
Bug solved: two female voices during orgasm

This article doesn't contain any spoilers.

You may notice that sometimes your female partner moans with two different voices during sex. (I mean, they may be done by the same real-world woman, but they are mixed so that it sounds clearly unnatural .) It happens only during the orgasm stage and not very often.

I asked about it in a forum, but all I got was a few witty but useless comments.

For my current game, I happened to study female sex voices more closely and stumbled upon a solution to this mildly annoying bug.

Maybe you have noticed, and maybe you haven't, that MCM > SexLab > Voices & SFX  gives you the choice between 8 female voice styles. You can enable or disable each one of them for female NPCs, and you can choose one for your player character if she's female.

One of the 8 styles – Stimulated (Female)  is the one that is faulty. Apparently someone got carried away while mixing it. If you are annoyed by the two voices bug, all you have to do is to disable Stimulated (Female). The remaining 7 female voice styles don't have that bug.

Pity the author bungled it up like that, as it's a nice voice otherwise.