This fanfic novel is largely based on the events that occurred in an actual game of Skyrim I played. Therefore, it's inevitably a spoiler.
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4-201-09-21 05:51
a tent on the village square, Stonehills, Hjaalmarch, Skyrim
I had a dream suggesting someone has left a letter to his accomplice named Reginald with the innkeeper in Windhelm, and it would lead to an adventure – as long as I got there before that Reginald guy. The dream was not very clear, but I guess I can check it out. We are likely to be in Windhelm soon anyway.
About at the time when the sun rises, we continue our journey to the northeast along the highway in snowfall.
I don't feel I've slept well in that tent. I suspect I'm getting soft sleeping in beds all the time. But then again, I'm a woman, am I not? Men may like to rough it, but I don't have to be ashamed of wanting to be comfortable.
Halfway to Dånstar, we stop to clean out the corpses after a battle. Hurrying onwards, we are already seeing another group of soldiers headed where we came from. I wonder if someone is working towards peace negotiations or will they go on like this until the country is completely devastated.
Even though I'm dog-tired by the time we reach Dånstar, I'm happy to see my Khajiit friends. To tell you the truth, I'm a little apprehensive, because I took Kharjo from them and caused his death. I've been wondering how I can ever look them in the eyes again. But they don't seem to hold Kharjo's death against me.

That's their camp, as you probably recognized already.
Rayya seems to be bearing up well in this climate.
Rayya seems to be bearing up well in this climate.
We meet Bjarne among the guards on the street. He and Lydia nod a greeting. The way the two look at each other, they must be hooked real bad. After a while I say casually: "You know what, Lydia?"
"What?" she asks.
"I think I'll have an early night today. Not right now, obviously," (it's not even noon), "but if you want to, you can go and hire a room already."
Lydia can barely muster enough patience to let me finish speaking. Then she hurries away as slowly as she can force herself to walk, to bring her boyfriend the good news while Jenassa, Rayya and I grin at each other.
I make good money on our loot. Then I have three reports to make: tell the jarl about the slain dragon at Shearpoint, bring the young Captain Wayfinder his lost merchandise, and return Captain Alday's family greatsword to the owner. Alday is so moved that he actually gives the sword to me as a present. Wow. That's a little weird, but thanks. I'm not going to tell him that I don't use greatswords, so I'll simply destroy it with an Arcane Enchanter to learn its awesome frost enchantment.
And then, when it's not even dark yet, I drag my exhausted body to the inn and go to sleep. (Lydia and Bjarne are long gone by now.)
next awakening