This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-202-01-08 11:09
Lillandril Palace Quarters, Lillandril, Summerset, Aldmeri Dominion
After we've had our bath and breakfast, we meet Queen Marawyn.
She suggests we can make ourselves useful by killing a bandit leader at the Abandoned Dock west of Ebon.
The queen wears a very beautiful dress. I wonder what I have to do to get my hands on something like that. I still haven't found anyone selling beautiful clothes. Would I have to grab Marawyn (or someone else) and strip her naked with force?
There's a big marketplace just outside the palace, but I'm not having any luck as far as fine clothing is concerned. My time is better spent with the (admittedly modest) smithing facilities improving our weapons and armor. For alchemy and enchanting, I'll have to return to Ebon.

I can't believe my eyes. That Argonian woman on the right is working on the field stark naked.
They must be really very broad-minded here. Or is she under a shaming punishment??
They must be really very broad-minded here. Or is she under a shaming punishment??
We'll go and take care of those bandits right now. Since it wouldn't be very interesting to return to the southeast the same way we came yesterday, we'll travel south first. The map suggests that eventually we would reach a pass that leads to the east between mountains. Through it, we'd end up on the seashore a little way south from the aforementioned Abandoned Docks.
Our trip through the forest is eventless, but we see something weird when we're just about through that pass.
There are two citadels with no signs of life. Nevertheless, I sense this is a bad place. We approach very slowly and cautiously, but I can't detect anyone. Then I remember. I've dreamed about this location. There is no one here, just very horrible traps. We walk past the citadels looking carefully before our feet and reach the shore of the bay unscathed.
Nearby is a bridge over a pond or a small lagoon. (See the picture above.) When we approach, we are attacked by three creatures who look like fish with legs. They're very aggressive, but unsurprisingly a wolf-sized animal has no chance against a human being with a sword.
We are already seeing the fortifications of Ebon to our northeast across the bay. We cross the bridge to the other side of the pond and turn left around the hill, and now we can see a shack and a pier of sorts. That must the bandit nest we're looking for. We sneak closer, but the bandits have very sharp eyes. We haven't got a chance to remain undetected. Fortunately, they don't carry ranged weapons, and running all the way to us without getting shot halfway is a task way over their heads.
We snoop around in their camp a little and then return to Ebon.
I go to the Great Hall and tell Yassanaro innocently that I got the book he wanted but I left it in my house and he can come along and I'll give it to him. He doesn't quite get the hint and grumbles something about stupid women, but then he comes with me. Passing by my followers, I look at then meaningfully and they know they're to keep away from our home for the next hour or two.
As soon as I've closed the door behind us, I strip naked. Yassanaro doesn't ask about the book until he's pulled out of me again, but then he does and he's quite impatient and leaves quickly, which is disappointing.
Yet, from the purely physical point of view, it was extremely satisfying. I'll have to take a few days' break again starting tomorrow, so I'm very happy I succeeded in seducing Yassanaro. For that matter, I'm even beginning to understand why Jenassa is so crazy about High Elves – even though I have to stress that Veleth of Ravenrock, a Dark Elf, wasn't in any way inferior.
I figure I ought to go and show myself in the town in case one of my followers would like to make use of the house. But then I remember I didn't have a chance to do alchemy and enchanting in Lillandril, so I do it now.
Enchanting takes me several hours. My girls (who must have seen Yassanaro returning to the town) come home at different times. I barely notice them. When I'm done with my work, I hobble upstairs to the bedroom only to find my bed occupied by Lydia and Jordis. I have to sleep on a mattress. But I'm so exhausted I'd fall asleep on top of a dead mammoth. Today was a great day.
next awakening
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