This story follows closely my actions in an actual game, so it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous part
I was unable to have sex with the wizard after all, because his adopted daughter kept hanging around. So I went back to the guard. We did it outside the city wall. I really liked him.
Before turning in for the night, I went briefly into the jarlery. There I met some weird-looking dude named Reaver. The game forced me to tell him that I have come to stop his evil scheme. In reality, even hough I have heard the name Reaver before, I haven't the remotest beginning of the faintest idea what "schemes" he may be pursuing. Giving me such a dialogue line, and even as the only option – that is very sloppy questwriting indeed! I found out with the console that it's the mod The False One Rises. I guess I'll turn that nonsense off for my real game. (I don't want to do it right now because I'd have to repatch EBD and RBS.)
I had a chat with the jarl and went to the inn to sleep.
* * *
I have noticed that I'm picking up free food in inns. Must be the work of Friendlier Taverns. Also, in bathrooms created by the same mod, there are soap ingredients and other items lying about which you can just pick up. That is definitely wrong. An inn is a business enterprise. Items that it's selling ought not to be given away for free.
I'll take a look at Friendlier Taverns in TES5Edit and see if it makes sense to actually kill everything it does in inn interiors, as well as make consumables in bathrooms foreign-owned. I mean, I only have Friendlier Taverns because of the bathrooms. I don't need an inn overhaul, and even if I did, Friendlier Taverns doesn't improve them. It rather fucks them up.
I wonder if bathing would be viable with Friendlier Taverns turned off altogether. After all, I'd be spending a lot of time in mod-added new lands anyway, and there are no Friendlier Taverns -added bathrooms there. On the other hand, the Skyrim province is supposed to be special, so it would be nice to have those inn bathrooms after all.
No matter. I still have 12 playing hours left to make up my mind, which would be a week or so in real-world time.
* * *
In the morning, I walked around some more and made acquaintance of a very beautiful (albeit unfriendly) woman Eilif. I decided to win her affection by giving her proper breasts using that spell I have.
I've made a rule that increasing a woman's breasts by 20% improves her attitude towards me by 2 points. (I have to choose very carefully whom I do it to, though, as the mod can only handle 12 women. That's why I shall generally reserve that gift for my followers, but I may also use it on a very attractive woman I'd like to make my lover. During previous mod testing, I have found out that a 40% increase is optimal for turning pathetic titties into proper nice breasts a woman can be proud of.)
So I did that to Eilif. There was no opportunity for having sex with her, though. I have decided that it can be done only in a house I own, to avoid destroying my and her reputation.
I bought a much better bow and headed northeast where I hoped to find a town named Dånstar. I discovered a small creepy ruin and a stork camp. Then I met an old Orc who said he was seeking a good death. I assumed that killing him would be way over my head, and walked on. Then I found that I had a rather strong poison in my inventory. Could I shoot the Orc in sneak mode? The loot might be pretty good.
So I tried. It was a mistake. The Orc took only small damage. A far bigger mistake was my failure to run away immediately as fast as I could. The Orc quickly overwhelmed me. Before I really realized what was going on, I was on my knees. Then he... well, he raped me. He had a huge dick and he finished in my mouth. It was not the first time I had sucked a penis, but, as I realized later, I had never had sperm in my mouth before. Wish my first time hadn't been like that but... I should have thought of that earlier.
Anyway, afterwards I thought about trying to sneak up on him again and killing him, but then I decided it would be wrong. I had been completely at his mercy. He could have easily killed me. The humiliation had been entirely my own fault. I had gambled and lost. I should be grateful for having been given such a way of avoiding death. It's not like I enjoy being abused like that, but it certainly beats being dead.
The town of Dånstar had two mines. I mined as much ore as I was able to find and then I did some smithing.
I also met a man of my dreams, a Khajiit named Kharjo. He works as a caravan guard and he asked me to do him a favor. I know from my magical visions that he'll agree to become my follower after that. That would mean I'll have a Khajiit lover at hand all the time. I so want him. However, I would presumably have to kill several bandits and I don't think I'm strong enough for that yet.

I love him.
By the way, do you know why a boobjob with a Khajiit is supposed to be much better than with a human man?
Maybe I'll tell you one day. Can't wait to try it.
By the way, do you know why a boobjob with a Khajiit is supposed to be much better than with a human man?
Maybe I'll tell you one day. Can't wait to try it.
I keep wondering how the hell do you gain fighting skills in this game at all. You need a lot of money to get proper gear. You need loot to make money. You need good gear and good skills in order to make loot. It's a catch 22. How did I do it in my previous games? Are the tasks you face in the Riverwood–Hviterun area really so easy and so profitable? I rather don't recall that Bleak Falls Barrow was a walk in the park.
Anyway, I picked a lock on a house door after making sure no one was seeing me. I had to start learning someday. I stole everything from that house and sold what I didn't need to the Khajiit caravan. In the next house I got caught. One moment the woman wasn't there, the next moment she was standing behind me. When I went out, the guards grabbed me before I could say "Please don't notice me."
I was stripped of everything I wasn't supposed to have, and released near the barracks. I slept at the inn and headed southeast. The alchemist Frida had asked me to find a valuable ring in a place called Forsaken Cave, and I decided to give it a shot. As I have already said, I had to start learning someday.
On the road, I stumbled upon a battle between imps and storks, and stood there to wait for my loot. I was rather surprised to see myself taking damage. That doesn't usually happen. Was I standing too close to the combatants? No, there happened to be an elf mage who had chosen to attack me. He was just as oblivious of the soldiers as they were of him.
Well, I had to fight the prick, and make sure not to hit any soldiers by accident. I opened my inventory and discovered to my moderate horror that I didn't have a sword. Where the hell did that go? I hadn't stolen it, had I? Maybe it was taken by that Orc who raped me? Never mind, I needed to change my tactics. I ran away to put some distance between me and that bathrobed lunatic. Then I healed myself, equipped my bow and returned to the enemy. It was a hard battle, but fortunately I had recently prepared a number of halfway decent health potions, as well as Damage Health poisons. The imps won the battle while I was still fighting for my life. Unfortunately, they didn't get involved. They were concerned only with eradicating all the storks and didn't seem to care about keeping law and order in Skyrim. But I finally managed to kill the assailant.
I discovered the Nightgate Inn and from there it wasn't far to that cave. It was a draugr dungeon. I had no poisons left, so I had to make do with my skills only. Fortunately, the draugrs were decent enough to never attack me two at a time. So I sneaked up on one, killed it, cured myself, sneaked up on the next one... Through constant alertness and disciplined tactics, I made slow but steady headway.

This is what happens when you drop something on a pressure plate. Looks like that thing will now remain like this forever.
The last battle was tougher. Three skeletons insisted on dancing with me at the same time. Fortunately, they were not very good at pursuing me when I ran away, so I had time to heal myself.
I got the ring and also learned my first dragonshout, although I don't have a dragonsoul to activate it.
This dungeon answered my earlier question: how do you gain fighting skills. This was how.
I spent the night at the nearby Nightgate Inn. Now, had this been a real game, I would have returned to Dånstar to give Frida her ring and get my reward, but for the purposes of the general rehearsal I decided to check out Windhelm.
I sold a lot of stuff there and ended up quite rich. Now I'll look around in the city a bit, and then probably head south. Or maybe return to Dånstar and then try to take on those bandits for Kharjo?
Might be a good idea to hire a follower too. There ought to be one available at the Windhelm inn.
By the way, this armor makes me look awfully fat. As you can see in the picture on the right, I actually have a perfectly proper slim body:

It's embarrassing, but I don't know what to about it. Obviously, I can't walk around naked just to prove I'm not fat.
next part