This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-10-19 04:01
Forsworn Camp, Haafingar, Skyrim
I can't say I slept too well on that hay pile. Fortunately my followers are in their top form.
Quite near to our night camp, we see a very big and sinister-looking ruin called Volskygge. I'm not interested in that right now, so we just sneak past. Soon we arrive at the edge of an icy plateau with a view to the ocean far below. Instead of admiring the fabulous glow of the northern lights, a large group of soldiers nearby are engaged in a furious fight. After more than an hour, there are actually small heaps of dead bodies lying on the ground.
Having looted the corpses, we descend the slope and find the entrance to Rimerock Burrow with surprising ease. We sneak in and I detect a humanoid creature that looks like a spriggan. When I kill it, it bursts out in flames. Farther in the cave, there's another human figure who notices us after I bungle my first shot. He's not too hard to kill either. It's a mage. The first creature was in fact a flame atronach. And that's all there is. We get that very special helm for Noster of Solitud and leave.
Seems like there's a category of men who just wander around picking a quarrel with anyone they encounter, even when it's a woman.

What do you mean "milk drinker"? Of course I'm a milk drinker. I like milk.
And I really wish I could go home to my mother.
And I really wish I could go home to my mother.
Since this topic has come up – milk is my favorite drink. I also like juices. Tomato and carrot juice are my favorites. I avoid alcohol except on very special occasions. I eat any kind of food other than raw meat and raw fish. And I hate cheese. Cheese seems to be the national food of Skyrim. Most of the food lying around places is one or another type of cheese. Or maybe not most, but I'm seeing cheese everywhere. I can eat any kind of cooked meat, even horse is no problem whatsoever, although I prefer chicken, rabbit and venison. My absolute favorite is seared slaughterfish, though. And I enjoy an occasional sweetie.
I'm telling you all this, because there's nothing else to report on this clear winter morning while we're running along a well-maintained road that leads through a snowy forest.
We arrive at a crossing where the right branch goes to Dragonbridge and the left one to Solitud. Straight ahead is the high rocky bank of a river. I figure that since Dragonbridge is really close, we'd better go and let Commander Maro know the Dark Brotherhood has been destroyed.
I also intend to do my crafting in Dragonbridge after I've rested a while. I feel strangely low on energy. Am I getting ill or something?
Well, fortunately I end up a lot livelier after I've sat a while with Eydis, the market trader to whom I gave that stray dog a month ago. She appreciates my keeping her company on the marketplace, because business is slow today. She confesses she's a staunch Stormcloak supporter because her parents always revered Talos.
Now her daughter Sveina drops by with the dog. They both seem very happy and run along again. Eydis is less happy, because she can't find herself a man.
"What about Athragar?" I now find an opportunity to ask.
"I don't know," she shrugs. "He has never tried anything."
I must have a truly perplexed look on my face, because Eydis casts a quick glance in the direction of the alchemy shop and then back at me. With the hint of a grin on her face, she asks: "Did he..."?
I nod. "Sort of. But no, I don't fancy that man."
"Neither do I, to be quite honest. He's kind of strange."
I have to chuckle. "You can say that again."
After a moment of silence, I say: "I wonder if he chats up only women who are not from here."
Eydis shakes her head slightly. "I had no idea he ever chatted up anyone. Dynaera and I sometimes wonder about him," (she is referring to the trader at the next stall), "but she hasn't heard anything either, and neither has her husband."
We chat a little more and then I go to work on our weapons and armor.
After that, me and my followers run to Solitud where we arrive in the early evening.
After selling all our loot, we bring Noster his helmet and he teaches me some Sneaking in return. Me and my followers proceed to the palace.
Falk informs us he has heard there are still some bad people left who are trying to revive that evil queen Potema, and would I go and talk to the priest Styrr and then check out the catacombs at the Hall of the Dead? When I bring up the topic of selling me a house which I need in order to become a thane, Falk gets strangely evasive. I try it this way and that way, and he just finds more and more excuses. That Potema thing is supposed to be really urgent and could we talk about the house some other time? I finally just stamp my foot and walk directly to Jarl Elisif. She forces Falk to come around. I get the house and Elisif appoints me thane. I leave the palace, looking at Falk in a way that should leave him in no doubt that I'm no longer his friend and he'd better watch his step while I'm around.
The name of my new house is Proudspire Manor. It's between the Bards' College and Vittoria Vici's house, on the street that goes from the palace to the fortress. In other words, a location as prime as can be. The inside of the house is all in cobwebs, but I don't care much about that at the moment. I'm eager to check out my newest housecarl, Jordis Wiljarsdotter.
I hire her as my active follower, sending Valdimar back to his new home in the Hviterun palace.
Now I'm dog-tired, but I could use some sex. Jordis is not too bad-looking, but maybe I ought to do it with Lydia first? And for that matter, I'd much rather have a man right now. I could look up my boyfriend (of sorts) Aurelius. He's good in bed. Or how about I seduce Thane Erikur, the one who is always bickering with Thane Bryling and seems to be eager to participate in any backhanded scheme to oust Jarl Elisif? If I got Erikur to like me, I could make her get along better with Elisif and Bryling, and those three would be a formidable power block to keep Falk in line.
Unable to make up my mind, I go to sleep in my new roomy bedroom without having sex with anybody. Lydia still sleeps next to me. It's a big bed, so why not share? Apart from which, I'd be terrified to be alone the first night in a new house.
next awakening