This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-02-19 17:07
Silver-Blood Inn, Morpork, The Reach, Skyrim
With a rested brain, I'm seeing our course of action very clearly.
First, I'll go to the alchemy shop. I somehow have the impression that the old woman Bothela might be very well informed about the goings-on in the city.
After that, I'll see if I can catch Ghorza, the blacksmith Moth's wife, alone. They live in the palace, so she may have seen or heard something. I've been suspecting that Moth liked the Silver-Bloods (and, let's not forget, he is still trading, unlike Bothela), so I doubt he would tell me anything, but I might be able to get something out of his wife.
Well, Bothela is not at home and neither is her assistant Muiri. But I do run into Ghorza on the street. She is perfectly friendly (in Orc terms), but insists she and her husband have no idea where the new jarl and his retinue might have gone.
Now we've done all we can and should leave for Solitud. I am a little worried that Jordis would be sad that we won't spend another night. She and Hreinn looked very downcast last night when Jordis had to explain she couldn't be with him. But I want to report to Tullius and destroy the thalmor garrison in Fort Masser without delay.
Jordis insists it's all right. She'd rather not have sex today either, just to be on the safe side. Apart from which, she would never expect me to postpone my plans for her sake. And there's certainly no point in hanging around here wondering where the Silver-Blood scum might have disappeared.
I'm sure if we leave now, we'll be able to reach Fort Masser in decent daylight tomorrow.
Or should we check out Granite Hall where the Silver-Bloods have relatives? No, we'd better not waste time on a wild goose chase that might easily take us all around Skyrim. Let's stick to our plan. Tullius will be disappointed, but I hope he'll believe my assurance the Stormcloaks stationed here are not going to cause him any trouble.
It's evening already, but it shouldn't be a big deal. It's not like we haven't traveled at night before. In fact, we've found in the past that the landscape of The Reach is perfectly travelable from south to north even in darkness.
Before we leave, I take a closer look at the enchanted gloves Morilla gave me as a reward yesterday. Wearing them, I'll be able to brew stronger poisons. Good.
The girls and I head east now.
At the intersection just past the suburbs and before the river, we turn north. It's still perfect daylight.
By the time we've reached Karthwasten, dusk is falling.
A group of merry drunkards ask us to join them. We decline politely. Past Karthwasten, just before we need to turn off the road, we meet a Wood Elf skooma dealer. I know I ought to kill him, but I don't have the heart. I've done so much killing recently and it's not even over yet.
We travel northwest along the riverside until we reach those remains of Dwemer ruins, near which we can cross a creek a few meters wide and head for the Coldwind Mine in the northeast. Not attacked by any wolves this time, we are soon in Dragonbridge. It's so nice and peaceful and I feel sorry to leave.
We arrive in Solitud a few minutes before 10 o'clock in the evening.

Legate Rikke, is that really you?
What in Heaven's name did you do to get demoted from General Tullius's chief adviser to a street sweeper?
Wait, don't tell me! It was for turning up on duty in indecent attire, right? [ROTFL]
What in Heaven's name did you do to get demoted from General Tullius's chief adviser to a street sweeper?
Wait, don't tell me! It was for turning up on duty in indecent attire, right? [ROTFL]
Our conference with the jarl, thanes and Tullius doesn't last long. They are not too pleased that we let the Silver-Bloods escape, but I point out that they did most likely get a warning from someone in Solitud. At least there haven't been any reports of fighting between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Army recently.
We all agree that it's best to proceed with our original plan. The demolition experts and soldiers are ready for us. It's so early we're actually likely to reach Fort Masser long before daybreak, meaning the girls and I can even afford a few hours of sleep in Roriksted.
However, I really need to spend some time alone with Sybille. I know: objectively speaking, the matter of the Staff of Magnus could wait a few more days or weeks, but I can't wait. My impatience to get that mystery solved is killing me. And Sybille is old enough to conduct that ritual safely.
So I tell the soldiers to go with my followers to Dragonbridge ahead of me. I'll catch up with them there. (It's now half past 11 in the evening, in case you're interested.)
Sybille and I find out I sold the Staff of Magnus in Amol City!! It was right after I had used it in Winterhold. On my way to Windhelm, I sold the staff at the first opportunity. And can you believe I've been in Amol City several times and haven't thought of asking the traders there?
This is stupefying, really. I've been roaming all over Skyrim and Summerset looking for a vendor whom I sold the staff to, and forgotten the location closest to Winterhold!
But now I really have to get going. I hug Sybille (which she is clearly not in the habit of doing, but I feel so happy and grateful that I'm forgetting myself) and hurry to catch up with our fortress-door-smashing task force.
The reason why I told them to not go further than Dragonbridge is as follows. The only road to Roriksted goes to the south-southeast, through the bandit camp Robber's Gorge, and that's exactly the route we're going to take. They have no business blocking a major traffic artery. Apart from which, now that the civil war in Skyrim is over, it's undoubtedly time to put an end to the banditry as such.

As always, the pink marker shows our current location.
The green dot is our final destination – Fort Masser.
The blue dot is Robber's Gorge where we might be slightly delayed.
The green dot is our final destination – Fort Masser.
The blue dot is Robber's Gorge where we might be slightly delayed.
Even though our force is certain to easily smash through that riff-raff, I want to be there myself to lead the attack against the bandits. You know, just to make sure no one will do anything stupid. That's why I told them not to proceed past Dragonbridge without me.
Between Dragonbridge and Robber's Gorge, we meet again that mysterious ghost of a headless horseman. I get good pictures of him this time.
Then we meet a peasant who is bringing a cow as an offering to some giants who live nearby. And then I run ahead of everybody else right into the bandit camp and get a heavy thwacking. Of course, my followers and the soldiers make mincemeat of the bandits, but I actually end up having to run away and take a health potion. That was a little embarrassing. Talk about making sure no one does anything stupid!
Nervous mood prevails among the population of Roriksted. There are many guards patrolling on the streets. They are sensing some trouble. I'm leaving it to the troops from Solitud to find out what exactly the problem seems to be while I go to the inn with the girls to have a little sleep. The soldiers will also make sure no one leaves the village before we do.
Since it's to be expected that the thalmor mages will have much better night vision than Imperial soldiers, it makes sense to sneak closer and surround Fort Masser in daylight. That's why me and my followers sleep until half past six in the morning.
After our recent series of nightshifts, as it were, I now believe we can go to sleep as normal this evening and thereby return to the usual day-and-night cycle.
We're lucky to have good weather this morning. I instruct the soldiers to let me and my followers enter the fortress courtyard ahead of them. Their job is to make sure no enemies will run away, as well as give us support, but until we really get in trouble, they are to remain strictly behind us. It would be disastrous to have a bunch of swordsmen get in our way in a fortress.
Well, you'll be glad to hear it works like clockwork. The fortification wall has only one gate, outside of which is a hill. From that hill, the girls and I easily shoot dead all the berserks and an odd mage running out.
What requires some effort on our part is a duel with two archers on top of a corner tower. That is really exciting. We win eventually, because they are only two and we can see them clearly.
We search all of the coutryard to make sure there are no enemies left. Then we let Tullius's soldiers come in (apart from a number of sentries left guarding the perimeter). They smash one of the two doors with their equipment and we go in. There's a dungeon with dormitories and prisoners' cells and corpses (including one hagraven) and torture devices and such.
The written materials we find reveal that this was a research facility belonging to some kind of a secret order of thalmor mages. It seems to have something to do with that unopenable door in the mountainside southeast of Dragonbridge and doesn't seem to be affiliated with the Aldmeri Dominion government in any way. In other words, this is not an official Dominion outpost, even though undoubtedly loyal to it.
Ascending all the way to the roof, we find ourselves in the midst of some mysterious glowing mist:
There's no way of telling what has caused it to emerge. It doesn't do anything we could sense. Nor do we find anything or anyone of interest on this roof.
We return to the courtyard and have the other door opened. The expert succeeds in disassembling the lock without having to smash the door in. Again, only me and my followers enter. There's another dungeon which turns out to be connected to the first one as well. Overall, this section looks neater:
The strange thing is that groups of thalmors keep turning up behind us in the areas we believe to have already secured. I can't understand where they're coming from. Time and again, I have to order the girls to retreat behind me and let the enemies approach our good defense position from narrow corridors. Our combat discipline is flawless and we kill all the enemies, a few at a time, without finding anything of interest.
The soldiers double-check that the fortress is indeed secure.
Just as we're leaving, I notice the corpse of a young woman. Her name was Nirfe. I think I've seen her in Granite Hall. It looks like she was held prisoner here, possibly because she had had the misfortune of getting too close to this place. (Was she the one feeding that horse at Mr. Siika Castle??) Judging by the position of her dead body, one can presume she was trying to use the confusion to escape, but the thalmors noticed her and killed her before she was able to reach the exit. It's a great pity, but there's nothing we can do about it.
As planned, we are leaving an adequate number of soldiers behind to man the fortress. It will be General Tullius's job to arrange for them to be replaced by others or not.
The question, after we've verified there's nothing suspicious in Mr. Siika Castle nearby, is: what sould we do next? I had planned on traveling to Hammerfell. I presumed that after establishing some order in Skyrim, bringing back information about the war ought to be our first priority, whereas tying up the loose ends in Skyrim could wait. At this moment, however, I feel we should go and check out that place near Dragonbridge. The soldiers will be passing nearby anyway on their way back to Solitud, and it would hardly be too much trouble to stop for a few minutes and break that door down.
The Imperial commander Quentinius disagrees. He says that without Tullius's orders, he has no right to proceed against a group of rogue mages unrelated to the war, High Elves as they may be. Even my followers think that we should proceed to Hammerfell (which is in the opposite direction) without delay rather than investigate the traces of some weird mages.
I argue that all that Quentinius's men will have to do is to smash one door for us. That's hardly a military operation requiring a permission from Solitud. Me and my followers are the ones who will go in and fight whoever may be in there. And the place is on the soldiers' route anyway. The door is practically on the roadside. And the leaders of the Imperial troops and the Stormcloaks have agreed that all thalmors are to be expelled from Skyrim, no matter how official or inofficial. And he can choose one of us to suck his dick if it helps.
Quentinius agrees that my arguments are valid. So he'll do it. He won't even require the reward I offered, but he'd appreciate it if done voluntarily. Lydia says she can do it – unless I object. No, I don't. I wouldn't mind a dick, but not in my mouth. Don't ask me what made me say what I said to Quentinius in the first place. Guess I hate getting turned down.
As for Hammerfell, I want to go there in daylight. That would mean tomorrow morning. That means we'll have to sleep somewhere tonight and there's no better place than Granite Hall. Right now it's not even 2 o'clock in the afternoon yet, meaning we have plenty of time to return to Dragonbridge and come back. I mean, as long as Lydia doesn't take an eternity emptying a pair of balls.
Speaking of which, I would really like some sex too, to put it mildly. Don't get the wrong idea of me, I've been having that feeling for a day or two by now at least, but we've always been so busy. Now, supply is obviously abundant at this moment, but I feel like doing it on a nice bed and preferably with my Granite Hall boyfriend Mojarik. Tonight will be the ideal opportunity. That's why I feel reluctant to do anything with any of those soldiers. Apart from which, if I and possibly one or two of my followers went out of sight with someone, that would put thoughts into the heads of the others. I mean, the commander is one thing, but... all right, I'll stop gabbing. You get the idea. I actually meant to say I'm looking forward to spending the night in Granite Hall and I hope we won't be delayed too long in Dragonbridge.
We start running back north towards Roriksted:
Just past Robber's Gorge, I'm surprised to see Jenassa has caught up with me. She says she would like a private word.
We go off the road. The soldiers will be so slow anyway that the delay won't matter, and Lydia and Jordis will know telepathically that I'm safe even though they won't be seeing me on the road ahead.
We sit down at the foot of a mountain slope and I wait for Jenassa to state her business.
With noticeable effort, to say nothing of embarrassment, she informs me that when we go to Hammerfell, she would very much like to stay behind in Skyrim.
I get a hunch.
"You were a slave in Hammerfell?" I ask.
She nods.
She tilts her head slightly and doesn't say anything.
Of course. What else can a slavegirl expect?
Jenassa tells me she felt horrible during our brief visit to Dragonstar a week ago. She never had an idea that mere crossing over to Hammerfell would have such a devastating impact on her. She knows she's the only one of us who knows Hammerfell, in fact she knows Hammerfell and its people inside out, and she feels awfully guilty for letting us down like this, but she'd be a nervous wreck if she had to spend days or even weeks there.
I look at her sadly and say: "You know, Jenassa, I ought to agree to let you go only on the condition that you'll tell me about what was done to you in Hammerfell. But I won't do that. I'll allow you to stay in Skyrim. But..." I cast my eyes down looking for a properly considerate way of expressing it, "I would be most grateful if you would choose to tell me. Someday."
She smiles slightly and nods.
I put a hand onto her shoulder. "You are a dear friend to me and I hope very much you'll agree to run with us again after we've returned."
Jenassa looks at me fondly. "I most certainly hope you'll want to have me back."
"Will you be in Winterhold?"
Jenassa seems surprised for half a second. "Yes, I guess I'll be in Winterhold. I mean, I don't have to remain in Hviterun, do I?"
"No, you don't. I'm sure they'll survive somehow."
Jenassa smiles slightly. "Well... thanks, Laura. I'm ready to get going now when you are."
We stand up and start running to catch up with our party.
The soldiers are already waiting for us. Lydia and Jordis have directed them to that unopenable door of Karth River Outpost.
The soldiers break the door down without much trouble and we waste no time going in. There's a system of low and narrow passages and weird rooms with columns and rubbish and such.
And thalmors. Our soldier allies are obeying their order not to get involved. In fact, after we've cleared the first hall (of sorts), I tell Jordis to go and tell them they can return to Solitud if they're in a hurry.
I begin to read a manuscript on the ancient history of a family called Thuringen. Jordis returns quickly. I don't ask what she was told. I don't want to know. We move on towards the next enemies I can sense.
Maybe I'm distracted by all those politics and human relations things. Maybe I'm just trying to find an excuse after the fact. But the fact is, my shooting accuracy is disgraceful. The enemies are not many and our sneaking is excellent, it's just that I'm having difficulties hitting them. We would approach from a narrow passage, I would bungle a shot or two, by which time the enemies would have noticed us, I would hurry into the room to get out of my followers' line of fire, but the enemies would already be close and a neat covert approach would have turned into a messy melee fight.
After we've killed what seems to have been the last enemies in a large room that seems to be the last (in fact it's a Nord burial hall), Lydia says to Jenassa and Jordis that they must never again let me go without a blowjob for so long. That wasn't even funny. That was mean. But I'm too exhausted mentally to say anything.
In the midst of all those thalmor corpses and ancient Nord skeletons, all of whom thankfully remain dead, I find the corpse of a Laurent Thuringen. He has notes on him that suggest that he and his brother Maximilian were researching something and found this outpost that was apparently abandoned many years ago.
Understandably, he was unable to record how the thalmors overwhelmed and killed him, but I learn that Maximilian Thuringen might be in Morthal. We also find a book on the psijics that suggests they are indeed an order of very powerful mages whose opinion and counsel even a number of emperors have valued highly. But I couldn't care about any of that now.
The thing is, with Jenassa leaving us, we won't be able to travel south to Granite Hall as I had planned. We'll have to go by Hviterun, so I can hire Valdimar or maybe Borgakh in Jenassa's stead. We'll travel via Morthal to take a look at that Maximilian dude.
It's evening already when we exit the dungeon. I'm relieved that the soldiers have left. The last thing I need would have been having to explain why we're heading east instead of south where we were supposed to go.
With the big moon Masser in the clear sky, we have plenty of light to travel comfortably. The Dragonbridge bridge (called the Dragon Bridge, if I'm not greatly mistaken) looks very beautiful and that puts me in a better mood, even more so than the moon already did. Yeah, I know I wouldn't make a great poet.
We run to Morthal without encountering anyone.
Everything looks peaceful in the town.
The inn is mildly crowded, mostly by men relaxing with their drinks. Jonna informs me a man named Maximilian has indeed been coming to Morthal every now and then, but she hasn't seen him for a couple of weeks now and she has no idea where he might be or what he might be up to.
It's getting on ten o'clock. Obviously we'd better spend the night here in our house and travel to Hviterun tomorrow morning.
As we saunter along the wooden walkway and I nod absent-mindedly to the guards, thinking about our tomorrow's route (Labyrinthian – Hviterun – Granite Hall – Gate to Hammerfell; I guess we now have really nothing left to sidetrack us), Lydia tells me she's sorry for what she said earlier and can she make it good somehow?
To tell you the truth, I don't care about taking revenge on Lydia, but I have an idea how we could spend the next few hours, the four of us. I suggest to the girls they gangbang me with strapons. I mean, I'm dying for a man, but my Morthal boyfriend Taurinus is not here, having obviously left when Hjaalmarch was handed over to the Stormcloaks. So I'm going for the next best thing, and Lydia and I have been thinking about doing it for some time now, and besides, we could look at it as Jenassa's farewell party.
We have exactly three strapons. I give the Stallion Strapon, the largest one, to Lydia, the normal-sized Canine Strapon to Jordis, and Jenassa gets the one with two thingies. I invite them to let themselves go and not be too gentle with me – just as long as they keep things away from my butthole.

I'm sorry the straps of the strapons don't show very well in this light.
Those artificial penises don't grow out of the girls' bodies, I assure you.
Those artificial penises don't grow out of the girls' bodies, I assure you.
In fact, we end up being very gentle. I first spread my legs for Lydia and she is clearly worried about hurting me, but I'm perfectly fine.
I pay no attention to what Jenassa and Jordis are doing.
It's actually Lydia's nipples brushing against mine when she bends down low enough (something you can't have with a man!) that bring me to orgasm, even though the pounding down there after she's gotten over her worries certainly does its part.
After Lydia and I are finished, I let Jordis take me from behind standing up.
Actually, Jordis ends up not so much fucking me as fondling my breasts and rubbing hers against my back. I can't reach really anything with her behind me. I try at first to make movements with my lower body, but then I just rest my head against Jordis's shoulder, close my eyes and enjoy her caresses while Jenassa is lying on the bed having a firm grip on Lydia's head between her legs. Jordis seems to have an orgasm behind me with both of her hands on my breasts while Jenassa is licking Lydia in turn.
Then I put Jenassa on her back and mount her in the cowgirl position.
While I ride her like crazy and she caresses eagerly my sides and legs, I hear Lydia and Jordis wrestling on the floor behind me, evidently fighting over who gets to be a man. Lydia's victorious exclamations are followed by Jordis loudly begging for mercy. I take a brief glance over my shoulder.
But I couldn't care less. Jenassa and I seem to have found a position and rhythm perfect for both of us and we come almost at the same time screaming even louder than Jordis.
As I lie on top of Jenassa and we kiss passionately in the afterglow, our dear friends have fallen silent. Getting finally up, I can see that Lydia has allowed Jordis to turn over and they are kissing gently.
"Did you do it in her butt?" I ask.
"Heavens, no!" they exclaim in unison and then laugh and stand up.
"I wailed only because I wanted to see if she'd pity me and let me go," Jordis explains.
"Not a chance!" says Jenassa and we all laugh like crazy.
"Jenassa and I can hold her arms if you want to spank her," I tell Jordis.
She settles for giving Lydia a tight hug and slapping her butt once. Then we all embrace each other, immensely happy with our unity.
Lydia and I get the double bed for the night. I fall asleep almost the moment Jordis puts the light out.
next awakening
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