore a small island on which there is nothing to find (but it's beautiful) and then we enter a cave near the coast.

The smuggler greets us from behind a securely locked door. I ask him about the Poetic Blade and he gives me directions to a location further west (quite close to Lillandril in fact) where the chief of the bandits may know where the blade is.

I can't be bothered with that today. After chilling some in the warm water and admiring the scenery (see picture above), we head for Shimmerene. I decide to make a detour along the ocean shore clockwise, passing by the place where we first arrived in Summerset three months ago:

Instead of going south into the mountain pass, we move eastwards along the rocky coast this time and discover an utterly lovely little dwelling. Its called Two Hearts Shack. The occupants, whoever they may be, are not home.

If I had a man with me right now, I wouldn't be leaving this charming place very soon. How I envy the people who live here!

Shortly afterwards, the coastline turns south. We get a blessing from the Shrine of Auriel that is southeast of Cloudrest, kill a few walking skeletons along the way, and, well, see a pahmar who I presume would like us to keep our distance:

In Shimmerene, I find the Arch-Mage and Master Bolwing in the company of a tall High Elf man whom I haven't seen before. Don't tell me Bolwing has already taken the curse off King Celamir.

Well, yes, that's precisely the case. Bolwing informs me the bowl I brought him wasn't actually needed. (Note to self: don't forget to drop by Red Beggar's Hole and bring it back.)

The king thanks me cordially and then offers to... sell me a house for 50 000 septims!!

What the fuck?

The mayor of Ravenrock gave me a house in the town for merely thwarting an assassination attempt. King Celamir was saved by me from the unspeakable anguish and disgrace of living as a dog, and he offers to SELL me a house somewhere in the middle of the forest? Well, yes, I'll take it, because 50 000 septims is a mere 1% of my capital, but I'm appalled by King Celamir's attitude. (I shall call him the King of Greed from now on.) Maybe he thinks that because I'm a non-elf and a foreigner at that, I don't deserve real acknowledgement.

Master Bolwing in turn asks my help in clearing a closed wing of the Guild building of some unholy horrors. I've noticed the place, it's the door opposite the one that leads to the students' wing and Quillinda has warned me to stay away from it. Bolwing says that after my group succeeded in getting all those rare ingredients from dangerous places, he can trust us to not just get ourselves killed in there. He offers to give us some mages as support, which I politely refuse. As you know, we fight better without outsiders getting in our way. We'll be careful enough – as well as sensible enough to run away if we can't handle it.

This mission might also lead us to the tracks of the mage whom Bolwing suspects of having done the transmophication (as the scientific terms goes) to King Celamir. Ryndyll alias Rany Roo is his name. Bolwing clearly knows something he's not telling me, but frankly I'm not too keen about this mission in the first place.

Well, it's past seven in the evening. I want to be with Dulizar, after which Berenice, Heloise, Noemie and I are going to lock ourselves into our dorm room and talk about High Rock.

On second thought, if we destroyed the monsters in that closed wing, I would have a private place where to be with Dulizar.

All right, let's go in there and take a look.

The layout is similar to the dorm on the other side. There are even beds in rooms. However, their occupants are wolf-like creatures walking on two legs, much taller than we.
protagonist is facing a fierce-looking werewolf-like creature, much blood and a dead body on the floor ahead
The studies must have been really grueling for the students to become such animals.

Unarmed, they're not too difficult to kill. Here is another one who has been hit by ice magic from my followers:

There are also a few dead humans here and there.

At the end of the corridor, past half a dozen utterly ruined dorm rooms, is an entrance to a dungeon. We're not going there this time.

This area is reasonably safe now, but it's not suitable for lovemaking after all. Too much blood and corpses. Dulizar and I will have to try and find a reasonably secluded and safe place outside.

We choose a spot in long soft grass in the narrow space between the guild building wall and the steep rocky hillside in the north. I ask Dulizar if he would like to do it between my breasts. He thinks it might be interesting.

I ask him not to go too fast.

That soft tail rubbing against my vulva, moving back and forth with each of Dulizar's thrusts – it's just as heavenly as I had imagined!

protagonist is looking at the starlit sky beyond the face of a Khajiit man bent over her
This is what I'm seeing.

It's awesome. I actually do reach an orgasm. I also tremendously enjoy Dulizar's climax which seems to last forever. I get it everywhere and I won't even bother to wash. It was a magnificent experience.

Now I retire to my dorm room. What luck that I was accommodated together with three Breton girls!

Berenice is the shortest, but she's a kind of boss in this room. She has a very sharp mind.

Noemie is a well-read and industrious girl who would certainly make a fine wife to some cultured and intelligent nobleman, if she can find herself one:

Heloise is not too bright, but has a superb body (which she takes good care not to emphasize with her clothing) and good character, and is determined to get the most out of the talented people around her in Shimmerene:

Today, however, she is very tired and decides to go to sleep after a couple of hours, but Berenice, Noemie and I talk late into the night.

I ask the girls a million questions about the life back home, right up to the street names and which animals their grandparents kept. Anything to potentially awake some associations in my dormant memory.

Naturally they're interested in my adventures in turn, and so I end up telling them about the "generosity" of the King of Greed. The girls shake their heads.
"You don't understand," says Berenice. "The Summerset law is that when you buy a house for a fair price, you're granted the privileges of an Aldmeri citizen. When a king just gives you a house, it's no more than a place where you can live for free. He can take it back anytime. But a real house, not just a hovel, bought for a fair price is yours forever."
"As soon as you take the property physically into your possession, you are legally equal to the Altmers who live here," emphasizes Noemie.
So that's why Lord Elberoth of Ebon emphasized he had no proper house  for sale!
"Citizen privileges – does that mean I can get proper documents and travel legally to High Rock?" I ask.
"I don't see why you shouldn't," says Noemie.
"But what if I've been officially declared an enemy of the thalmors?"
"If you don't tell them, they won't ask," Berenice explains patiently.
"Thalmors don't have all that much influence here to start with," says Noemie.
Berenice continues: "You are a Breton, born in High Rock, you have an obviously Breton name, your occupation is a student at the Shimmerene Mages' Guild. Why should the harbor officials suspect anything could be wrong?"
"And back home they're not so scrupulous about people's backgrounds," adds Noemie. "All that identity papers thing is really an Aldmeri habit we've taken over."
"Meaning, no official in High Rock is going to ask why your ID has been issued in Aldmeri and not in High Rock," clarifies Berenice.
"Apart from which, nobody in High Rock would care if you are an enemy of the thalmors," says Noemie.
Yes, that's obviously true.
Noemie goes on: "So you see, this what you call ungratefulness on the King Celamir's part is in fact a really huge deal."
"Okay, I get it now. Thanks for telling me."
"One thing, though," says Berenice.
"You said you have forgotten most of your past."
"I have. It's been coming back slowly, but I don't even remember any of my relatives outside of the immediate family."
Berenice nods. "Then it may not be a very good idea to hurry to Lillandril and take the first ship home. People would wonder. Memory loss isn't something that just happens."
"Yeah, I've been told it isn't. In all likelihood, I got amnesia because I had to to fulfill my mission as the Dragonborn and the gods didn't want me burdened with possible past affinities. Now that Alduin is killed, they seem to be giving it back to me bit by bit, possibly at the rate they think I can emotionally process."
"See? That's why, if you are interested in my opinion... I mean, if  you are interested in my opinion..."
I nod.
"...I would advise you to have some more patience. If you had to tell the people back home you're Dragonborn, you'd end up having a crowd of admirerers or simply curious ones, with a fair share of nutcases, in front of your home day and night."
Everybody's telling me to be more patient! But Berenice is certainly right about this. Bretons tend to be inquisitive... as I somehow know now.

Well, it's gotten very late. I'd better let the girls get some rest. They have been so kind to sacrifice some of their sleep to satisfy my curiosity.

Berenice and Noemie give me their addresses in High Rock, as well as Heloise's, and I promise to give them my parents' as soon as I can remember.

next awakening