
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (123) In Too Deep

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-201-12-18 05:41
Common Area, Hjalmar Armory, Falskaar

We have a quick snack and then discover a section of the castle we missed yesterday. There are more bandits.

I really like the design of this place. Almost all the time, we have so much space that me and my followers can work comfortably without getting in each other's way. Only once do I get a fright when I sneak through corridors and suddenly hear Lydia in combat somewhere ahead of me! She took another corridor and arrived before me. Sure, why not, as long as she's careful enough not to get herself killed.

In the last hall, we get the man who was evidently the bandits' leader. He carries a document with orders from a Lt. Colgrim of Staalgarde to capture Falskaar Docks. So Henrik was right.
list of paper with orders to conquer Falskaar Docks
This is the first page.

Soon we're outside, high on the slope, overlooking at a forest to our west.

We still have a few missions left here in southeastern Falskaar, but I think we really should go to the north now. Firstly, I'd like to correct my mistake at the Reinaldur Farmstead, and secondly, since we're almost loaded to capacity, we'd better return to Amber Creek for crafting and shopping. There are things we need to do in western Falskaar anyway. In this region, we only have to get some very special berries for Freya, check out the haunted lighthouse, inform Galen his favorite beach is now safe, and get formerly Svea's ring from the shipwreck. None of those tasks is urgent.

Right, enough of the gabbing, you get the idea, I'm sure. We turn north, looking for the best way to descend. Soon we see an adorable pond with a waterfall.

The descent is a bit difficult, but the beauty of this place is stunning.

Apart from which, we can bathe here. The washing facilities in Hjalmar Armory were rather on the modest side, as you can imagine.

Between us and the Reinaldur Farmstead to our north is a mountain with massive fortifications on the top. It looks very much like a city. We bypass the mountain from the west and reach the road that goes east. It's probably the same Amber Creek – Borvald highway, along which we traveled the day before. The city on top of the mountain behind us might well be Borvald. The girls are curious to find the entrance, but I feel a strange reluctance. Therefore we proceed northwards instead, descending to the riverbank. We can see the Reinaldur Farmstead right across the river. I strip and jump in. Borgakh begins to undress while Lydia and Jenassa keep watch. When I'm halfway across, Borgakh starts swimming. When I'm on the other side and back in armor, Lydia and Jenassa undress and swim over while I keep watch, helped by Borgakh after she's reached the other bank and put her armor back on. That's our usual river-crossing routine in potentially dangerous places.

Sure enough, the shack is right where the note said it would be. I find the key and it opens the door in the cellar. Someone has digged a tunnel into something very creepy. We find a rough-looking dead man and then reach a cavern with a waterfall.
huge semi-dark cavern with a waterfall, a Falmer-style totem visible ahead on the edge of a cliff
Do you know what this means? (That thing on the right.)

The path along the ledge leads into a system of caverns typical for Falmer dwellings, lighted by those eerie blue thingies on the ceiling. What is truly weird is that we encounter Falmers and humans together. I've never seen a Falmer not attack a human on sight, but here the bandits are fighting alongside Falmers. The latter are really tough, but humans fall down dead easily with the exception of one man who begs to be allowed to surrender. After we've killed the Falmers in this cavern, I ask him how it's possible that he could stand in 5 meters' distance from Falmers and they didn't attack him? He insists he doesn't have a clue. They were just told to come here and that the Falmers will leave them alone and that's all he needs to know. He arrived a little while ago and has no idea what it's all about.

I'm not sure he's telling the truth, but I'm not interested in a lengthy interrogation. I am, however, interested in raping him. I want to do it in the missionary position, and I choose my thickest tool called Stallion Strapon. Right, ouch. It's nowhere near as big as its name suggests, but it is quite horrible, as testified by the bandit's reaction after I've stripped naked and put it on. But that's the price for being a loser.

I ask the bandit what his name is. Ingmeld, he says. I tell him to lie down on his back and raise his spread legs as high as he can, because in order for me to penetrate him, his anus must be as high as possible. He looks like he would like to kill me. Don't sweat it, dude, I'd like to tell him. It'll hurt all right, but at least I won't be able to ejaculate into you. I caress one of his musculous hairy thighs with both hands. Then I get on top of him.

I can't believe my eyes when I eventually see Ingmeld's penis get hard. Amazingly, it's so long I can bend forward and touch its tip with my breasts. The man himself is really big too. I can imagine I might look grotesque on top of him. I thoroughly enjoy the irony.
[series of 3 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press  Esc to return to the text]

I ask the girls if they want to have a go as well. Borgakh doesn't care for this kind of amusement, but Lydia and Jenassa don't need to be asked twice. Lydia is most keen to try out that strapon where the other thing  goes into your own vagina, and Jenassa gets the third strapon which is, like, normal (but still very uncomfortable in the anus, of course).

Afterwards, I kiss tormented Ingmeld goodbye, gently stroke his hair, and we leave him behind – naked, of course, because we are taking all his gear. He ought to know the way to the surface. We've even left some of the Falmer armor and weapons behind, because we can't carry it all.

Further on, there are more Falmers, quite tough fights, most of them in small spaces. Somehow Falmers seem to hate my followers more, so I can focus on shooting arrows into their backs. And eventually, in one of those many Falmer tents, we find the first dead woman in this dungeon. Her name is Aneka Reinaldur. Right next to him is a dead man Lennar Reinaldur. How did they succeed in getting this far, and why in heaven's name did they come here in the first place?

They won't be able to answer any questions anymore. Maybe the Falmers carried their corpses here, Borgakh suggests. I find a diary on Lennar, but I won't read it here.

We move on, kill more Falmers,
and eventually find a way into open air. We're on top of a hill... on the southern riverbank!! Meaning, that Falmer "village" was right under the river.

Now that we're in proper light, I take a closer look at the notes we looted from one of the bandits. They suggest that the workers whose bodies we found had been hired by the Reinaldurs with the task of digging from their cellar into what turned out to be a nest of Falmers. But for what purpose? And were they aware of the entrance on this side, south of the river? I mean, it was barred from inside all right, you couldn't have entered from this direction before we unbarred it, but have the Falmers been going out through here and then returning and re-barricading the entrance after themselves? And who were those bandits who were allied with the Falmers? To those questions, I have no answers, not at the moment, and apart from that one "lucky" bandit, they're all dead now.

Oh... Of course, Lennar's diary! I leaf through it. It says the Reinaldurs were digging in their cellar because the needed more storage space, and then they dug too far and then some monsters kidnapped Aneka while Lennar was out, and then he went after her. A sad and crazy story I'd rather forget as soon as I can.

We go west now until we reach the bridge on the Borvald – Amber Creek highway. The road leads northwest, past the pitiful remains of the caravan, as well as a cute elk who runs alongside us for a while. Eventually the road passes through the mountain range to western Falskaar. We fail to turn southwest in time and end up on another bridge quite close to the same north-south mountains. There's a citadel on the riverbank, but I'm not in the mood for exploring it now.

So we just cross the river, take the right turn and are soon between the familiar friendly houses of Amber Creek.

I release my followers and go to the sawmill. Oudin says he made me a surprise by having a bedroom decorated in my house. I can't believe it! He's so kind. I jump into his arms and kiss him with utmost passion. Having promised to spend the night with Oudin, I proceed to the jarlery to make my reports. Agnar and Jalma are both there. I go to her first. Maybe it's a little impolite, because he is more impotant, but then I'm a woman and I can be expected to be shy to talk to a man first. Well, never mind. I seem to be in a gabbing mood once again. I tell Jalma about the Reinaldurs. She's very sad and says the Falmers are extremely dangerous and she'll arrange for some guards to be sent to the farm to establish a permanent watch, as well as, of course, to take care of the farm. She says she hasn't heard of any Falmer raids through the cave south of the river.

I'm glad to learn that the bandit chief Jarrik had a bounty on his head. I'm now getting a reward from Jalma.

Agnar, just as I had feared, puts me through another lesson of Falskaar's history and mythology, after which he instructs me to pay a visit to the two Hjorgunnar brothers and tell them the jarl requires them to return to active service. Apparently they are his closest military helpers, but as there hasn't been any grave danger, they've been allowed to live in their forest hut, hunting animals in the forests and chasing pretty girls in the settlements.

Now I hurry home to check out my new bedroom. It's beautiful!!!

A lovely touch, that yummy welcoming present on the nightstand:

I guess I'll have the living room furnished next. Or maybe the kitchen? Nah, we can eat at the inn. A living room is more important.

Now I set to work on our gear. Just alchemy and smithing, no enchanting today, because I have few Grand Souls and I haven't learned any cool enchantments anyway.

It's 2 in the night by the time I'm done. I go to Oudin's house and slip into the bed next to him. He seems irritated at first, but then begins to respond. When he's fully awake, I propose we go and consecrate, so to speak, my new bedroom. I just want to test how far I can push him. Now he's annoyed and tells me to get out and let him sleep. I hurry to take his penis into my mouth after which he's (of course) putty in my hands.

Since Oudin seems so exhausted, I settle for a blowjob tonight. I let him lie there with his eyes closed and give my best effort to make him happy. I don't need to get an orgasm every time. And maybe I want to do a little penance for what I did to that bandit earlier today.

I try to make it quick so Oudin can go back to sleep. I don't want to ruin his workday. He seems to be half asleep already, but he moans all right when my tongue touches his especially sensitive spots. I feel triumphant when I succeed in making him come before he's even entirely hard. After I'm sure I've swallowed everything he has to give, I let him out of my mouth and he turns his back on me without a word and goes to sleep. I follow his example.

next awakening

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