This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-12-04 08:59
Jadarrheim, Winterhold, Winterhold, Skyrim
Ertzebet cooks breakfast while I laze delightedly on the bed. She has gotten dressed, so I do the same when she invites me to eat. We are silent for a few minutes. Then she says it was a fascinating experience and she likes me a lot, but she prefers men. I assure her that so do I, and in fact she has to promise me she'll find herself a boyfriend. She says she will. We can talk about it without awkwardness, because we're both Bretons and a Breton (usually) understands another Breton in a way you can't ever understand anyone else.
I tell Ertzebet I wanted to get close to her simply because she's by far the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. That makes her blush. I love her.
I ask her if she knows if Faralda might have any reason to dislike me. Faralda seemed strangely grumpy yesterday, I tell Ertzebet, yet I can't recall of having ever done anything to rub her the wrong way.
Ertzebet says there are rumors that Faralda has been very downcast the last couple of days because she used to be close to a very rich and influential High Elf man somewhere far away from Winterhold, and she had... let's say, very high hopes, but then she learned he had died under mysterious circumstances.
Of course I realize immediately that the said very rich and influential High Elf might well be Pelin Varlais. I can't tell from Ertzebet's expressions if she knows it, or more importantly, if she knows or guesses I was involved in his death. I mean, if Faralda is angry with me, the implication is obvious, but I refrain from asking Ertzebet on the odd chance she really doesn't know and I'd be putting a thought into her head. I just thank her for the gossip. Then we go to town to join my followers and have a bath at the inn together. I feel that just the two of us would be a little conspicuous.
Regardless of yesterday's dramatic events at the College, me and my followers shall stick to our original plan and travel to Windhelm.
In the long run, we're headed for that Orc settlement Largashbur southwest of Bitchen, the one that seems to be cursed and needs certain rare alchemy ingredients to perform some kind of a purification ritual. I now have those ingredients and want to go and help them save their village. However, since Windhelm is in our path, I'm thinking about taking the ship to Folkvangr. I know I should hurry to Largashbur (and, for that matter, Labyrinthian) without delay, but I've been curious for some time to check out Folkvangr. I know this is illogical and I feel guilty about letting people in dire hardship wait like that, but I just need a change of atmosphere. Or maybe I'm too shocked about those nearly-unkillable flying horrors from last night. I'm sorry I'm unable to come up with a more convincing justification.
Jenassa reminds me that the people of Largashbur are in dire need as well, and the mages of Winterhold looked like they were able to keep the strange forcefield from widening for some time to come. Apart from which, I'll need to consult Rudelphine about our next steps against the dragons and thalmors. We can't drop everything just because Winterhold is in trouble.
That easens my conscience somewhat.
On our way south, we make a brief shopping stop in Amol City. The trader on the marketplace, Francine, is nice. I wonder how she's not freezing, standing there in the open air all day.
Instead of the shortcut along the coast, I choose to travel by the road this time, the one that bypasses the mountains from the west.
Shortly after Amol City, we discover a Stillborn Cave on the roadside. What a horrible name! I don't even want to take a look inside.
Then we see some patrolling soldiers and a very tall Orc man who is rather rude. I don't really mind, because I find him kind of interesting, but in this dismal weather I can't think of anything further.
Jenassa says there's supposed to be a fortress called Fort Kastav close to where we are now – more specifically, on the eastern side of this road (that'll be to our left). We're keeping our eyes wide open. As soon as I'm seeing something farther ahead that looks a little different from the mountains, I order my followers to extreme caution. We sneak closer and indeed there are some fortifications. We manage to shoot a skeleton on the observation platform nearest to us. He was kind of nervous and kept running back and forth, yet failed to see us.
We get closer and kill a couple of mages in the courtyard. Then we enter what's called Fort Kastav Prison. We kill the few mages and skeletons we find there.
Then we check out Captain's Quarters which are completely empty. My gut feeling says we haven't yet found everything there's to discover here, but I can't be bothered to waste any more time in this pointless place in this gods-forsaken region.
At least the weather has turned better and the sights are pretty:
We move on, meet some more soldiers on the road, hear Lydia's report on what she did yesterday with Bjarne (outside the fortification wall, facing each other with him standing and holding her up; it's Lydia's favorite position), pass by Anga's Mill and reach Windhelm without any incidents.

The main city gate is across that bridge, on the left (northern) side.
The road that goes right from the nearer end of the bridge leads towards Kynesgrove and Vernim Wood.
The road behind us would ultimately take us to Hviterun.
The road that goes right from the nearer end of the bridge leads towards Kynesgrove and Vernim Wood.
The road behind us would ultimately take us to Hviterun.
I'm in high spirits because of the beautiful weather and because I generally like Windhelm and (of course) because of my anticipation of being together with Yrsarald.
When we enter the city, it's about half past three, so I have time enough for thorough shopping before I go to the palace. I arrive there saturated with gossip and good-to-see-you's.

That's the place where all the news end up sooner or later – the Candlehearth Hall inn.
The main entrance is on the other side and the side entrance is on the right.
The jarl's palace is behind me.
The main entrance is on the other side and the side entrance is on the right.
The jarl's palace is behind me.
Yrsarald is having a conference with the priest, so I quietly withdraw to the big hall where I speak a few words with the steward. Soon I see the priest leave. Yrsarald greets me most cordially and we hurry upstairs. I'm mildly amused to observe that he has already shooed away the guards who usually patrol the corridors.
Yrsarald wants me to do it with my mouth. Sure, no problem. I kneel before him and suck him dry, intoxicated by the sight of his mighty strong hips and his manly smell. It's very, um, filling. In every way. I mean... well, you know what I mean.
Afterwards, Yrsarald walks me out and goes back to work. I stroll unhurrieldy through the lantern-lit streets to my house. Lydia is in my (technically single) bed again, but this time I just lie down next to her. I hug and kiss her and she wakes up. Then I let her suck on my tongue a little and she fingers me down there. In no time, I feel I'm going to have an orgasm, and then I think I shouldn't because Mikki is sleeping (hopefully) in the same room, but then I realize I don't care.
next awakening
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