This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-12-20 09:43
Horndew Lodge, Amber Creek, Falskaar
My followers have returned during the night. I leave them sleeping and go to have a bath and a breakfast at the inn.
Jenassa turns up before the others. We sit and chat. Jenassa tells me she had a frank conversation with Borgakh a week ago in Winterhold that morning when Lydia and I slept in. Jenassa told Borgakh many things I already know while she learned that Orcs never do oral or anal sex, and although Borgakh dislikes the Orcs' traditional way of life and hopes to learn about the great wide world and various worldviews and lifestyles traveling with us, she still disapproves of sexual promiscuity and is determined to keep her virginity until her wedding night.
Then I visit Jalma and place an order for a living room to be furnished in my house.
Now we'll go to that tower outside Amber Creek and get Rangarr's Fine Gold or whatever it was called, before traveling to the north to help Brother Arnand destroy that evil crystal. Could be that we'll arrive a little late, but I'm sure the world won't go under in an hour or two.
The bandits in Olgrahm's Tower are amazingly perceptive, but no match for us as fighters. They have curious war paints.
We bring the special gold to Rangarr and he promises to have the necklace ready in a few hours.
Now we shall cross the nearer bridge, the one that leads to the Amber Creek Mine. On our way to Volkrund Keep, we're going to make a slight detour and bring Jarl Agnar's message to the Hjorgunnar brothers.
The forest north of the river is beautiful and we see some lovely elks. We give the brothers the summons (this time it's Ulgar whom we talk to) and then it's off to the northwest.
Volkrund Keep is a fortress in not a very good state of repair. Brother Arnand is waiting in hiding near the entrance. and comes out when he sees us We go in and walk through halls and passages without encountering anyone. Suddenly we're greeted by none other than Vernan himself. Wisely, he takes the precaution of casting some horrible spell on us first. We remain conscious, but see foggily and can't move. Arnand retains his power of speech. He and Vernan begin an exchange of insults and reproaches. Guys, please, could you hurry it up or at least make me unconscious? Too bad I'm unable to say anything. Finally Vernan searches Arnand's backpack, finds the crystals and leaves, informing us the spell will wear off soon.

I can't disagree with Vernan. As I realize now, coming here and bringing the crystal fragments
was just about the stupidest thing Arnand (crouching on the foreground) could have possibly done.
was just about the stupidest thing Arnand (crouching on the foreground) could have possibly done.
I feel very ill and seem to black out for a while. When I've come to, Arnand is already on his feet and informs me that Vernan has destroyed the tunnel behind us. Behind?? You mean, Vernan escaped and deprived us of the possibility to escape, thus forcing us to continue chasing him? Am I missing something big time or am I still confused from the spell?
Arnand cuts the conversation short and urges us to move on. Take it easy, dude, the way you run, the girls and I could just as well play a game of cards and then catch up with you.
We go through passages and see some people talk to each other and then just vanish. Here's a boy telling his mother he's still hungry:
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Arnand explains us the scenes we're seeing are from Vernan's past. Apparently he is using the Dream Crystal, but he isn't quite getting it right yet.
After some more such flashbacks, we arrive in a great hall with metal coffins here and there. There are draugrs in them, I'm absolutely certain of that. Beyond the coffins is a staircase leading up to a purple screen of energy, behind which is Vernan.
While he and Arnand get themselves thoroughly engaged in another battle of (dim)wits, I feel a strong urge to go up that staircase, because it's, firstly, higher than the draugr coffins, and, secondly, the farthest point away from them. I stand on the top platform and order my followers to take positions along the staircase.
Now, what about this energy field that is shielding Vernan? Can't I really shoot an arrow through it? No, the arrow bounces back. But I had to try, didn't I?
The oratorial performance reaches its conclusion and the draugrs come to life. In less than a second, the air is swishing with arrows and frost magic flying towards the undead. About half of them fall instantly, but the rest fight back and one draugr is very tough. My ears drone from dragon shouts he casts and I find myself swaying much of the time, but thanks to all that Resist Shock gear I'm wearing it's nowhere near as bad as it usually is in Skyrim draugr dungeons.
After the last draugr has fallen, Arnand shouts to us to come down from the stairs. Vernan is supposedly up to something. I jump down hurriedly, ready to use my Ritual Stone power to awaken all those dead draugrs to help us fight whichever unspeakable horror is going to be unleashed upon us any moment now.
Something is happening to Vernan. Then he's like "What? Wait, no! Stop!" Then he kind of shrinks and disappears. Brother Arnand tells us triumphantly that we've done it. It's over. Vernan has vanished into Oblivion along with the evil crystal.
Looks like we've been cheated out of our terrible battle. But far be it from me to complain.
When Arnand leaves, we stay behind to loot the corpses and search the hall for anything valuable, as usual. There are many old coins lying in burial urns, but no rings or amulets with amazing new enchantments.
Outside, it's almost night. The northern lights are spectacular.
Unhurriedly, we return to Amber Creek for the night.
In what you might call the central square (the open space between the inn, the smithy and the sawmill), we see Jarl Agnar in heated argument with none other than Yngvarr. Yngvarr demands to be allowed to search the village and Agnar refuses. But you mustn't think they say it with so few words. Oh no, it takes a lot of time, during which I eye the men around us. It's too dark to recognize most faces, but I presume a part of the soldiers are Yngvarr's. One thing is certain – whoever tries to search my house, I'll stab their eyes out personally.
Finally, Yngvarr turns around to leave, only to stop after half a dozen paces to exchange insults with the Hjorgunnar brothers. I wonder why I can't just shoot Yngvarr dead now and be done with it, but I suppose the jarl has his reasons for letting him walk away. Maybe he's not sure if his men can defeat Yngvarr's, and somehow I doubt he'd believe me if I told him that me and my followers can easily take out a dozen of those axe-brandishing Nord meadheads.
Whatever. Shortly after Yngvarr has left, the jarl's attention is drawn to a newcomer. It's Brother Thorlogh from Bailun Priory. He tells us a lengthy and emotional tale of Yngvarr having invaded the priory demanding to search it, and killed one of the priors who tried to prevent him. Those blabbermouths could become world-famous stage performers. I would gladly go to see them myself, if it were under the sun on a nice field outside Hviterun's city walls. But such dramatic verbosity couldn't be more out of place in the late evening among confused soldiers when all signs indicate that a full-scale war is about to flare up any day now.
On top of all that, it has started to rain some time ago, but the men take no notice. They just stand and talk, oblivious of the water running down their faces, necks and, as I presume, various other body parts.
Jarl Agnar realizes immediately that Borvald is precisely what Yngvarr might "touch" next and asks me to go and warn the jarl of Borvald. Yes, of course. Anything you say. Anything that might get you to end this meeting sooner.
As I had thought, Borvald is that formidable walled city on top of the mountain we saw the other day. Doesn't look like they have much to fear. Then again, this village could certainly use their help.
I'll go there in the morning. Right now I feel exhausted, more mentally than physically. As the men are dispersing, I have just enough presence of mind to notice Rangarr who has come to the porch of his house to see what's going on. I ask him if he has completed the necklace I need for Henrik. He has. He also thanks me cordially for rescuing his supply of Fine Gold. Sure. Any time. I tell my girls to spend some time at the inn or something, and hurry to Oudin's house. I tell him I need him urgently.
We're going to my place, of course, because we don't want Jonulv to walk in on us.
The position Oudin chooses is a little dangerous, if you know what I mean. But I trust him not to hurt me. If I can't trust my boyfriend whom can I trust? I mean, I couldn't have him as my boyfriend if I didn't trust him, could I? And never mind if I'm not making much sense to you right now. What matters is that he chooses the right hole. (Maybe I'm really lucky and he's not into anal sex at all?)
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