This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-31 04:45
Helgen, Falkreath, Skyrim
As planned, we run to the east.
The sun ought to rise soon, but right now it's quite dark. The road is barely visible.
We reach the mountains in three quarters of an hour. Here the ground is snowy. We discover a cave named Haemar's Shame, but we're not going to explore it this time. Nearby, there's a fight on between imps and storks. It doesn't last very long.

In death they've made peace at last. You can't tell anymore who was Imperial and who was Stormcloak.
We get a lot of loot. Just when we're out of the soldiers' sight, we get attacked by three Pigmasks. I had almost forgotten about their existence. We kill two without much difficulty. Their spells look terrifying, but they're not actually that bad.
The third Pigmask decides to run away, but I stop him with an arrow in his back.
It's what you might call daylight by now, but in the area east of the mountains the sky is filled with dark clouds and there's a pouring rain with an odd thunderstroke.
We spend the day in Ivarsted crafting and socializing. I find an opportunity to talk in private with Lydia. I've been curious to know about Jenassa's intimate relationships. We've gone to the table farthest from Bassianus, but he just walks over and takes a seat as if he were our close friend, and in fact talks like he's firmly determined to become one.
This is extremely annoying. The man is a sleazy retard who thinks he's witty. It's the type I can't stand. I threaten him I'll tell Fastred how he is hitting on every woman he sees. That makes him leave.
Now Lydia tells me Jenassa likes High Elves. A few years ago, she had a thing with that shopkeeper Cyrelas in the eastern suburb of Hviterun, but it didn't work out, mainly because he's married. He began to fear his wife might find out. More recently, Jenassa has been living with Anoriath, the Wood Elf hunter and market trader who is the brother of Elrindir.
I'm a little surprised. The way Jenassa was always hanging around in The Drunken Husband, I had suspected she had something going on with Elrindir.
Lydia smiles at the Husband . (It's really The Drunken Huntsman, in case you've forgotten.) "No, she actually sleeps with Anoriath. But it's more like don't-want-to-be-alone kind of thing."
"Maybe she sleeps with both of them?"
"I don't think so." Lydia shakes her head. "In fact, she suspects Elrindir is into men."
That's most curious. I've heard there are such men, but I've never been able to find out any particulars.
"What do they do? Suck each other? Or they actually do anal all the time?"
Lydia doesn't know either. For all she knows, Elrindir is doing nothing. He's just excessively friendly to male customers. Jenassa couldn't help noticing that. But there's never anything further. And he's never shown any interest in her or any other woman.
"He must be unhappy," I say just as Jenassa and Jordis enter the inn.
"If he is, he's hiding it well."
Yeah, what else can he do?
Jenassa and Jordis come to our table and sit down. I get an idea. Since we're not exactly busy right now, why don't we take a look at Shroud Hearth Barrow, that place between here and the lake which the locals fear because it's haunted?
We encounter a man named Wyndelius in there and learn he's been acting the part of a ghost in order to keep people away from the barrow. We have to kill him, he leaves us no choice. From his diary we find, it emerges he was researching something sinister:
When I tell the innkeeper Wilhelm that the ghost was a hoax, he is very relieved.
It's now 7 o'clock in the evening. I decide we'll get some sleep and then go to High Hrothgar to give the Gaybores their horn. I'm sure the snow will give enough light for ascending the mountain at nighttime.

An earlier picture of a mysterious man who can often be found at the Ivarsted inn.
He's friendly, but always resists my attempts to start a conversation. No one seems to know who he is and what he's up to.
He's friendly, but always resists my attempts to start a conversation. No one seems to know who he is and what he's up to.
next awakening