This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-202-03-01 09:16
Arch-Mage's Quarters, Winterhold, Winterhold, Skyrim
Onmund is hard and I waste no time climbing on top of him before he can come up with another one of his perverse ideas. I'm still a little sore in a certain place, but it doesn't matter – I'll go crazy if I can't get a penis into my vagina at last.
I move slowly, because I don't want Onmund to come too soon. He seems okay with that and just lies there lazily. When I'm approaching my orgasm, he begins to squeeze my buttocks and then the breasts, and finally he turns me over and fucks me hard, and I get my orgasm, thrashing my lower body furiously into his, and soon he comes as well. He says he had no idea it's possible for a woman to do such powerful movements when lying on her back with a man's weight resting on her. Yeah, neither had I.
I hurry to Ertzebet to discuss last night and this morning with her. Lydia and Jordis kept strictly out of sight in my quarters, but my instructions didn't say anything about outside. On my way to the library, they are close behind me, almost holding on to my clothes. No chance they're going to miss this.
After I've told them everything, the girls come up with a hypothesis that Onmund is an alpha male who has been severely oppressed by his parents and now he is discovering his dominant nature. That makes a lot of sense. Maybe his reason for joining the College was not so much his interest in magic as having an excuse to get away from home. At any rate, I'll be most curious to see how our relationship will develop in the future. An occasional disappointment will be a small price for figuring that guy out. And he looked so average at first!
Ertzebet says she's finding increasingly more interesting things to talk about with Alec, and she can't find any fault with him whatsoever, especially since he's very gentle and the low frequency of actual intercourse doesn't bother her. Yet, she can't help going weak at the knees every time she hears Drevis's name or sees him walk past. This is a further confirmation that my plan from yesterday was right. We must figure out a way to resolve this matter one way or another, or Ertzebet will build up a fantasy world for herself that will drive her crazy and be very hard to get out of.
This morning, however, I get another quest from Tolfdir. He needs something called dragon heartscales for his magical research, and in order to be able to carve those off a dead dragon, one needs a very special tool with a funny name Kahvozein's Fang which, as Tolfdir has found out, is at a certain location near Morpork.
Before leaving for Solitud, I decide to go and talk to that horrible Augur of Dunlain. My followers are eager to see him. That includes Jenassa who has turned up by now.
Well, that suits me fine. If the girls come along, we can leave Midden by the other exit and go straight to Dånstar without having to return to Winterhold.
No new monsters have appeared in Midden, but the Augur's voice still sounds like a slimy snake squeezing my neck.
He informs me I can only get Colette's quest when I pass a test, during which I'll be allowed to use only Restoration spells and none of my belongings or potions. Well, I'm not going to tell him where he can stuff his test, because he doesn't look like he has that place. I just turn around without a word and leave. I don't need such a childish game of chicken.
We exit into the snowfall.
The descent is not quite as hard as the picture may make it look like, but the scenery is only a minor improvement compared to Midden. When we get closer to Dånstar, however, we meet several nice horkers and one snowbear.

Horkers are usually uncomfortable with people getting this close, but as you probably guessed, I've used Spriggan Soap again.
Along the way, we discuss yesterday. Jenassa mentions she heard someone say something about mines that contain soul gems a long time ago. She doesn't know any specifics.
The weather turns increasingly better and we do get to enjoy some really beautiful sights.
In Dånstar, I tell Lydia to make it quick, or, well, not to sweat it, we'll wait until she has finished. Jordis, Jenassa and I walk around and shop a little and look at the ships, and then we sit in the inn and discuss our plans.
I guess we'd better run straight to the west to be sure to reach Solitud tonight. Then we can be in Morpork tomorrow and after that we'll be able to wash our hands of the Stormcloaks and the Empire.
I don't feel like having sex again so soon, therefore I wonder if I ought to offer Jordis and Jenassa that they can go and be with Gregor. But then I realize there's no way of telling how long it'll last if they do, and I'd better not cause any delay. Apart from which, I might want to keep Gregor all to myself after all. Right now, however, I still feel so thoroughly pounded all over that I don't want to even see a man for some time to come. Well, for one day at least.
Lydia returns in about an hour and we run west. In spite of the cloudy weather, the marshland looks quite beautiful. Especially amazing is the frozen water surface.
I've seen thick blocks of ice in the ocean, but I can't recall any inland bodies of water covered with ice you can walk on:
Successfully avoiding all those bluish-green poison blooms that grow in this region, we arrive on the eastern bank of the Solitud bay and take the ferry to the western bank. It has started to rain.
I deliver Yrsarald's proposal to meet and plan a common strategy to General Tullius and learn that Jarl Igmund is ready to depart with his retinue for Morpork tomorrow morning.
Now I pay a visit to the temple (that's me in front of Dibella's shrine):
As I stroll towards the palace, Jenassa joins me. We walk a while in silence and then she says:
"Laura, you asked the other day if I had ever been spanked."
"I was a slave and slaves get punished. There's nothing exciting or erotic about it."
I'm at loss for words. Touched by this unusual display of trust, I also feel very sad that Jenassa had to suffer and that I can't do anything to make her feel better. Remaining silent feels wrong, so I just say: "Was it very bad?"
She shrugs. "I wasn't too obedient."
I raise an eyebrow. "You have been obedient with me."
"You couldn't demand anything remotely as horrible as certain other people."
And now I really don't know what to say.
After a brief visit to the palace, we pass by the Bards' College where I happen to strike up a conversation with the famous bard Pantea. She mentions her favorite flute was stolen after a performance some time ago. I show her the flute I picked up from some bandits somewhere that looks like it's valuable. That turns out to be her missing flute. She says she doesn't know how to thank me.
I ask her if I could buy the book "The Song of the Alchemists" they have in the College. Pantea invites me to come along to the headmaster right now. She tells him I recovered her flute, and asks him to let me have the book for free. The headmaster agrees.
I walk on and see Vittoria Vici returning home from work. I step up to her and ask if I can have a word. She replies "Of course," with a smile and invites me to her house.
"I don't know anything about political intrigues," I inform her as we sit in comfortable armchairs in front of a beautiful fireplace, "so please tell me in simple language what horrible things will happen if I kill Jaree-Ra."
Vittoria's face turns very serious. After a long and uncomfortable silence, she says: "I guess I'll have to sacrifice him. But I want this to be the last time you cross me. Do we understand each other?"
"I understand you all right," I tell her, "but should you ever go against my family or my followers, then I will stop at nothing. Or against Hviterun," I add after a moment of reflection.
"Or Yrsarald?" she asks with a smirk.
"Why, yes. I will kill every enemy of Yrsarald when I get a chance. Is there something funny about it?"
My evident hostility fails to impress Vittoria. "You are so young and naive," she says in a perfectly benevolent tone, which I find rather offending, because she doesn't look all that much older than me. "You will learn eventually that there are things that are too big even for you. Hopefully it'll happen before you and you family get badly hurt."
I suddenly recall that horrible fire trap at Karthspire where my excessive arrogance very nearly caused the death of myself, Lydia, Jenassa and Mikki.
"I'm sorry," I reply. "I know I should accept my limitations and I can't right all the wrongs in the world. I need to be reminded of it more often."
Vittoria accepts it with a gracious nod. "You really ought to spend some time in Cyrodiil. It would certainly widen your horizon."
I nod.
"Well, Laura, I understand perfectly that there are people whom you will protect no matter what. Let's hope it will not come to that. I certainly have no intention of harming any of them. You may kill Jaree-Ra if you can catch him. Anything else I can do for you?"
"No." I stand up. "Thanks."
I spend the rest of the evening (in fact until the morning) working on our gear and reach my house at about the same time my followers wake up. Oh... Before I turn in, I just have tell you – I have recently picked up a pair of Orcish Boots with a most unusual enchantment. It's called Cushioned and allows you to jump down from any height without taking damage. Since Orcish Boots are ugly, I destroyed them tonight with the Arcane Enchanter and put that enchantment on a pair of beautiful boots. I always keep a few in reserve for enchanting, just like a few pairs of gloves, helmets and such. Yes, helmets don't go in pairs. I really have to get some sleep now. Good night!
next awakening
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