This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-11-16 13:15
Nchardak, Solstheim, Morrowind
Wow, that sleep felt good! The bathing facilities leave something to be desired, but there's a cooking spit right here.
We eat in great haste, as well as with great appetite, and hurry northwards. We need to go to Skaal and talk to the shaman Storn about that secret knowledge. I am going to destroy Bastaard and I won't be stopped by anything... I think.
On our way to Skaal, we're somewhat surprised to see a bandit attacked by two big... dogs. Really? Dogs? Yes, dogs. Two common dogs attacking a human.
Wow. That's something you don't see every month. We choose a good observing position. The first dog is killed quickly, but the second one causes the bandit a lot of trouble.

I'm not going to shoot, just standing by. Dogs are very fast runners. And they bite.
Yeah, I know – you already knew it, didn't you? :D
Yeah, I know – you already knew it, didn't you? :D
They keep moving back and forth, so we end up having to retreat as well. Finally the dog wins. We kill it (just so it won't attack us too) and then loot the bandit's corpse. The dog looks like a quite common Skyrim dog, albeit larger than usual.
We continue our journey north, towards Skaal. After a while, we arrive at a campsite with a large group of people who seem friendly.
We step closer, say hello and make some small talk. They seem greatly worried about something, but I can't understand what it's all about. Finally I ask them to explain what's going on. We learn that this is a group of Nord warriors led by a woman Bujold who have been chased out of their residence by the Rieklings (those small savages who occasionally attack Skaal like I've told you).
They are desperate and seem to be very close to falling on their knees before us (or any passersby, for that matter) and begging us to help them conquer their home back. I hurry to move on before it would come to that. Firstly, I have much more urgent business to attend to, and, secondly, this group is essentially a very pathetic version of the Companions. The latter are at least formidable warriors, to say nothing of well organized. These people here are just the definition of "loser". The so-called men beg that Bujold girl for guidance while she is plagued by self-despise and doesn't seem to be able to lead a dog to a sausage. Even if they got their headquarters back (Thirsk, I believe it was called), I wouldn't trust them to be able to do anything apart from sitting around a table and drinking mead. They can just as well drink here without a table.

Thinking logically, I know that those big birds aren't just majestically flying above the waves enjoying the view.
I know they lead harsh lives struggling day after day to find enough food to keep themselves and their offspring alive.
Still, I often can't help envying them for their lives' simplicity – as well as, of course, the awe-inspiring grace of their movement.
I know they lead harsh lives struggling day after day to find enough food to keep themselves and their offspring alive.
Still, I often can't help envying them for their lives' simplicity – as well as, of course, the awe-inspiring grace of their movement.
We arrive in Skaal at half past four in the afternoon. There's a nice winter weather and the view from a nearby mountain to the snowy roofs and the ocean is like in a fairytale. It's a welcome injection of positive energy before the horrifying things I will have to do soon.
We chat with a villager or two until I notice it's getting dark. I realize I can't put off talking to Storn any longer. In that Black Book realm where I'll be going to, there'll be no difference between day and night, but I still have to go there sometime.
Storn is meditating in front of his house and doesn't seem to mind the cold. I tell him about my encounter with Hora, or Herma-Mora as the Skaal call Him. After some philosophical elaborations, Storn agrees with surprising ease that there is no choice but to give Herma-Hora what He wants, because Bastaard has to be destroyed. What I'm most curious about is what are those secrets of the Skaal Hora is so keen on getting that He's willing to sacrifice His lapdog Bastaard.
Storn explains that it would be of no practical value from a modern people's perspective, but Hora wants it simply because to Him any kind of knowledge is valuable in its own right.
Fine. So what are we going to do now?
Storn goes and kneels down in front of the Greathall. Ignoring her daughter Frea's pleas, he establishes connection with Hora. I don't sense anything. I can only see Hora materializing before and above him, and thick black tentacles penetrating Storn's body. After that, Hora tells me He'll give me the dragon shout He promised.
This was very scary. I'm slightly surprised and greatly relieved that Hora actually stood by His word. It means Storn's horrible sacrifice wasn't in vain.
After Hora has disappeared, I cast cautious looks at the people around me. No, they don't seem to hate me, not even Frea who is kneeling and crying next to his father's dead body. On the contrary, she urges me to go and fulfill my mission. Sure, that's what I'm here for. But I need to sleep well first. I will be fighting Bastaard himself and that's no laughing matter. I've got to make damn sure I'm in top shape.
So I go to sleep in the Greathall which has become our temporary residence whenever we're in the village.
next awakening