
Always Lost, Always Hopeful (258) Taking It All In

This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.

previous day

4-202-05-04 02:15
Honor View, Lillandril, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion

I enjoy my new bath, but not for long. I put on my best calming gear. (It's the enchantment that, with a certain probability, makes people near the wearer reluctant to attack him.) I go to the palace where guards greet me respectfully, because I'm now among the queen's favorites. I ascend to the Dining Hall, empty at this hour of the night, and proceed to the Palace Gallery and the Dressing Room which is normally off bounds.

There's even a guard who sees me but won't prevent me from going further.

I succeed in finding a stock of women's garments and take a few. They have so many there's actually a chance they won't even miss the ones I'm stealing.

Happy I have achieved my goal without having to enter the royal bedroom, I walk out quietly. I hope the king will feel better soon and the life can go on as normal.

It's past 4 in the morning. I decide to pay a brief visit to the prison. Maybe someone will tell me something interesting.

One of the prisoners, a young woman named Ilta, is awake, but she doesn't want to tell me what she's been incarcerated for. The guards, both female, are sleepy and not in a chatting mood at all. I walk back through the servants' dormitory and smile amusedly seeing a woman sleeping on the men's side.

Outside, the sun is rising. A few minutes before 6, my followers come out and join me on the hillside near the harbor.
early morning, view to a house down the slope, a stone structure on the right, ocean on the left
That's our house in the middle.

I feel very calm here, but maybe we'd better hit the road. They might notice my theft and start looking for the culprit.

We head for Tusamircil's Passage. In fact, I let the girls run ahead to Ebon, because there's no point for them to hang around and wait while Tusamircil and I make love, and they have boyfriends in Ebon they're eager to see. The distance is short and the region is relatively peaceful.

Tusamircil is so awesome! I arrive at his cave pretty much without any emotions and leave so happy you won't believe it. The sights between here and Ebon seem more scenic to me than ever.

I walk around in Ebon and chat with people and generally relax.
an elven woman walks in a smallish room with a wooden ceiling and a reddish-brown carpet
That nice woman is called Redli and lives alone. I hope she'll find someone to share her life with.

I step into the Great Hall to say hello to Celebria. She warns me not to hang around in Summerset too much, because an all-out war with our Empire is expected to break out any moment now and everybody knows who I am. When I argue that I'm a citizen of the Dominion thanks to my owning Manor Keep and Honor View, she says a citizen can still be a public enemy. The government is not going to burn my houses down just to vent its anger, but no property will protect me from being arrested, should the central authorities choose to round up all the suspicious people.

Guess she's right. I thank her and go to admire my beautiful dwelling maybe for the last time. The girls have evidently had a feast with their boyfriends and kindly left some food for me too.

I cry a little. At half past one, I summon the girls and we leave for Riverfield.

Looking around and taking it all in, we get attacked by very nasty mages and just barely succeed in defeating them. This was quite horrible. Mustn't forget to always wear Resist Magic  gear in Summerset!

The people of Riverfield are looking at us with even more hostility than usual, so we won't hang about.

On our way over the hills to Manor Keep, we run past another group of mages without stopping and fighting.

This time, we explore the surroundings of Manor Keep thoroughly, pat and hug a beautiful horse
(I still prefer to travel by foot, though), and the servants even show us the local mine.

We have a nice bath downstairs, and then travel southeast. I want to spend the night in Sunhold.

The sun is going down already and the pink and red bushes are particularly adorable.

We make a stop for a picture session.
[series of 6 pictures you can click through; click on the first picture to make it big, then click again to see the next picture etc.; press  Esc to return to the text]

Once again, I can't help feeling that something is bothering Lydia. I must find a chance to talk to her in private.

Before it can get completely dark, we proceed to Sunhold.
evening, large trees ahead, town wall of Sunhold on the right, big moon in the sky beyond mountains
Yeah, it's not going to get completely dark with all that moonlight and the clear sky.

We check out the mine and say hello to the refugees from Holly Falls. Seeing Thoromhel on the street, I suggest him we go to the amazing beach they have here. For a moment, I wonder if I should make the girls keep watch out of sight, but then I decide not to. Even if someone accidentally saw us, I would feel less bad compared to being constantly aware that the girls have to sit and wait for us to finish. Let them go to sleep instead.

next awakening

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