This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-03-08 10:07
Mages' Guild, Shimmerene, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion
I want to travel to Dusk today to be with Bradwin and then proceed to the west to find my new country estate between Sunhold and Alinor. (It's called Manor Keep. Did I tell you yet?)
We do a little shopping in the Shimmerene village and then spend an hour and a half mining some Coruscate in the nearby mine.

For some reason, swamphounds have taken up residence here. This is what they look like up close.
Sorry about the bad light. I didn't know how to ask them to come outside to have a picture with me.
Sorry about the bad light. I didn't know how to ask them to come outside to have a picture with me.
The weather is delightful as we run along the eastern coast to Dusk. In the area between the river and the gate of the Dusk fortress, there's a group of three mage-bandits. They are fighting someone, so we just wait with our bows ready.
Then I realize they're attacking a group of rockbugs who must be really very tough to have been able to hold out so long. We kill the bandits. It's not nice to attack rockbugs. They wouldn't hurt a fly and I doubt they're edible.
Inside the fortress, I nod to the girls and turn away towards Bradwin's apartment.
"Can we have an orgy at the inn?" Lydia asks like a child asking her mother if she may go out and play.
I suppress a grin. "Sure, go ahead."
"Will you come too?" Jordis asks innocently.
"I'm certain I will come. But not in the inn."
I look at them and we all smile impishly and I wish them good luck.
I ask Bradwin if he'd like me to suck. Why, what in the world could he possibly have against it? So I motion him to lie down. The point is that I'm sure he'll be able to do it twice at least, and if you're going to get it in your vagina and in your mouth, then you'd better do the blowjob first, because it'll take less time and the second round in your vagina will last longer when the man has already come once.
Gods, what a schemer I am! Sometimes I astonish myself.
It's really nice to have a thing of comfortable size in my mouth for a change.
I'll hardly surprise you by telling you that sperm is not something I would describe as a delicacy. Yet, there is something mysterious in the smell of an aroused man that drives me ecstatic like nothing else in the world. That's why I suck and lick Bradwin greedily long after the last drop is out. He finally has to pull my head away.
As we lie in embrace happily, I ask him what he does and he says he's an alchemist. He doesn't trade, though. He just researches the properties of less-known ingredients and prepares very special potions on order. I ask him about the bandits who live outside the fortress along the Sunhold road. He says they're a bit of an annoyance, but generally harmless. They only attack travelers, but they have a more or less peaceful working relationship with the inhabitants of Dusk, part of whom are actually escaping from one or another kind of trouble they were having in the official society. Some even have certain connections and influence in the outside world, but they don't flaunt it to every curious passerby.
"The Bosmers are the best alchemists in the world," Bradwin then tells me. "The Bretons think the same about themselves, but they have no idea. I don't mean to offend you, but that's the truth. Our culture is close to the nature unlike anyone else's and that's why we feel the nature unlike any other race."
I wouldn't think of arguing. "Is it true that the Bosmer men desire women of other races?" I ask instead.
"Yes. Our biological stock needs to be strengthened with foreign genes, lest the race degenerate."
Again those mysterious genes ! He makes it sound almost like you can bake people like potions out of ingredients.
"I mean, we don't think about enrichening our gene pool all the time," Bradwin explains. "We just grow up in an environment that encourages intimate contacts with women of other races."
"What do the Bosmer women think of it?"
"That's why we have bigamy. Obviously we can't have Bosmer women to go without partners, so every Bosmer man who can gets himself a wife and a concubine. Only a Bosmer can be a wife. Your non-Bosmer children are slaves. The daughters are sold as concubines, the sons will be made to work and are not allowed to have children of their own."
"But I have heard that when an elf and a human have a child, it can be an elf as well."
"Yes. Those will become citizens."
"I don't know," I say cautiously. "That sounds horrible."
"Hardly less horrible than invading other countries and killing people over the question which god is right or which king this or another peasant ought to pay taxes to. All we want is to live in our country by our own traditions."
"If so, why attack Hammerfell? Why fight the cult of Talos in Skyrim?"
"That's what the Altmers wanted. They think they are destined to rule the world because they know everything better. Just like the Empire thinks if they ruled the whole world, they would bring public order and the right laws everywhere, and everybody would be better off. We Bosmers don't care for such things, because we know the nature and thereby we know we live right. And if you wonder why we are allied with the Altmers and participate in their wars, then it's because it serves our purposes. It's better to be with them than against them. But politics is not what really matters. It's the inner peace that matters, and that's something you can only get from the nature."
He turns himself so he can look me in the eye more comfortably, and goes on talking while gently squeezing my left breast. "You, for instance – you look at the courtyard and the high walls of Dusk and you wonder how people can even live here. You can't help asking what is there to do here. You pity us, don't you? That's because you are unable to realize we have everything we need right here." He lets go of my breast and makes a sweeping gesture with his hand. "I mean, not in this apartment, but right outside the walls of Dusk, we have absolutely everything. Those bandits on the roadside realize that too, and that's why we have no conflict with them. I understand you can't live in peace with them, but we can."
"Maybe so, but how else can you get foreign-race women except by attacking other countries?" All his peace and harmony and not meddling with others' affairs sounds hypocritical, considering that it's biologically impossible to have two women per man except by taking women away from other peoples.
"Currently we have plenty, and yes, that's thanks to the catch from our past wars. But they weren't usually of our choosing. Who attacks us must take the consequences."
I don't think it was the women who attacked them, but I don't want to start an argument. Not after the happiness we just had.
"Of course that's only in Valenwood," Bradwin explains, "not in the other parts of the Dominion. And quite a few Bosmers choose to emigrate, as you doubtlessly have noticed, because they're not entirely happy with the age-old ways of our forefathers. But that's a longer story."
"Are Altmer women also slaves in Valenwood?"
"No. When we agreed to unite, we made a pact that every Altmer can live in the Bosmer territory and have the same rights as if he were a Bosmer, and vice versa. That had the result that all Altmer slaves in Valenwood became free. However, there isn't much Bosmer-Altmer interbreeding to this day. We are too different."
I find this hilarious. "Compared to Bosmers and Argonians?"
"Well, we can't have children with the Argonians and the Khajiits, so we only enjoy their females, yet let them breed among themselves so we have more slaves. However, as concerns Bosmers and Altmers, we may look almost the same to you, but we have extremely different leanings. There, in fact, lies the strength of the Aldmeri Dominion. Our two races complement each other. We have near-perfect division of labor. In a nutshell, the Bosmer wisepeople know everything that has to do with plants, animals and people. That includes alchemy, healing, agriculture and hunting. The Altmers are dedicated to things that have to do with magic and technology. That includes smithing, construction, religion, and also strategic planning while the Bosmers make excellent footsoldiers. Now, I don't know if it has ever occurred to you, Laura, but the problem with magic and science is that it inevitably leads you to dealing with forces far stronger than yourself. Eventually, the Altmers will destroy themselves with their science, just like the Dwemers did. But nothing is ever going to destroy the Bosmers, because we know how to live in the harmony with the nature and thus the nature itself protects us wherever we are."
Wow. In the last few days those seemingly pathetic little Bosmers have shown me themselves, as well as the world, from a quite new perspective.
"Do you, by any chance, can tell me anything that would help me get my memory back?" it suddenly occurs to me to ask.
"No. You're too impatient. Then again, with the human lifespan, maybe you can't afford to be patient."
"All right." I bend closer to his penis that has gotten hard again, and kiss its tip. I wait for a few seconds and give it another quick kiss. This time, Bradwin moans and pushes me onto my back.
"Who's the impatient here?" I ask mockingly.
"Shut up!" He pushes my legs apart. I spread them as wide as I can while he examines my genitalia and breathes deeply of my scent which seems to arouse him just as much as his arouses me. I close my eyes because I feel a little embarrassed. I wonder if he's going to lick me down there. No, he isn't. He just enters me and gives me a long thorough treatment that makes me forget all about concubines and wars and, for that matter, my memory loss.
I have no idea how much time has passed. I'm physically exhausted, but full of energy and profoundly happy. Maybe I should stay here and travel on only in the morning?
"You feel you don't belong here." Bradwin says as if reading my thoughts. "Your heart yearns for a different place. Maybe High Rock, maybe elsewhere."
"No, I mean elsewhere as in somewhere else. Could be anywhere. Even Elsweyr."
He's right. He's a most amazing man, maybe even more so than Yrsarald, but my heart yearns indeed to fly away somewhere far. Although I feel I'd really love to come and stay with Bradwin for a couple of weeks someday. I'm sure I'm patient enough for that.
I tell him so.
"I'd love that!" he says with a bright smile. "We can wander around in the woods and watch exotic animals that don't live anywhere else in the world."
We do a long and gentle tongue kiss, after which I kiss his penis whose needs have evidently been satisfied in full for now, and get dressed.
It's getting on seven o'clock. The setting sun has painted everything in delightful orange tones. I cause an outcry when I step into the inn to summon my girls. Well, it's tough luck, but we must hurry. King Celamir has shown me on the map where the house is, but I'd hate to have to look for the place in darkness. Actually, I had planned on going to Sunhold as well, but we'll have to leave that for tomorrow morning.
I'm happy we succeed in sneaking past the bandits southwest of Dusk without having to kill them.
Passing through Archen Grangrove, I use the opportunity to take a picture of the underside of one of those gigantic mushrooms:
Later we get attacked by a group of common sword-and-axe bandits while admiring some lovely pink bushes.
Past Sunhold, we discover another Shrine of Auriel on a mountainside, and at nine when it's almost dark, at least too dark for decent pictures, we walk past a group of violet spriggans.
They don't attack us, evidently thanks to the Spriggan Soap we've used. We stand there in awe and watch them, but we don't dare stay too long.
By ten o'clock in the evening, we discovere a large mansion.
That's the one. It has a magnificent bathroom and even decent toilets. To say nothing of a luxurious servants' bedroom:
There's a High Elf man who is a kind of a butler. He has this typical High Elven voice that sounds haughty no matter what he says, but his behavior is quite respectful. What do you think, girls? Who wants to share my bed upstairs and who wants to stay here?
Well, we're all more than thoroughly satisfied, so Lydia is going to just sleep next to me as usual. But first we sit in the nice lounge on the second floor and talk about today.

I really like the Hooded Thalmor Robes, but for understandable reasons I don't want to wear them in public.
We end up discussing at length what I learned about the Bosmer lifestyle. That's more interesting than the goings-on in various beds.
"Did he tell you they force their male slaves to consume herbs that, um, incapacitate them?" asks Jenassa.
"No, he didn't."
"Sounds cruel," says Jordis.
"Not as cruel and leaving them horny and deprived of women," argues Lydia. I'm inclined to agree with her.
Jordis knows some more about the Bosmer history. Namely that they are not as peaceful as they try to make it sound like. They have never conquered foreign lands, that's true, but their age-old tradition is to demand from their defeated enemies a yearly tribute in young virgins.
Jenassa in turn agrees fully with Bradwin as to the sensibility of the Bosmers. The gene pool needs to be enrichened. A race who tries to keep itself pure will go under. It has happened to (the dominant tribe of) the Argonians in the distant past and it's happening to the Altmers and the Nords now, she says.
We're reluctant to agree with her, but we know Jenassa doesn't say things like that lightly. Well, it's late anyway, so we'd better turn in.
next awakening
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