This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
previous day
4-201-12-07 04:15
Vilemyr Inn, Ivarsted, The Rift, Skyrim
We leave for Riverwood shortly before sunrise. I'm sure we'll reach it comfortably today, no matter what delays we may have along the way.
Our trip through the mountain pass and past Helgen is eventless. We arrive in Riverwood by the southern road. The weather is wonderful, the village is waking to life.
Rudelphine knows Esbern and is visibly happy with the news that he's alive. She says he was an archivist, meaning he would know all about the information the Blades organization had gathered about the dragons. It makes sense the thalmors are eager to find Esbern, says Rudelphine, so if he lives in Bitchen, he's probably very well hidden, which is why I should begin my search by contacting the underworld. She recommends I talk to Brynjolf who is well connected. He'd be the one the most likely to be able to give me a lead.
I don't deem it necessary to inform Rudelphine that talking to Brynjolf wouldn't be feasible. Fortunately, Lydia has heard Maul mention a crazy old man who lives in the moderately repulsive dungeon which can be reached by a door somewhere in the Ratway inn. Maybe that's Esbern. I'll check that dungeon out. In my own good time.
I visit the shops in Riverwood, chat with Sigrid on the street, and magnanimously acknowledge the little Frodnar's warning not to get on his and his dog's bad side.
Our next destination is Labyrinthian and the shortest way is from here to Hviterun along the road (or almost) and then straight over the plains to the mountain pass which is south of Labyrinthian.
Come to think of it, it's such a lovely morning we could just as well sit on the riverbank and chat the day away with Corianna, the proprietress of the cookshop across the river, or maybe keep company to her husband the fisher. I mean, she doesn't actually have to stand behind the counter all the time, does she? We could just as well sit outside in a place where she can see when a customer comes.
Well, never mind that. We've got a world to save.
Before I forget – as I've told you, I've been just a tiny bit apprehensive of my having to decide whether or not to dimiss Mikki and how she might feel if I did. Luckily, Mikki takes the dilemma off my hands. When I headed for the Riverwood alchemy shop just a while ago, Lydia walked with me. She said that yesterday Mikki asked her cautiously how does she think I would react if Mikki told me she wanted to take a break in Hviterun. She'd really like to spend some time with her sisters and friends and the Companions.
That's why I do sit on the riverbank before we leave Riverwood, but this is with Mikki alone. I inform her it's no problem at all if she wants to enjoy city life for a change.
I make it a point to tell Mikki she has proven herself a capable warrior. We have always been able to rely on her to do her part of the job. She has also been a good companion and acted like a responsible adult. And (as I've already told you) she has turned out to be the only one who can run as fast as I can.
Our usual travel formation is with me running in the front at some distance from the others. That's because I'm the fastest runner and the best sneaker. It's much easier for one person to remain undetected than for a group of four. Even when I'm spotted running, I have a good chance to get quickly into hiding so that the enemy will lose sight of me. That's with the exception of animals, but I can handle those without any assistance.
Of course, it was very different in the beginning when my followers were far better fighters than me. But by now, it's clearly safer for all of us if I work as the vanguard, taking the possible first hit, shortly after which my three followers will surprise the enemy from a distance with their devastating firepower (or rather frostpower in our case).
Mikki is usually the second because, firstly, that's the safest place, and, secondly, because she can run much faster than Lydia and Jenassa. By now she's gotten over her initial insecurity and she's usually by my side a few seconds after I'm attacked. Lydia gives us fire support from a distance and Jenassa does the same while also keeping an eye out for potential pursuers. She doesn't actually have eyes in her back, but she's very good at spreading her attention in every direction. That's my weak point, which is why I need my back watched.
In places like fortress courtyards, we spread out as much as we comfortably can, to avoid giving the enemies one big target. In narrow passages, we can't keep as far away from each other as we'd like to, but it doesn't matter so much, because the walls shield us from the enemy much of the time and my Sense of Smell almost always detects them first.
Anyway, I tell Mikki she has totally deserved some rest in the midst of the comforts of the civilization, but I shall always be happy to have her back. Unless of course she gets married. As I expected, Mikki makes a face and tells me to shut up. I laugh and say: let's get going.
The forest between Riverwood and Hviterun is peaceful today.

I remember how I stood just a little bit easterly from this spot almost 4 months ago, looking at Hviterun for the first time.
How things have changed since then!
How things have changed since then!
We go to the Honningbrew Meadery where I try to make the owner Sabjorn talk about his conflict with Maven Black-Briar. He won't. Too bad for him.
As we saunter towards the eastern suburb, admiring the river, I ask Jenassa innocently where she's going to sleep tonight.
"Why, what's you problem?"
I'm taken aback by such a hostile reaction. "All right, forget it. I'm sorry I asked. I can just as well ask tomorrow where you slept. And it's not really my business anyway."
She sighs. "I'm sorry, Laura. I didn't mean to... I'm just confused. I need some time to think."
Sure. She needs time to think. She's only had a month to think about it. I look at Lydia behind Jenassa's back and we both roll our eyes in silent agreement.
Mikki won't leave it at that, though. "Jenassa, aren't you forgetting that we are here to help each other think when we're confused?"
Wow. I didn't expect something so profound from a teenager.
Jenassa stops and looks at the ground pensively. Then she raises her eyes and says: "All right. Let's sit down and you can tell me what you think. You guys wanna get drunk first?" She looks at Mikki. "Not you."
Mikki acts offended, but she knows she's not going to drink anything alcoholic while in sight of any of us. She just hates to be reminded of her age. Er... as is Jenassa, as it occurs to me. The irony of it makes me laugh in spite of myself.
They all look at me and I solve the awkward situation by putting my hand on Jenassa's shoulder and motioning her to start walking again. "I'd say let's go to the palace and see then. I've always felt better after I've talked to you, Jenassa, and I'd really like to hope I'm capable of returning your kindness."
This seems to have been the right thing to say. Jenassa hugs me back with one hand and then we walk towards the houses.
After visiting the traders in the suburb, we enter the city proper through the eastern gate.
First we go to the palace where I re-hire Jordis and let Mikki go. I also cast meaningful glances at Farengar and smile coyly when he catches me looking at him. I want to make love to someone tonight, because starting from tomorrow I shall once again have to take a break for four days or so. As for with whom – that's the tricky part. Technically, I'm still with Avulstein, but he has turned out very disappointing in a certain sense. (I can't understand why it's been so difficult to find a man in this city who is both likeable and unattached.) I don't dare make a pass at Jarl Balgruuf, so I'm thinking I'll take a chance with Farengar. Of course we'll have to wait for the night, because during the working hours, the palace personnel is walking in and out of Farengar's office with a variety of requests, so he can't leave even shortly, except for food breaks, and those are served at those long tables in the main hall.
The necessary wait is going to give me the perfect opportunity to, firstly, participate in the session of the Complicated Relationships Committee, and, secondly, work on me and my followers' gear after that. Ready to dive into item 1, I turn around and let my eyes wander over the dining area. I can't see Jenassa anywhere. I step up to Lydia and Jordis. They inform me that Jenassa went away with... Mikki! Apparently they're sitting outside the palace on a bench, talking from heart to heart.
I think at first the girls are pulling my leg, but then I go outside and indeed I can see Jenassa and Mikki talking. I don't want them to notice me staring, so I just walk down towards the marketplace to find my stepdaughter Lucia.
I meet Aela. We talk about this and that and he happens to mention a location called Blackmoor. I ask where it is and she wonders I've never been there, as it's not too far from the city. She shows it to me on the map. It's in the west-northwest, between Hviterun and Roriksted.
We walk together to the marketplace. Turns out this is an unusually busy day, so Lucia, Mila and Carlotta are having their hands full. I promise Lucia I'll talk to her later.
Somehow the midday heat is really wearing me down. I stroll absent-mindedly to my house where I lie down for a moment on the mattress. Before I know it, I've fallen asleep.
next awakening
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